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Everything posted by JoCa

  1. The thing is nobody knows you better than you. You get to decide how you want to live and the goals for how you want to feel. Think about it . see a therapist for what 1 hour every week and they are supposed to know how you feel the rest of the time? Therapists are good for an outside perspective, they are good for helping you see things from a different viewpoint, maybe even giving some tools to help out . . .but honestly you are the one who's really got to put in the work. Really self-analyze and self-reflect. Why am I feeling this way? What happened so that now I feel this way? Am I loving myself? Do I see myself with all the self-deception and lies gone? Do I see myself as Heavenly Father sees me? It is my opinion that there is really no such thing as mental illness . . .it's really spiritual illness. The symptoms of mental illness are really signs that the spirit, body, and mind are not in harmony with each other. The only way to cure the symptoms are through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Get good rest, eat healthy and allow Christ's Atonement to work in your life. (oh I know this is taboo) but you can experiment with the medicine . . . pill splitters plus do as much research as you can about the specific drugs. Honestly, the way we treat this is soooo incredibly depressing. How depressing is it to tell someone, you have xyz, it's not your fault and there is nothing you can do about it . . . here take these pills they will make you feel better. What you mean I have to deal with this the rest of my life??? People intrinsically know that something is wrong with how we treat it . . . there are no brain scans, no objective truths to test "mental illness", it is all based on what you tell someone else. That's not science, that's voodoo magic. And it's so depressing to tell someone, "you will have to take this the rest of your life" Jane_Does last comment was really good. It is a lot of work, but it's worth it.
  2. Preaching repentance is challenging faith. You can't have one without the other. Like I've said before, everything today is a "personal attack". Seriously, today's modern society has become a self-congratulatory fluff. Shoot, I'm horrible many times at the Sabbath, I'm no Saint at it. I'm glad the Church is focusing on it. I recognize my own lack of faith, where I don't do things I should do or do things I don't do on the Sabbath. The one thing I don't do is try and justify my own behavior. And it's really hard in today's modern society to actually observe the Sabbath. I recognize that, I understand it, but it's still the goal.
  3. I agree that it may not have been optional . . .but did he at least fight for it? Did he go to the boss and say "I don't work Sundays?" If he did, incorrect assumption on my part, my bad, and I apologize. It's funny, we make exceptions all the time in today's society for Muslims, where hijabs, pray in the street (see England), we'll bend over backwards to make them feel accommodated. But the Christian who doesn't want to work Sundays? People got to learn to stand up for their beliefs and their culture otherwise, the next generation won't know it.
  4. I know everything today comes off "poorly". Preach repentance, "it comes off poorly", against current societal norms "it comes off poorly".
  5. If you are asking "I am worthy to attend Church and be Baptized even though I work on Sundays?" The answer is absolutely, please join! However, if the question is "As a faithful disciple of Jesus Christ should I work on Sundays?" That becomes a different question. Please ignore those who self-justify their own breaking of the Sabbath day-even members of the Church. It's actually quite sad. The leaders of the Church have for several years, specifically called out the members on their lack of Sabbath day observance. Worshiping the Lord on the Sabbath day and the Church members refusal to honor the Sabbath, lack of care for the Sabbath day is so incredibly bad that from January of this year until April, the lesson in one week out of every month in Priesthood and Relief Society is dedicated to the Sabbath day. Think about that it . . . it is so bad in the Church that for at least 4 months one Sunday every month is being dedicated to talk about the Sabbath. Unfortunately, too many members make so many justifications about working on the Sabbath. The Bishop's counselor is a surgeon, so-and-so is a police officer, so-and-so is a firefighter. Members today have Super-bowl watching parties . . .that was pretty taboo growing up. So much self-deception and denial. Of course there are going to be instances and individuals who must to some work on Sunday due to emergencies in life. People don't stop getting sick, or needing operations, or crime doesn't stop, or houses don't burn down simply because it's Sunday. So of course, sometimes we need to work on Sundays. However, the responses here are a far, cry with what I grew up with and what I taught as a missionary. The vast, vast majority of people have absolutely 0 reason to work on Sunday. I remember growing up hearing stories of faith and sacrifice. Of members who worked Sunday and said to themselves, "I need to obey the Sabbath more", and who would tell their bosses, "I do not work Sundays", being worried about being fired, or having to quit a job and wondering where the next paycheck would come from. I remember hearing stories of faith, that those who had enough faith the Lord would bless!! I implemented it in my life! I remember being 16-17 and having to tell my low-paying job boss-flat out. Don't call me on Sundays, I won't work or pick up shifts on Sunday. I remember being worried that I would be fired. But I had faith in God and dedicated that while I wouldn't work Sundays, I'd work twice as hard every other day of the week . . . and I did. The thing that has most amazed me over the last 10-15 years is how much self rationalization has snuck into the Church, because we don't want to "offend" someone. You see by writing this I might "offend" someone who works on Sunday and quite simply lacks the faith in God to not work on Sunday. And I call my own self out on this; with phones and e-mail it's so easy to get e-mails on Sunday and respond to them. I've made a commitment that I don't check work e-mail on Sunday.
