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Everything posted by siouxz72

  1. siouxz72


    I'm green with envy over the snoopy snow cone machine!! not fair! and husband cooks. He makes killer pancakes! They sit in me for days! ugh!
  2. Thanks Iggy!! I look forward to visiting with you, too! This is looking like a great forum site already and I've just barely been able to cruise it. I'm so glad I happened across it. As a matter of fact....let me go for a drive-by right now!
  3. siouxz72


    That does sound delicious, MorningStar! And anything to make the process easier is good for me! Now I want to go home and get some of my favorite recipes out to share! One thing I did do that I can post here real quick is this... a couple of years ago my mom asked me what I wanted for Christmas and I told her that I would like a little book of all the recipes for my favorite foods growing up. You know, the usual Mormon greats....shepards pie. funeral potatoes. etc. The cool thing was that she called all my brothers and sister and got what they wanted to and made us a family cook book. She included all sorts of great scriptural references to food (hee hee) and quotes from various church people as well as all of our favorite foods! I think this is probably the best gift I have ever gotten from her...especially since she denied me the Snoopy Snow Cone Machine when I was a child! (not that I'm bitter about it or anything
  4. Hi Bunzy! I always heard this same thing growing up. From my parents as well. I have to tell you, while I don't think talking about him gives him power over us, I do think too much talk can invite a bad spirit to be about...
  5. I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone here as well! Although, from your warning I might want to stay away!
  6. Like Iggy...and Bunzy...and even Elphaba! By way of introduction... my name is siouxz, pronounced susie. That is just a little nod to one of my favorite bands of all time - Siouxsie and The Banshees. I'm 34, married 17 years..yup! That's half my life! I have three kids ages 16, 14 and 12 that are all the things that kids should be. Smart, good looking, gullible... It gives me great joy to pull pranks on them, but now that they're getting older they're pranking me even worse it seems! I should have expected that! I grew up in California, on the Central Coast. A little town called Pismo Beach. We moved to the valley (Sacramento) when my 14 year old was 2 and then on to The Great State of Texas just a couple of years ago. I'm surprised by how much I love this state! Living in the Metroplex with all the activities available to us has been great! The museums and botanical gardens alone were worth the move, but having Six Flags over Texas so close is just the icing on the cake! Well, I'm really looking forward to reading the forums and seeing what everyone has to say! :) Ya'll should drop a line and say hi! I would love to hear from you! Have a super great day! ....hey! where's the sparkley grin?! fairy_cakes will be sad if she doesn't have one over here!
  7. Yeah I get that, it's just over here we never refer to college or uni as school, only primary and secondary, that's why I'm always like "Huh?" when they say it! Hi Fairy_Cakes! So, over here the kids go to pre-school from ages 3-5. 5 year olds start school with Kindergarten. From ages 6-11 they go to elementary school, which are grades 1st through 6th. Then it's on to Middle School (called Junior High when I was in school) for grades 7th & 8th (ages 12&13 usually). High School is grades 9th - 12th and usually ages 14-18. With cut-off dates and all, those ages can vary. After High School it's on the College or out in to the real world! Every so often you run across a genius such as your daughter... or my son who "skips" a grade or two and so is younger than the rest of the class. He seems to be coping just fine as well and plans to graduate after his "junior" year of high school which is 11th grade. He'll be just barely 16 years old...and while I'm very proud of him for his goals, it terrifies me that he will be so young and heading off to college. He wants to go to BYU, so let's all keep our fingers crossed for that. Also, one other quirky school thing we have going on over here is called "home schooling" where you can teach your kids yourself. You get the curriculum either from the school district or various other sources and teach away! Many kids finish high school when they're like 12 or something. There are some parents on here that do the whole home schooling thing that can explain it way better than I. Okay... clear as mud?!
  8. I would like to apologize to my children for convincing them that I was an alien who ate dryer lint when they asked me where it all went when the trap was empty. I'd also like to apologize for telling them that I had to take off my human skin at night so my alien skin could breathe and that's why they couldn't sleep with us in the bed. And really.... I should have never said that because of all this, they were, in turn, half alien. It really was mean of me and I feel horrible. In my defense...they were only 5, 3 and 1, so not too much damage was done. was really funny to see the looks on their little faces!
  9. I was being sarcastic....LOL!!!!!...... i think sarcastically is the only way to enjoy algebra...or geometry...or trig...
  10. now you're just being morbid, checker! Smack out of it! You know I say this out of love....
  11. That was greatness, Jason! I'm still giggling about option A. But seriously, Shelly... it sounds like you're in a real jam and I'm sorry to hear that. My advice to you would be along the lines of Jason..without the lover. The question I would have you ask yourself is if you can live with a person like him for the rest of your life? Not just are you happy...but can you REALLY live with the person that your husband is. Because he's not going to change. You've already seen that and have had to make some changes of your own to deal with it. I'm going to guess that you have kids since you said that you need to be the moral leader... think of the kids. Sometimes it really is better not to "stay together for the kids". They will actually be better off in a happy home, wether that's with your current husband or not. Above all, you should do as you've done before... take it to the Lord and let him help you know He will!
