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Posts posted by David13

  1. Congrats

    I think the great and lovable Anatess is still gone, but not forgotten.

    I myself have actually been able to log in several times now.  However I don't stay logged in.  I have to relog whenever I come back, but at least then I can get in.


  2. I do not particularly like compliments.  I generally don't need them, as I know who I am and I generally know why I have done something I have done.

    If I do good things, I try and prefer to do them anonymously to avoid any praise that might go with it.

    I do not particularly like compliments as it tends to feed my ego too much.  And I believe I have sufficient ego and always have.

    I recall over the years, one girlfriend who looked at me and said, "you know, you are the type of guy that gets anything he wants, aren't you?"  I had not thought of myself like that, but I did believe that anyone could get anything they want, within reason, if they tried.

    Another time a girlfriend said to me "you are the type of guy that gets up in the morning, looks in the mirror, and says 'go get 'em, tiger!', aren't you."

    I never thought of myself like that either. 

    So I don't know if I come off as prideful, or just confident.  I'd like to think of myself as humble, as I don't like compliments.

    So, no compliments for me, please, and thank you.


  3. I didn't really want to post anything else, but since the new improved website gave me two for the price of one, I need to put something in here.

    I was locked out again. 

    The website still won't 'remember me' when I come back.

    One of my favorite things about Sacrament meeting is the women singing.  They sing so nice.


  4. When I was a kid, and I'm talking about the 1950s, my father always asked for a discount on anything he bought.  Why?  He was a telephone company employee.  ?  But more times that not, he got one.  It taught me that anybody can get a discount.

    Today I'm a member of at least 10 or 20 or more organizations with discount arrangements somewhere.  Just show the card.  AMA, ABA, CalBar, AAA, and on and on.  Or just ask.  The clerk or manager can frequently give a discount.


    And if you can get a discount in person, shop online.

  5. I don't have kids (never did).  But all the noise doesn't bother me.  I know that is the future of the Kingdom, so I'm glad they are there.

    Today I got whacked from behind about ten times.  And three times kids appeared from under the pew by my legs, only to be pulled back by the legs.  And one tried to grab my iPad from the pew beside me before being pulled backward.

    I have suffered much worse in life, believe me.

    I'm glad to see them there, and usually I can hear most of the talk anyway.


  6. Yes, sometimes you will get that. 

    The more you spend, the more attention you will get.

    Also, if you are shabby dressed or not a lot of jewelry, they assume you are not much of a tipper.

    If you look like a truck driver, in a place where they like truck drivers (big tippers) you will get good service.  A place where they don't like truck drivers, poor service.

    I ride a motorcycle.  BMW.  Sometimes I get lousy service.  Perception, lousy tipper.  Other times excellent preferential service.  They like motorcycles, or they think BMW = $, or they know that there are a lot of good tipper motorcyclists (Harley guys are well known as big tippers.  They have a soft spot for ladies, waitresses, and working people)

    So all I can tell you, is, it all depends.  Who what where and when.  And perceptions.


    Any time you want good service, pull out money and hand it over.  Pull out some and ask for a special favor, then hand the money directly to the server.  I usually give large tips, 30 or 40%.  Then when I go back I usually get good service.  But be sure to hand it directly the the waitress, even if you have to walk around to find her.  Go to one of the casinos in Vegas.  Watch who gets good service.  Always the one with cash in hand who hands it out.


  7. I can accept that if someone needs a job, and the only available job they can get at the moment is working in a liquor store, there is no problem with that.

    They are not "pushing" booze, nor cigarettes.  The people come in predisposed to buy that.

    But actually putting out money or going to the store for the purpose of buying alcohol or cigarettes for one of your friends?  No, I see that as wrong.  That's enabling them to engage in those vices.  I don't think that's pious.  It's just common sense. 

    In fact about 10 or 15 years ago, a friend pulled out $20 and asked me to go across the street to the liquor store and get him a pack of cigarettes.  I refused.  Not self righteously, nor piously, just simply, no I can't do that.  I don't think you should be smoking.  It's not good for you, it's a waste of money, etc.  I told him I didn't feel that I could do that for him.

    I do believe that stuck with him and helped him quit smoking.  He doesn't smoke today.


    Even more so, when someone knows I don't smoke, and asks, "would it be all right if I smoked here?" I always say, I would prefer if you didn't.  They usually respect that.

    Drinking, I ride (motorcycle) with a lot of people who drink.  But only those who don't over do it. 

  8. Church is one of the best and easiest ways to establish community.  I think that is part of why Jesus Christ uses a church.

    But it's also a vessel to bring the gospel to each and every member.

    I liken it to law school.

    In some states you can self study and become a lawyer.  But no one ever does today.  Why not?

