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Everything posted by brotherofJared

  1. I probably will regret offering that hypothesis, but I wanted to know what the husband/father is doing in it IF that is the situation. There doesn't need to be any more reason than that.
  2. Read the rest of my post. I stated that it was hypothetical.
  3. Well that want very helpful. What do you think we know?
  4. None of these were in the report that I read. Of course CNN is going to be politically correct in their presentation. I hope u don't mind that I'm just not going to accept your rendition without verification. It would drastically change my view if it was a fact that she hadn't been attending church for a year. That would change everything. If we are relying on church records for that information, I'm afraid that I'd be no more inclined to believe it than I am now.
  5. No one. There are gays in my life as there are in nearly everyone's. I suppose u think I am carrying a torch for someone. I am not. I get into these arguments with gays who don't like my position there. I support the churches position. I feel for the child. I don't like her parents so much, but I do wonder about the husband. Obviously, the mother has lesbian issues and is.probably a self-denying lesbian. That makes me wonder how the husband fits into the equation. Now his is a hypothetical assumption on my part and I know I can't say anything about other people's orientation unless they say something that erases the doubt ( believe me, I'm the most naive person when it comes to same sx attraction. It has to be spelled out with a flashing neon sign for me to get it). But, I'd like to explore the possibility that the husband is trapped in such a relationship because it is possible, just as it is for a wife to be trapped in a similar but opposite relationship.
  6. Fine. I didn't say nor did I suggest that that agenda was her, the child's agenda. Let's just keep the comments to what I said and we'll be alright.
  7. Protection is life and limb in my opinion. I've seen far too many parents take the idea of protection too far and block their children from the social skills they will eventually need when their parents are no longer there. Of course, this is an individual call. I get the impression here that protection in your post means prevent as it would in protecting life and limb. In this case, I'd use the word prepared, then, being informed, at least informed of the parents fears, the child could then make a decision. Parents are not always right, but they have a responsibility to teach their children as best they can.
  8. Well, she wasn't denouncing the Bishop, but u have a point. Please forgive my typos. I'm on a cell phone and I'm all thumbs with a phone that thinks it's smarter than I am... Well, it probably is when it comes to spelling...
  9. This forum reminds me of when I use to take my dog to the dog park. The social structure was conform or be squashed. I expect that of dogs, but not of people who I believe are of a common mind or ilk. I get better treatment on non-Mormon critc sites than I do here, but then, I suppose that's because it's us against them and if we turn on each other there, no Mormon will survive. I eventually stopped taking my dog to the dog park which is what will probably happen here. So, tell me. Why do you insert what I didn't say? Of course the parents, especially the mother, used their daughters actions to promote an agenda. But couldn't the daughter be genuinely and naively interested in what she thinks is a noble cause? I'm fully willing to believe she is. The parents encouragement leading to the catastrophe is absolutely on the parents. They knew, they led her to believe that her parents would be there to support her, so; to her, they will appear to be the heros and not the villains. Maybe sometime later in life she will realize that her parents let her out on a limb that they knew would be severed and she would fall. Unfortunately, she will probably so embroiled in bad decisions based in this experience that it will be too late. I believe that these can be healed, but only by the Savior's touch.
  10. I didn't say she planned and planted the cameras. That's ur false assertion into what I did say.
  11. This is exactly what the policy was designed to prevent... The abuse of children. The mother who left the church over it, crushed her own children in a fit if self righteous indignation. It is the primary reason I don't like the word, righteous as a discription of a goo or godly trait. We are to often wrong about our own motives. But, I do believe the child acted of her own volition.
  12. I only have CNN's report on it. I didn't get the feel that her intention was to leave the church, though it probably is now. IMO, I believe she was championing her mother's cause who left the church because of the policy change... I can only imagine the dinner discussions over this, but I suspect that the daughter was following her own agenda in support of her mother which in her mind was so that people in church would accept her as she claimed she was... That didn't happen as she expected. I'll stop here on this one. My other thoughts will come out in future responses, hopefully before you guys excommunicated me.
  13. I disagree. That is censure and while we have the right to do so, I think it would have been better too address it directly. It confused the girl and established negative environment and hurtful environment. We will be dealing with that for a long time. I've played that scenario in my head a number of times, but no one can be prepared for every situation and always do the right thing. I'm my mind it goes like this: get the attention of the speaker first ask them to sit down and explain the purpose of the meeting and that the course of there talk is not acceptable. All while the mic is on. If the person objects, then turn the mic off. The "love all of God's children" speech that followed was a fail. It feel on dead ears because the actions spoke louder. My 2¢.
  14. No. It won't. By the time that happens it will be too late to be looking for rainbows. That's line saying it's going to rain, better get an ☂️ but it's been raining for hours and you are already soaked. But that sign has come and gone. Hint, it has nothing to do with that orb in the sky. I should clarify, if that where the case, it would be too late. But it isn't the case.
  15. Explain it to me like I was an Evangelical Christian so I can understand what u r taking about. No one is going to have a thousand years to become perfect or even to work on it. What about those who are already dead? How much time do they have to work on perfection?
  16. I don't mean to be offensive. Are u aware that the early Christians didn't have the New Testament? They had no instant communication either. John was not an apostle (the one who wrote or whose testimony we have in the opening lines of the Gospel of John). That it eventually evolved into a "whole" from which we can deduce that Christ is God, is without doubt. I am not questioning that. I do however agree with Ehrman that the early church did not teach that Christ was God. Why r u so upset about this? I made a statement. It's not a groundless statement. It has merit. One would think that Mormons would not be stuck and steeped in tradition. Of course, I don't know. U may not be Mormon.
  17. How is that suppose to work? Let's first examine the dead, the the living at the beginning and the those will be born. How will any of these have time get to perfection?
  18. That is a part I would prefer not to say. I belief, with a little thought people should be able to tell what my reasons are.
  19. Because she was acting as a Christian... In other words, she was doing what Christ would have done.
  20. I lost my reply to this during a refresh. Probably just as well. I held it because I wasn't certain it wouldn't get me banned or suspended. I think that concern should establish my position on this topic. The school was right, Sander's was wrong, the professor was right and Vaught is just plain scary. I feel sorry for anyone who works for him. Too bad we don't have the insight on others which Sanders has illucidated for us concerning this individual.