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Everything posted by siouxz72

  1. Hi SF! Like the rest, I'm so sorry to read about your father's declining health. The comfort that we have in the knowledge that this isn't the end of our familial relationship is the one thing you can lean on right now. So far as your son's boss is's my thought. How many times did Nephi forgive the brothers that had no remorse for actions they had taken that had endangered his life? How many times did our brother, Jesus, do the same? The peace and the comfort that will come to you when you release the anger will do so much more for you than it would ever do for the man who isn't seeking it. And I know that you're strong enough to do it. Is there anything that you can do to change what happened? No, but you can look forward with a brightness of hope because you still have your son with you. You're still able to love him and be loved by him. That's the important part. How sad and horrible would it be to be the boss? Someone who is not taking responsibility for his actions, someone who's just going on with his life with no concern for how his actions affect others? Man! It would SUCK to be him. lol! I hope what I've said makes some sense and helps a little. You have my number if you want to talk. Love you sister!!!!
  2. mmkay...I'm giggling, too! a @*$ Californian, schmancypants?! I'm just thankful that for $150 I can register all 3 of my vehicles here in Texas! woot woot!
  3. hey sister dear! love miriam! the person..and the name! :)
  4. hahahahaha!! come see the chicken poop! hahahaha!! did i tell you the one from when katie was like 4 and she said that all the big T's out in front of the building were becuase it was a turch?! :) she's funny
  5. :bearhug:yay! I love this thread!'s what I'm greatful for: (*coughcough*) in no particular order.... 1. The Gospel of Jesus Christ and all that it means to me and has done for me. 2. My sweet Michael. He truly is my hero 3. Ivy, Bryan and Katie and the unconditional love that they have for their not-so-perfect mommy. They know I try to do my best. 4. The loving home that I was brought up in. For all my brothers and my sister. A mom and dad who made life and three long hours of church on Sunday fun! They did good! 5. For being blessed with a truly wicked sense of humor. It really does make life fun when you can look at it a little cattywampus and know that it's all good. 6. For .net! Thank you Heather!! I love you! to all the friends I've made here (you know who you are)... it's been so great getting to know ya'll and the support you've all given me through job changes and trials with the fam. You've done so much more than you know! the list could go on and on...but like charley, I'll just leave it at that! -siouxz
  6. Welcome Galen! Loved the should talk your wife into joining the site, too!! you seem like a lovely couple! My dad married my mom and she had three lovely kids, too! Then they had me (lucky them!) and when I was 12 we "got" my little bro and the adoption process began. :) Anyway it was very nice "meeting" you. Hope you enjoy our little home away from home! Good luck in Afghanistan! -siouxz
  7. hi ma! thanks for the post! it was great! i keep giggling about Satan's Mistress and the Infernal Sisterhood! tee hee! seriously, though.. way to keep your faith strong. i just love you! did you know that?! plus..your parenting skills are awesome and then some. :)
  8. Hey CB! I have to agree with whomever said to keep yourself in holy places and eventually you will meet the right person... I've had two really good friends go through very similar situations. One took the time to really just chill and work out her issues, focus on her kids, church, etc and after several years (alright about 5) all the sudden here was the man she'd been searching for! The other was looking looking looking taking no time to recover from the trauma of a 20 year marriage falling apart...he married before his divorce was even really final..that marriage lasted about a second! I'm all for the first method. Relax, recover, rediscover who you are and what makes you happy and the women will come flocking. Okay, maybe not flocking..but they'll be there. Good luck, CB!
  9. Love Nephi! And you know how I feel about names :)
  10. This looks like a great read, Elphie! Thanks for the post! :)
  11. Welcome to the site buton! I hope you like our little home away from home!!!
  12. Welcome to the site Fly! Love the avatar! :)
  13. Welcome to the site skalenfehl! What does your name mean?
  14. lol! those dogs are just pugly! and my little katie-baby's favorite!! cute!
  15. Should somebody explain to Dr T that it's Audi (as in the car) not outie (like the bellybutton?!) :)
  16. Sounds awesome! Can I get them at Barnes and Noble?!
  17. Thanks Steussy!! You're the grooviest!
  18. no no...Dr T...sounds much more like Oh The Places You'll Go :)
  19. i added a signature....let me see if it works....
  20. welcome to the site littlemisschatterbox!! i'm so happy you're here i could pee my pants!!
  21. Hi Blaine! Welcome to the site.. I think you just might find what you're looking for here! :)
  22. Did you guys know that Bowling For Soup is from Denton, TX?! Yippee!! Now...go listen to Punk Rock 101 :)
  23. ahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!! my kids are making fun of me for laughing so hard!!! that was such greatness!!!