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Everything posted by siouxz72

  1. Just in case you ladies were wondering... Checker really is a dork! :)
  2. rofl!!!!!! you keep working on that whatnot! i'll be the judge of studly!
  3. Look at you! Going all post-al! If only you had added a couple more cents you would have been up to a buck-o-nine! ha! You bring up some very good points, my friend! Hope all is well in checkerboyworld!
  4. Vegemite? Isn't that a bread spread from the land down under? and really... what is UMW? And Welcome! Welcome!
  5. Bryan didn't decide to start talking until he was around 2 1/2. I think that was because Ivy did all the talking for him! But once he did start to talk!! ha ha ha! My favorite word to make him say was Dilophosaurus! He was hillarious with his little gravely voice! I've got it all on's the greatest movie ever made! tee hee
  6. Hi Pa Pa! I just love your name so had to give you a quick shout out! Have a great Friday! :)
  7. I too, am a proud mom! I can't believe we get a specific place to fully brag about our kids! This is so great! I'll just go in order from oldest to youngest! Ivy- She's very much the little mom of the house. Typical oldest child. Loves to have things in order and organization is a must for her! Could be why she excels (sp?) as a manager for the football team. (did you know that she can get a scholarship for that?! TCU coaches have been talking to her about it!) She has a hard time with her mommy's scatterbrained ways but does really well all things considered! The best compliment I ever got about her was this... Her Sunday School teacher related this to me one day after church. When she was 13 or 14 she had a boy in her Sunday School class that was a little touched. People pretty much shyed away from him because he was just so odd. Well, one day they were all talking about their nicknames - eveyone was telling a story about it. This boy usually just sat next to Ivy not really participating in any of the discussions...well he pipes up with "What about Ivyprofen?!" Everyone was like what? what is he talking about.. then he explained... "Ivy! I call her Ivyprofen cuz she makes me feel better! Just like the medicine" How cute is that?! (everyone laughed at his nickname for her so he just said it over and over and over cuz he loved to see them all laughing!!) :) Bryan- He's my little artist. Well...he's not that little anymore! 14 yo and taller than his mama! He's also my little smarty pants. He skipped third grade and was told he could go all the way up to 5th if we wanted. That would have put him in the same grade as Ivy, though so we decided against it. I guess the little story I wanted to tell about him is that he's an artist. He's also very shy (he will barely even answer the phone). At the end of the last school year he had to put together a portfolio of his work and go "interview" with the Advanced Placement art teacher. She was so impressed with his work that she sent a letter home to let us know that she personally wanted him in her class. I can only imagine how hard it must have been for him to go and talk to a stranger and show her his work. I'm so proud of him that he pushes his comfort level like that. He's very much enjoying the class so far this year! Katie- My little Katie-Baby! I can't stand her because she's so much like me! j/k! I really do love her tons! This year she's joined her school choir and is playing on the volleyball team. She's little miss social and really school is just a back drop for her so she can see her friends! Like Ivy, she too has a gift with people They love to be around her, especially babies! She can get an upset baby to turn that frown around in nothing flat! Being almost 12, all the ladies in the ward have started to call her for babysitting jobs and she is just on cloud nine! I love the fact that she's so outgoing and can talk to anyone about anything. (that's the part where she's just like me) All in all....I'm a really lucky mommy! Thanks for letting me brag!! :)
  8. What a great intro! I look forward to getting to know you, Douglas. :)
  9. siouxz72


    As recipe!! and wouldn't you know it?! It's for Jello Salad!! Susie's Aunt Pat's Strawberry Jello Salad 1 Large Strawberry Jello 2 10 oz Frozen Strawberries 1 Cup Boiling Water 1 Can Crushed Pineapple - drained (medium size) 6 Ripe Bananas - mashed 1 pt (2cups) Sour Cream Mix jello & water until jello is dissolved. Stir in strawberries, pineapple and bananas. Put 1/2 the mixture in a 9 x 13 pan. Put in the fridge to set. (leave the other 1/2 on the counter) When set, spread on stirred sour cream. Add remaining jello carefully on top of sour cream and let set. Enjoy! This jello salad is a very happy memory from my childhood. I hope you guys like it!! :)
  10. ohmygoodness!!! That was so great! And I thought I had seen every Cheers episode ever! Thank you so much for sharing!!
  11. the word sonic makes me think of... burgers!!!
  12. that was greatness times four!!
  13. siouxz72


    tee hee! I had one...and for some reason my mom thought it was just hilarious to get me all the "susie homemaker" toys...could it be the fact that I was much more in to climbing trees that baking things with a light bulb?! sorry for the thread-jack! i promise to post a recipe when i get home!!
  14. the beach... i used to always ditch school to go surfing :)
  15. Yay! I'm a woman! I get to call you "beast"! Looks like I'm one of the priviliged few.. me and the marsupials! go us!
  16. Yediyd...Do you have any See's Candy?! They only have it here in Texas during the Chrismas Holiday and I do miss it so!! Checker's 33...don't let him tell you he's any younger than that! I know he'll try to play if off like he's all young and studly and whatnot! Where can we go to see your art work Yediyd? -Siouxz
  17. Checker!! Yay! Welcome to our new home away from home! You know what game you should play with Josh?! Worst Case Scenario! That will really teach him how to survive! Getting to play in front of so many people must have been totally awesome and I'm so proud of you for that accomplishment! why did you never tell me?! Also, we better warn people that I will be screening all applications for the soon vacant position of "wife of a truly great artist" before they even come close to your desk. I do take bribes..I like chocolate and flowers. Daisies are my favorite! Just have them delivered to 3060 Keller Hicks Rd....
  18. siouxz72


    ohno! The link didn't work! Isn't ebay the greatest? I should pull a Weird Al and do a funny cover of A Bay Bay but it would be ... E Bay Bay! who wants to help me with the lyrics?!
  19. ..can this be more than one word? cuz here's what i got... crouching tiger, hidden dragon