  6. I disagree with this; children need to know and deserve to know the facts. At the appropriate age, absolutely yes they need to know; they need to know that the lifestyle their mother is living is a wicked, evil, lifestyle. To do otherwise, would be a sin upon the father. A parent is all about teaching, mentoring in the path that leads to God. How can the children ever know the path to God, if the father never teaches them . .. what do they just learn by osmosis-they aren't plants! I do agree there is a difference between teaching in a matter-of-fact way right and wrong and being angry and spouting off. There is a difference in teaching the child how to reason think, to teach them how to think based upon good principles vs. just telling them. This idea that oh my heaven forbid a divorced couple "bad-mouth" the other, that is so "damaging" for the child is utter crap. A divorce is already damaging! If the other parent is doing something that is wrong by example, the child needs to know!
  7. What a horrible thing to happen to you. This has got to be so incredible rough for you; I have no idea how rough. Only God and The Savior of the World know your pain, suffering and problems. Rely on Christ and His Infinite Atonement. Saying that, I'm going to give some tough medicine. Your kids will have issues from this, that is absolutely a given. They are innocent, they don't deserve to be put in this situation, they don't deserve be raised by some wicked, evil, screwed up woman who is an immature child, can't grow up and has never learned to rely upon God. They don't deserve to be put into an environment were they see one of the most wicked sins acted out-Sodomy. The best thing for children is for them to be raised by a father and a mother who love each other-nothing else can compare. This world is sick, it's evil, petruid, disgusting, filth. And one day brother, one day The Master of this World will return and He will cleanse the evilness. He will come in Righteousness, Power, Glory and absolutely throw down all this evilness. Oh My God! How can any Saint, any follower of Christ, read this brother's story and not feel such heartache and pain. How can any Saint, any one who believes in God and His Majesty not hear this story and cry with the loudness voice. God, oh God, please send your Son! We need Him!!! @MormonGator This story is why I have such a hatred, vitriol, visceral reaction to homosexuality. It is sick, twisted, wicked, evil, it turns everything about God's plan on it's head. It leads to pain, suffering, heartache, it screws up innocent children, it is abuse, it is child abuse-even to the 3rd and 4th generation. And that we accept this in today's society!!! My God, we are sick and ripening for utter destruction. To your specific point. I bet dollars to donuts @for_our_experience that your wife was sexually abused during some point. Instead of learning to rely upon Christ, the Savior of our souls for true Healing-she turned to evil and wickedness. She has made that choice and the only thing that will bring her back is to Hear the sharp sword of the Word of God. It is my brother, a sign of the times, and if we don't wake up as a people when God sends His Son, it will be terrible. If you allow it, this experience will allow you to come closer to Christ, to see who He is, to come to know Him in ways that now you can't possibly imagine. Trust God, have Faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement and follow His Holy Spirit.
  8. Wars have been fought over a lot less. It just depends on what kind of a culture we have. The Old American culture would have fought tooth and nail. Today's wussy culture, who knows. People like comfort and we live in comfort. If we ever go Venezuala style, there will be people praying to God they had weapons. I think there is enough of the Old America left that people would hide their guns and they would fight. Talk to me again in 40 years and I'll probably be speaking a different language, the New America culture is too wussified-just give me some TV and food and I'm good. Take that away and now I'm mad, I just want my football and food.
