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Everything posted by siouxz72

  1. My Goodness! Snow! I can't believe it! I'm in Texas and it's going to be around 90 today! Ack!
  2. hee hee hee! Poor Snow!! I used to work with a guy who tried to dye his very salt and pepper gray hair brown... it turned purple! edited for spelling
  3. this one's for all of us that need to remember that we're awesome!! :) (...cuz we really are!!) enjoy!
  4. hee hee! let's see... Richard Simmons Jazzercise!
  5. man...i can't believe how naive i am! i'll be a little more skeptical next time! grrrrr...what a creep!
  6. wow! all that chocolate makes me think of only one thing.... Charlie & The Chocolate Factory!
  7. here here! should that be (hear hear?) (or possibley heer heer?) he he! Thank goodness for LDSForums :)
  8. Ha! That was my first thought, too! I had to re-read the OP a couple of times to see what he was asking.
  9. c'mon you guys... matt's asking a sincere question. let's not scare him out of here the first time he posts!!
  10. yup yup! We'll definitely pray with you! where's my sparkly grin?!
  11. Hi Cosmic! First off...welcome to the board! That wasn't too long at all! :) Thanks for sharing your story with us. I would say to go ahead and go to church on Sunday. Look on and see what time your ward/branch starts and just "turn up" for sacrament meeting. Go ahead and stay for sunday school/relief society/primary if you wish. As long as your comfortable, stay. Then, when you're ready, talk to the Bishop and let him know your story. (he would never tell you "no" a matter of fact, he'll probably welcome you back with open arms just like Christ would) He'll counsel you as to the steps you would need to take to become a member again. I bet you'd get to take the missionary discussions and everything! Lucky! Keep us posted on how it goes! -siouxz
  12. Hello Matt! I'm so glad that you're finding the Book of Mormon to be an interesting read. I hope the Spirit touches you so that you can recognize the truths it contains. So far as your ring goes...that's not something that we normally do as a Church. Is there a reason why it needs to be blessed?
  13. hee hee! This has been a really funny thread! :) Snow, both counter tops are beautiful. I love French Country and it sounds like you're going to do a wonderful job with the remodel! ...just don't leave any stray punch bowls lying around! (sorry, SF! i HAD to! )
  14. Yay! I heard from her! Thanks for the suggestion Iggy! :)
  15. man... i must be really naive about that other forum. i'll send her a pm. i'm so happy you were able to talk to her. that's so great! thanks for letting me know how to get in touch with her!
  16. Oh Elphaba! Please do! I really do miss her! And I'm glad to see you're around, too! I was very touched by one of your posts today... you are a good woman. I know how it is over at Talk. I did accidentally really offend someone over there today with a potty joke and apologized and she told me my sense of humor was disgusting. aaaah well. You can't please everyone now, can you?! I decided after a point to not respond any more because I could tell that I wasn't understanding what she was saying and she wasn't understanding what I was asking for and I didn't want to make it any worse. Well, anyway..enough of that! Please email her and let her know that I've been asking after her. Thank you so much! Can I give you big hugs and kisses for being so sweet?! -siouxz
  17. I like your thinking Alaskagain! Both in regards to the spouse and the kids!
  18. Kinda crazy what people think is a "good idea". So sad that they don't see the wonderful eternal plan of it all.
  19. siouxz72


    Here's an oldie but a goodie... Walking up to a department store's fabric counter, a pretty girl asked, "How much does this cost?" "Only one kiss per yard," replied the smirking male clerk. "That's fine," replied the girl. "I'll take 10 yards." The clerk hurriedly measured out and wrapped the cloth, the held it out teasingly. The girl snapped up the package, and said to a little old man standing beside her, "Grandpa, pay the man."
  20. I'm not a teen..but I have a 16 YO daughter and a 14 YO son. And we have ALL the HP books and movies. Does that count at all?! oh! And my son has red hair just like Ron... yup! he's a cutie! :)