  12. Pam just reminded me of the my song for my kids... It's called Pop Rocks and Coke by Green Day. If any of you don't know it here are the lyrics. "Poprocks & Coke" Wherever you go You know I’ll be there If you go far, You know I’ll be there I’ll go anywhere, So I’ll see you there You place the name You know I’ll be there You name the time You know I’ll be there I’ll go anywhere So I’ll see you there I don’t care if you don’t mind I’ll be there not far behind I will dare Keep in mind I’ll be there for you Where there’s truth You know I’ll be there Amongst the lies You know I’ll be there I’ll go anywhere So I’ll see you there I don’t care if you don’t mind I’ll be there not far behind I will dare Keep in mind I’ll be there for you If you should fall You know I’ll be there To catch the call You know I’ll be there I’ll go anywhere So I’ll see you there I don’t care if you don’t mind I’ll be there not far behind I will dare Keep in mind I don’t care I’ll be there for you I’ll be there for you You should all go listen to it right now. :)
  13. Wow a-train...that was beautiful! Thanks for the post! What a great way to start my day... :)
  14. My kids are definitely excited about starting off the school year. Ivy is very happy to be back in football, her AP classes and that order. :) Bryan is enjoying Biology far more than he ever thought possible. And Katie?! She's in heaven! Volleyball, choir and all her friends?! She could literally keel over from the excitement of it all!! Let's all just keep our fingers crossed that the school year will continue on as well as this first week!
  15. It's so true, Pam! The way we treat people on a daily basis does have an impact. I work for a very demanding boss who has an equally demanding 8 year old son. The son only acts the way he knows from his father. Well, one day he was waiting for me to leave for lunch so that he could play on my computer and I was getting irritated because I was trying to work so I COULD go to lunch. He was sitting there tapping his fingers on the desk and telling me to hurry up! First I told him not so nicely that if he demanded things of me he was really not going to get his way. Then I told him to go away and I'd let him know when I was ready. The little look on his face made me instantly regret what I had said and the way I had said it as well as his next comment... "Sorry, Susie. Are we still best friends?" Yup! That sure reminded me quickly of the kind of person I want to be and not the meanie I was being.
  16. ok ok...i checked my fingers, too. And just like fairycakes I travel between both worlds a lot. I love sports! I don't know that you'll find a bigger Mavs fan than me! And don't even get me started on football! But at the same time I love to dress up and go out for dinner with my husband. Do my hair all up, put on my make up and hear him tell me how pretty I am. :)
  17. Sounds like you're heading in the right direction, Sleep. There are a lot of ways that you can help while you're going through the repentance process and until you are able to serve a full time mission. Remember that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love you very much and are ready and waiting for you to come back to them completely. :) I'm so happy that friends are coming out of the woodwork and that you feel comfortable with us her at Talk! Good luck with the job hunt!!
  18. Hi Sleep! Sorry to hear you guys broke up again. It's just like the song says...breaking up is hard to do! I remember 20 as well and from the ripe old age of 34, here's my advice. I most heartily concur with Annabelli. You've been in seriously relationships since you were of an age to date. What you need to do most right now is focus on you! What would you like to do with your life? What sort of career would you be interested in pursuing? What sort of schooling will that require? Where would you like to go to school? etc. etc. YSA is a great place for you to meet new friends that have similar beliefs to you. That's a place where you can develop friendships that will last you a life time! Also, it sounds like your of an age to serve a mission... Is that something that interests you? There's nothing like focusing on service to the Lord to get your mind off things here in the "world"! really is true that time heals all wounds. I had a very tumultuous relationship with a boy when I was in high school and there was no way I ever thought we would be in a position to be friends again...but that's exactly what has happened! It wasn't instantaneous, but it did happen eventually. The first few conversations were, needles to say, awkward..but I really did care about him and what he was doing with his life and so that eventually won out over the awkwardness! And by all means listen to CaptainTux!! " romantic comedies, no Cure, no Empire Strikes Back, and no drive bys her house or old hang outs." This is mandatory! No ifs ands or buts about it! There you have two cents! Good luck, my friend! :)
  19. Awww, sorry about the tearing up :) I did consider putting a warning on this one.. but totally forgot to :) It's quite alright! They were good tears... The 3rd and 5th stories were especially touching!! I picture my little ones in the shoes of the little ones in the story and think about how sweet and pure those little spirits are. It's such greatness that our Heavenly Father loves us enough to trust us with spirits like those! :) The 1st and 2nd stories also remind me of that MormonAd that says "It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice" Good words to live by!
  20. Susie! That was so great! Way to make me tear up on a Friday morning!! Thank you so much for sharing the stories!
  21. This is why you put a mini-ramp in your back yard a-train! I agree with PC...pimping coffee is probably not the best image for our radio friend to be putting out there.
  22. Also known as a Bisquick Mormon. Just add water… tee hee! I've never heard that phrase before, either! See what I'm learning from ya'll?! This is the best place on the internet!
  23. I feel most at home when... the whole family is all sprawled out on the living room floor on Sunday afternoon. Pot Roast in the and husband are all happy from church.. and it's family nap time! I think that's the best sleep we get of the whole week! :)