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Everything posted by siouxz72

  1. I'm so glad you're enjoying the books, Pam! :) I agree with all the poster's here...they are books that you just CAN'T put down! I must read "just a little bit more" to find out what's gonna happen. It got so bad that I had to set a timer so I wouldn't spend all day/night reading! I know.. I'm a nerd! Adomimi, Would you post the link for us?
  2. Here were my little brother's two favorite jokes as a kid... Q: What do you say to a blue monster? A: Cheer Up!! Q: Where do sick boats go? A: To the Dock! tee hee! And Bryan's favorite when he was 5.. Knock knock Who's There? Little Old Lady Little Old Lady who? I didn't know you knew how to yodle... hahahahahahah
  3. what a sweet little girl! :) you're a lucky mom, onyx
  4. This is awesome! Thanks for sharing it Dr. T! :)
  5. definitely read a book! I love to curl up on the couch and loose myself in a good book! live music or listen to the album
  6. Yay! Congrats to your brother! Of all my brother's only one has served a mission... He's mildly autistic and has been able to serve at the Bishop's Storehouse near my parents home. His serving has really blessed my family and I'm so thankful that this is a choice he has made. :)
  7. Now Sioux, I've liked you so far. Don't make me change my opinion of you. hee hee! hey..we can still like each other plenty fine. my mom's a very liberal democrat and my daddy's a very straight-laced republican and they get along famously! and plus they made me!
  8. I read a really great article about Obama in Vibe magazine a few issues back. My respoct for him has really grown in the last few months! :)
  9. taaahahahahaha!! I can't see how you kept a straight face! That's always my down fall... I just start cracking up! A couple of nights ago I was cooking dinner with my 16 yo daughter who likes her pasta with butter not sauce. So she pulls out a stick of butter and says with pure confusion in her voice... "mom. where's the real butter i say..."it's in your hand." she says "no, the REAL butter. you know...the I Can't Believe It's Not Butter.." (it's a margarine/spread here in the US) I say.."that's NOT butter, that's margarine. What you have in your hand is the butter." she's still full of confusion and is all.."but it IS butter." I again lovingly say... "No, it's NOT butter that's why it's called I Can't Believe It's Not Butter. Because it tastes so much like butter, people can't believe it. see?" She then gets that omygoshigetit look and says "ooooooh". I couldn't help but laugh! and then I called my mom to tell her the story :)
  10. siouxz72


    Welcome James!
  11. definitely tour Europe! :) i've always wanted to backpack my way across europe... maybe in 6 years when the youngest goes off to college! go to a broadway show or go to an imax movie
  12. Welcome. As the mother of a future missionary I would love to read your stories! I look forward to them. :)
  13. Okay so what time is YOUR brunch so I can make sure I'm on time next week? 9:30 am ! be there or be L7! :) I would love to have you!
  14. This is wonderful news Douglas! Both about the appointment and your closeness with the Spirit. Be sure to write down any questions or thoughts you have for the missionaries so you can ask when you see them today! I hope you have a nice visit. I can't wait to read about it! :) -siouxz
  15. i'd have to go with... For Fun! Swimming with my family is the best! camping in a national park or staying at an all inclusive resort for families?
  16. Welcome, HockeyDude! I look forward to seeing your posts! You sound like a very impressive young man. :)
  17. Welcome James! What a great story! You're wife sounds like she's a great lady! :)
  18. SF.. Old Bay is a seasoning you can find at the grocery store. Super yummy on all types of seafood. :) Guess what you guys?! I made Funeral Potatoes for the the first time ever in my 34 years last night for dinner. My little daughter said "I thought they only made these at church!" hee hee! They were really yummy with the pork chops, salad and brides biscuits! We're on the 11:30 am start time right now for church so usually make a big brunch to last us through the block. Eggs Bacon/Sausage/Chorizo Muffins of some sort..this is where i experiment..blueberry. poppy seed. chocolate/chocolate chip. Fruit- I usually chop it up in to bite size chunks and make a topping/dip that's 1/2 a tub of cool whip lite and 1 container of whichever yogurt flavor sounds good. Last time it was blackberry and a huge hit! you can work out whatever coolwhip to yogurt ratio is yummiest for you. :) And always, always potatoes of some sort! :)
  19. Lemon Meringue for sure! :) apartment in the city or house in the country
  20.'s only going to be in the 80's here tomorrow! ugh! i wish it would cool down! :)
  21. Sixpack is right. It's okay to tell your Bishop that you just can't "do" a calling right now. Take some time...regroup. Gather yourself back up and when you're ready you can let him know :)
  22. going to the spa....ah! relaxing! :)
  23. ice-cream! Fort or Tree-House?