  9. Exactly (to the bold). We live in a wicked and fallen world, consequently some people will choose to do things that are wicked and evil. Claiming that anyone who shoots up a place is mentally ill is intellectually lazy and dishonest. It's a great excuse to cover up the fact that sometimes people will choose to do evil, wicked things and it does a disservice to those who are "mentally ill"-which I don't believe in. Generally speaking shooters have allowed Satan to get hold and have entertained wicked, evil thoughts and then act them out. The vast, vast majority of people who have a psychotic break go catatonic and they can't actually function very well; going and shooting up a place is just about beyond the actual functional capability of someone who is psychotic. And it also generally amplifies pre-existing beliefs rather than change them (i.e. if you aren't violent before you won't be violent during). Now to "cure" "mental illness" there are some very powerful drugs that do have some very bad side affects. There are definitely some very weird and scary instances, due to the brain/spirit totally malfunctioning (but in the news article you can tell), the person blacks out, can't remember what happened, remembers snippets of really weird stuff happening. But in general the vast, vast majority of shootings, killings, murders, etc. is due to personal choice.
  10. All fine and dandy to say that until the laws start changing. Ben Shapiro had a pretty good take: I don't particularly care to question a Jury as it's the bedrock of this nation . . .but it seems pretty dang obvious that involuntary manslaughter would at least fit the definition. These same things happened 50+ years ago in the South. White man gets accused of murder and the jury lets them off. It is ludicrous to think that it can't happen in reverse. It was wrong then and wrong now. No it's not bigoted . . .it's just an inherent recognition that at it's core human beings are tribal and whether or not you individually are tribal is irrelevant it's the recognition that other people are tribal. No, it's not bigoted, it's just a recognition that human beings have an extremely hard time living in a group of people that do not conform to the tribe. History is full of examples. I get the black's complaints about being in jail . . .it's b/c the drug laws are targeted towards minorities. Making marijuana illegal was purely based on a racial thing (discourage Mexicans in the US). I'm totally for removing drug laws . . . but I'm not so stupid to think that if I were in the minority that laws would not be created to oppress that minority. It happens all over the world, it's happened for 1000s of years. It happens on group level, on a local level, state level and a national level. Take for example this forum; there is little doubt that I bring an enormous amount of diverse ideas into the "" tribe, I do not conform to most of the tribe . . .for that I have gotten a lot of grief. That is fine and generally speaking I do not personally attack unless attacked, if I have done otherwise, I certainly do apologize. We are tribal when it comes to the LDS Church, generally for staunch members, the least bit of criticism raises the hackles and defenses. The only way to remove that tribal instinct (which I am totally for) is to have some mechanism whereby something much larger binds everyone together; this is how and why nations are formed. So praytell when you have 15% of the US population that is foreign born what binds them together? What binds them together with the other 85% of the population. Binding occurs when people have things in common; this is why you can instantly met someone you've never met from your Alma Mater and you're high-fiving each other and talking about the latest football game . . .it's why you can met a LDS member you've never seen before half-way across the world that you can't even speak the same language, you are giving each other hugs and singing songs together, laughing etc . . . b/c something bigger than you binds you together that you have in common. Prior to 1964, most immigrants where European and Protestant; so it was much easier for them to get bound into the tribe of The United States. Yeah there were derogatory names used for them, but at the end you could go to Church with them, there was a shared background. What binds those foreigners coming into the US today? What binds a Muslim refugee from some God forsaken world into the US? And unfortunately, just being a fellow human being on this earth that wants to live in the US isn't enough to bind people together. It's what most "enlightened" people can't seem to figure out about Trump and why he won; it's why Trump won, b/c it's never been about race, it's about protecting the Tribe of the United States; if you want to become part of the tribe of the United States and share it's cultural, historical values great come on in-regardless of your race. Multiculturalism by its very definition it antithetical to historical US culture. And what will happen is that over time when the dominant historical US culture becomes weak enough another culture will rise to take its place with a different set of laws and rules. Plenty of people out there truly believe "Hate speech is not free speech". When a significant enough portion of the population believes that, laws will follow and the courts and Bill of Rights be danged. The history of the US shows this, it will happen again. When Christ comes, then we can talk about multiculturalism . . .