    No group to study with, no deadline to get your lesson done, no professor to guide the class, etc.

    What better "support group" than the brethren at the church?



  9. Somebody said they don't want to be embalmed.  I can't find it but they are in Utah.

    In Utah you are not required to be embalmed.  I think you are in California thanks to the embalmers lobby.

    Study up on embalming a bit.  It is really just a waste of money.  The body will deteriorate anyway.


  10. On 2/21/2016 at 3:13 PM, Ironhold said:

    Given the way my life's been going, when I do finally die I doubt that there will be enough left of me to bury. 


    You remind me of my younger brother.  I didn't get to see him at all.  And then he was just sent out for creamation pursuant to my father and his wife's wishes.

    Then again, for viewing, the problem was there wasn't much left of him.  He had sat in his house for about a week before anyone notice he was beyond the veil.


  11. 6 hours ago, Jane_Doe said:
    6 hours ago, Jane_Doe said:

    There was a push back for that in the 90's, because the church owns the copyright to the full name, but not to "Mormon".  Such push has since been abandoned.  The "I'm a Mormon" campaign and "mormon.org" are evidence of it.  

    There was a push back for that in the 90's, because the church owns the copyright to the full name, but not to "Mormon".  Such push has since been abandoned.  The "I'm a Mormon" campaign and "mormon.org" are evidence of it.  

    Actually, I think the church does own "Mormon". 

    It's not by copyright.  It's by trademark. 

    I suppose it is registered and all that, and it appears they take legal action to protect it, which is needed to preserve it.

    The church, thru' Intellectual Reserve, Inc., has taken action when the name has been used.


  12. On 2/17/2016 at 6:36 AM, NeedleinA said:

    Sounds like you have kind of already made up your mind. Where you hoping to hear more of a positive "Go for it!"? You are having an issue/concern, yet you already seem to know the answer to it: " fan base is growing very slowly because I don't perform. " Why not strap on the boots and go perform then?

    Right there it is. 

    Like the Colonel used to say to Elvis:  "Evis, boy, git out there'n sing!"

    As an aside, how are things in Ashland?  I used to go up there every year for the Shakespeare.  It's sure a nice town.


  13. 18 hours ago, NeedleinA said:

    I say the same thing I said to Sunday21, we are glad you are here and happy to have you as a shining bright green! This is a great place to fellowship and remind ourselves that we are not alone. Glad things are working great for you! I hope you enjoy Utah and find fellowship there too. Going with realistic expectations is key I think.

    I have totally unreasonable expectations about Utah.  That's what makes it so much fun every time I'm there. 

    I'll be back again next month, and then also for General Conference.


  14. 15 hours ago, Vort said:

    I think you should double his access fee. Then he'll be sorry.

    I would have paid double the access fee from the beginning anyway.  I am on many many forums where I pay.  As it stands I am indeed paying the required fee, aren't I?

    The truth may hurt, but shouldn't be considered an insult.  It wasn't meant to be here.

    It's still logging me out every time. 


  15. 1 hour ago, NeedleinA said:

    David13. Out of curiosity, does this mean you are lone member, or does it mean they once were active and now are no longer. Thanks!

    I'm the lone member of anyone ever even remotely related to me, that I know of.

    I was divorced and my ex passed away, I haven't remarried, my parents and all others are dead or far away.  I only joined the church last year.

    I have been aware of the church since 1963 on a visit to Salt Lake.  My mother was a MTChoir fan. 

    I was raised as a catholic but was inactive all my adult life.

    I am being called to Utah and was called into the church.  I guess it was an answer to a prayer to find a way to better prepare for the final day of mortal life.

    So far it's all working great.


  16. The new improved system constantly logs me out after each visit to the forum, on two computers.  I guess it was not ALL New and Improved.

    Only partially.


    Yes, I know there is a box to check.  I always check the box.  Just about every forum in the world has a box to check.  I always check the box.

    I do know one website where you don't have to check the box, you just always are logged in when you return, but those are real smart computer guys on that website.


  17. 6 hours ago, MormonGator said:

    No, it doesn't on purpose. If someone is really determined to believe that Obama is evil-precious little I say is going to change their mind. Seriously LeSellers, who on the internet asks questions to learn? We ask questions to argue.  

    How is it possible that someone who so perfectly distorts truth into lies is not considered evil?  What does it take for you?


  18. 6 hours ago, MormonGator said:

    No, it doesn't on purpose. If someone is really determined to believe that Obama is evil-precious little I say is going to change their mind. Seriously LeSellers, who on the internet asks questions to learn? We ask questions to argue.  

    How is it possible that someone who so perfectly distorts truth into lies is not considered evil?  What does it take for you?
