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Everything posted by siouxz72

  1. nice! ...i thought i saw a lady in a red dress walk by earlier...
  2. lol!! ... i think you've just always "been". that's just how cool you are
  3. that is one bum deal you've got going there, traveler! i can only relate in that i'm still up...darn this insomnia!!! the siouxz :)
  4. I thought you meant he brought the cat to the table!! tee hee! grody! I'm glad to read they're getting along. My b-i-l has two dogs and a cat and those doggies just torment that poor cat! I'm surprised his wife hasn't declared a war seeingshow the cat was there first! (it's her cat) :)
  5. Okay, these are the only two I feel qualified to answer and the answer is the same.... We are Christians because we are followers of Christ. Simple, wasn't it?! :)
  6. MA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh happy day!! I've been worried sick!! I even sent out an APB for you!!! I'm so glad you're back! How's Ellie? and Gabey?! and of course Richard, too! Yeah, the merger was a shock to all of our systems, but we're all learning to deal. :) It's just so good to see you're back on! yay yay yay yay!!! if you could see me you'd see that I'm doing my happy dance in my chair!
  7. yeah...'s one of those things where if we have to ask (which i've done loads of times) we'll never get to know! so..we can just make stuff up!! UMW = Universal Magwei Wufflelumps SSCE = Some Slinkies Can Effervess (you alka seltzer) oh! and Hi GG!! Nice to *see* you again!
  8. hee hee!!! Keep the snoring to one side of the bed..that's awesomeness!! My dog snores like no other as well! But it just cracks us all up! We especially love it when he starts chasing something in his little doggie dreams...i wonder if it's a cat or a car? or one of us?! All in all, he's just a great addition to the family! yay Hunter!
  9. Hi Pedantic! (great name, btw!) My own dear mum was divorced with 3 kids and she met and married my daddy. He was actually her home teacher of all things! I often tell him that he is such an outstanding example of a Great Man. For him to take on those three kids (no offense mightynancy but you know what i mean..have you met our brothers?!) and all that he did and does for them, for my mom and then for me and my little brother is so awesome I barely have words to express the love and respect that I have for him. So, yes! Yes, there is hope! It will happen! :)
  10. I'm from California...that's west! But now I live in Texas..that's south! See how confusing it all is?!
  11. hello alien.. nice to meet you! enjoy our little home away from home! Thank goodness you let us know you don't bite..what a relief!
  12. Well put, Anthony. I really dislike the OP usage of the word demonized. That's just not right.
  13. I've had church go both ways and I really do like Sacrament first... It really does set the tone for the rest of the meetings. I remember when I was a kid and primary was on Thursdays!! We'd have sacrament meeting...go home. come back for Sunday School. The block schedule is so much better no matter which way it goes!
  14. Welcome mama! I'm 35 with three kids, too! These forums are a great place to be! I hope you enjoy yourself! :)
  15. Welcome Nad! Hope you enjoy the forums as much as I do!
  16. Welcome Stampede! Very interesting how you got here and the events going on in your life! Enjoy the's a fun place to be!
  17. If you go to somebody's page that has music, there's a button that says like "create your own playlist" or something to that affect (or is it effect?!). Anyway, that takes you to a page where you can then create your own playlist (imagine that!) and then you link it in your page. :) was that clear as mud or what?!
  18. Hey girlie! Wow! I'm sorry to read that ya'll are going through so much upheaval right now! I think the thing for you to do is help your dad get the help he needs. But no "forcing" him to do anything..that will get you nowhere. Just maybe when he has an outburst or whatever, you could gently point it out to him that he hurt your feelings or this is the way you feel when he does this..kwim? I'm glad your bishop knows, he may be able to get through to your dad when you guys can't. But the absolutely best thing to do is to love your dad no matter what. Like Dr. T said, PTSD is a way for your dad to handle what happened to him in war-time. It will be something that he can get under control eventually and even if he can't... still love him to the best of your ability. Let him know that you love him and that you're not going anywhere. No matter what. You'll always be his daughter and hopefully both your parents will come to understand that you shouldn't be in the middle of their issues. Sorry this is turning in to a book. I'll stop now. Let me sum up... LOVE your dad and HELP your dad all that you can. good luck sweetie!
  19. I have a chocolate lab, Dr. T! He's the cutest puppy in the whole wide world and I love him best of any dog I've ever had...even if Katie is his favorite
  20. I am thankful for my family... my own little group of 5 as well as the zany one I grew up in. I wouldn't be the person I am today if not for my wonderful wonderful family!
  21. MorningStar, GG...are ya'll ever going to tell me what the hades UMW stands for?! i'm dieing over here!
  22. What up, G?! I'm so happy to be considered among the loved!! I love you too, ya heathen!! :)
  23. the wind is blowing threw the windchimes that my lovely children got me for mothers day several years ago. :)
  24. I guess an email or a pm could work.... I never thought of going such a traditional route. Let's see how that goes!