  11. You are liberal, that's fine multi-multiculturalism isn't a danger to you b/c you are liberal. So of course it isn't a danger to you. Politics and nations are all about power. Power comes in the form of rules and laws. Mexicans flying a mexican flag in the US is a big deal b/c it signifies that they hold more allegiance to their home country vs. their immigrant country. This will then correspond that they will vote for individuals who hold more allegiance to their home country. You being from Texas of all people should understand how this works. You should study up on the history of how and why Texas became it's own nation. A nation is built upon a shared cultural, historical, and ethical background. At some point when the differences between culture and background becomes too large, nations split. It has happened 1000s of times in history and we are absolutely foolish to believe that we are so much more enlightened than our ancestors that it won't happen to us. Multiculturalism is a huge danger to conservatives simply because of statistics; statistics don't lie. 90% of blacks vote Democratic. something like over 70% of Hispanics vote Democratic (excepting Cubans funny enough b/c they know the dangers of socialism). The vast, vast, vast majority of minorities vote Democratic. And it doesn't have anything to do with the Republican message. This is why multiculturalism is pushed by MSM . . . they are liberal, they know the vast majority of minorities vote liberal so they push it to obtain more and more power. Except I'm of the belief I don't think when minorities are the majority in this country they will be so "accepting" of the "new minority". Recently (can't find the link) a HS girl wrote on the girls bathroom mirror "It's okay to be white N*******". School went up in arms, held a big after-school meeting with parents to combat "racism" . . .yeah well eventually it comes out that a black girl had written it on the mirror. I'm glad she had the guts to come forward; kudos to her for at least owning up to her mistake (the same thing happened at a college campus last year). If you don't recognize what's going on . . .you aren't paying attention. I clarify to note that I wish that all members of every race, nationality were members of the Church; it is only under the Gospel of Jesus Christ that unites every one that a true multicultural united nation could ever be built. In that case we could all live together harmoniously without regard to nation or race. That will happen when Christ returns. But seeing as we are only ~1% of the population currently, good luck on that . . .until He reigns again anything else will lead to heartache. I have absolutely 0 problem with anyone from any race coming to the US as long as when you immigrate you take on the historical cultural linguistic values of this country. I don't believe that is an unreasonable request and it is not multiculturalism.
  12. Nope . . . just look at the demographics dude. You're about 30 years behind DC; big, big difference. You haven't had to face communities getting totally decimated by changing demographics. . . just wait Vort, just wait . . .but by the time you start screaming about it-it will be too late and all one can say is "told ya so". If you are a conservative, all the statistics show that in the next 30 years, you are completely toast due to demographics. The only thing saving conservatives right now is that by and large minorities don't vote.
  13. And that is how the leftist always describe it. "We need amnesty b/c of . . .well think of the children!!!" The funny thing is that most LDS members (especially in Utah) live in a very heavily single majority demographic; if they actually had to deal with the problems that most of the rest of the country is reeling from they would very quickly start singing a different tune. It's all well and good to "think of the children" when where you live is 80+% culturally homogeneous. Start living in an area that over a span of 10 years goes from 80% culturally homogenous to 40% and then see the drugs, the crime, etc. come into your area and then tell me what you think of "preserving families". Tell me what you think of "preserving families" when driving down the interstate you see Mexican flags waving on the backs of trucks . . . Yeah I do want to preserve families . . .my own.
  14. What's really funny is how the staunch conservatives in the Church can't seem to actually understand that yes it is changing. They want to stick their heads in the sand with their ears plugged singing "nanananana". Again, 10 years ago the Church would have never dreamed a tacit endorsement of LoveLoud. One of the blooming members of the BSA executive council who voted to allow girls into BSA was a former General Young Men's President!!! Compare the following: "The Church supports an approach where undocumented immigrants are allowed to square themselves with the law and continue to work without this necessarily leading to citizenship. " The above was when Trump wanted to close borders to countries that present a risk to the US. That is amnesty . . .which is in effect a soft open boarders. Dude you really need to wake up and smell the coffee. The Church has taken a left turn. The Church is not leftist . . .but it has taken a left turn-that is completely undeniable. Now I totally agree, rounding up millions of people and kicking them out-not gonna happen. But stopping immigration completely from problem countries-can be done; building a wall to prevent them from coming here-can be done. But unfortunately, Trumps solutions are horrible to a significant portion of the population of Utah . . .
  15. I trust you . . .that sucks it's your hometown, ugh . . .
  16. I agree with a lot of what you say. I absolutely agree with the above. We do want "good immigrants" and we absolutely should have a healthy immigration system. I'll give you a hint as to why the early 19th and 20th century immigrants eventually immigrated well . . .they were Christian Europeans! Yes you had the Italian slums, etc. but after one generation they integrated well enough that there is no real functional difference between them and others who had come from British stock. But advocating for Christian Europeans to come to the US is "racists and xenophobic" . . .umm there is a reason why our forefathers advocated this position . . .specifically to avoid cultural decay and to avoid the problems we are having today. Pretty dang simple . . . If we simply went back to immigration policies prior to 1964 it would solve a lot of problems (when they changed the immigration policies to accept anyone). I'm totally on board with this . . .from wherever in the world. I'm not ready to throw in the towel either . . .I'll fight until my last breath for my county, my homeland, my heritage, my posterity. But I surmise that it is a losing battle and I have for several years. Pax Americana is definitely in decay . . .when you start tearing down monuments of the past, renaming roads and buildings to the founders of the past;look out-it means your heritage and cultural values are going downhill fast. I will say it is pretty stunning to see the change in the Church. Going from Ezra Taft Benson to today's leftest/liberal Church open boarders policies . . .just wow man wow . . . You might think Trump's core is too hard-core to one side . . . but it is a natural reaction to the insane policies we've had over the last 30+ years; when you start to really look at it, it almost seems like it was planned, like somebody(ies) up at the top were intentionally creating policies to destroy American culture, it almost seems like None Dare Call it a Conspiracy hmm fancy that. When people wake up and no longer recognize the country they were born into you get a massive reaction . .. kind of like the insane policies of the hard-left drive more and more people into the alt-right . . .kind of like how Britain finally had enough and exited from the EU . .. Don't worry JAG, when the stuff in the article comes to your hometown, you might just join the dark side and start advocating for people like Roy Moore and Trump ;-).
  17. I really don't think people realize how close we came to some really, really bad crap. When you have a political campaign putting direct pressure on an Inspector General for the Intelligence Community to make a certain call . . . dudes and dudettes that is straight up the junk we used to laugh at "banana republics" about as in look at those poor worthless "banana republics" I'd sure hate to live in a country where one political party pulls all the strings and no other party even has a chance . . Clinton was pulling Nixon-like charades . . .now just imagine if she had gotten into office (shudder, shudder . . .). Had she gotten elected, I'm not sure we'd ever see a non-Democrat president in my lifetime . . .
  18. I agree again . . .happy dance :-). On a serious note; I do appreciate the more cordial tone JAG. Another sidenote; the Muslim rape case is one of the reasons why Trump was elected and for MAGA . . .obviously not that exact case, but for instances like it. The "silent majority" shall we say had enough of the Royals and their crap . . .it's something that unfortunately NeverTrumpers (and I don't mean this derogatorily) could never see. The silent majority had enough of selling America and our Culture down the tubes towards multi-culturalism and one-world crap. And to pick on you a little bit [but not much ;-)] . . . you mention the hazards of "inferior vetting", I'd like to know what "vetting" exactly could be done to prevent this scumbag from getting here? I mean . . .what does that exactly look like? There is no series of questions or "background" checks that one could have given this kid at 13 or his family to have prevented them from getting here. The only thing that would work is to never let them (i.e. 3rd world Muslim refugees) get here in the first place Do you have questions like "Have you or any of your close family members been a victim of sexual assault?" For starters, they probably wouldn't even recognize the question or even understand what you mean when you say "sexual assault". Then if you asked that type of a question, the lefties would be all up in arms about how bigoted of a person you are b/c you even dare to ask the question. Then, once you start asking the question, people will wisen up and just lie and say no (even if the real answer is yes) just to get in. Finally, all the bleeding heart liberal Mormons will scream bloody murder b/c if you didn't let in any refugees who had been a victim of sexual assault or of a criminal assault, you wouldn't be letting any of them in. When people in this country finally start coming to their senses and recognize that in many places in the world. . . especially 3rd world Muslim countries, sexual assaults, rape, theft, murder, crime, etc. are a way of life and that letting in the slums of the 3rd world into this country will eventually make it a slum, only then can we start to solve the problem. What we have in the United States in way of culture, respect for life, laws, liberty, etc. is actually really pretty dang special and the only way it will continue that way is if we protect it. Letting in the slums of the world ain't the way to protect it. You are from some 3rd world Muslim country and want to get here . . .fine then show me you deserve it-i.e. you better be a doctor, an engineer, a lawyer, etc. somebody who can make a difference and help people's lives rather than destroy them. Just think how much crap for 1 Somalia refugee. 2 woman's lives were destroyed (one went to drugs and they can't even find her now), 6 years in juvey, costing taxpayers at least 50k/year, how many hours did "volunteer" workers invest in his case to "rehabilitate" him . . .1000s. All so we can feel good about ourselves and all the "good" we are doing by letting in refugees. Like I said, we are committing cultural suicide; it is mind-boggling stupid.
  19. Meanwhile, in the real world . . . All the bleeding heart Mormons who want blood over accusations that happened 40 years ago (and think they are so enlightened by sharing the most recent video about all the bad white people who won't help the beat up dude but oh my goodness the amazing wonderful Muslim woman is so, so much better), just calmly encourage this trash to come into this country. In the actual case of sexual assault. . .oh the guy walks . . .he should have been thrown out of the country!! I swear we must be stupid as a nation and deserve to commit cultural suicide . . .take in a bunch of Muslim refugees from a war-torn nation that have absolutely 0 cultural ties to this country, haven't a clue as to what it is like to actually live in a civilized society . . .we bring them here, they get government checks, rape our women and then we just say . . .yeah that's okay I guess you learned your lesson, please stay you are such a wonderful addition to this Nation!! Blooming morons . . . What a piece of scum . . .should have been kicked out. And this is very much in line with what I've actually observed . . .people go nuts over allegations of very minor sexual things but when it comes to an actual conviction of someone who did really bad things . . ."well he was just a poor refugee who didn't know any better". . . sick, sick, sick. "His mother, Zahra Mohammed, (pictured in 2012 ) refused to believe the crimes he'd pleaded guilty to and even blamed his victims, saying her son was set up or taken advantage of by older women. Mohammed moved to the US in 2010 with his family. Less than 12 months later he committed the first heinous rape. " That's a real winner of a family there, we should just import more of them!!! :-) :-) . . . I swear bunch of beta males running this county . . . and this is what happens when the men don't stand up and be men to actually defend their women, their homes, their nations. This is why matriarchal/feminist societies get toasted. Any alpha male understands letting a totally foreign population with 0 cultural ties into your civilization is a recipe for disaster, but b/c the current world is run by a bunch of pansies, standing up and saying the truth gets you labeled as "bigoted, racists, sexists" etc. etc. etc. At least Trump is an alpha . . .
  20. Are we in agreement . . .can I put up my Carlton happy dance again?? :-). I agree, at the end of the day if true, it raises some very serious questions. However, if true 40 years is a very long time . . . Alma the Younger did a lot of great things even though he did some real bad stuff when he was young. I don't think it automatically disqualifies him, people do and can change . . .that is the whole point of the gospel . . .but I'd certainly want to see a good bit of evidence that he did change. I don't think it's true at all . . . but if it is true he has got a pretty long track record of doing the right things (i.e. no serious allegations after 1977-1979) and that counts for something in my book.
  21. ?? Sometimes I wonder if people truly don't read. The Intelligence Community Inspector General (i.e. the head of the IC that investigates cases of waste, fraud, abuse, ethical concerns, etc) reports that the Clinton Campaign directly threatened his job (he was an Obama appointee!) if the e-mail thing didn't go the "right way" Asked what would have happened to him if he had done such a thing(i.e. the same thing as Clinton), McCullough said: “I'd be sitting in Leavenworth right now.” The only people who can't see what Clinton did was a most likely a crime at least worthy of a jury are individuals with their own personal biases who can't seem to read an investigate. Huge difference between an unsubstantiated (he said/she said) accusation of something that happened 40 years ago that has never been reported previously and the most powerful political family in modern history making threats to ensure an investigation only goes one way. From the FBI calling it a "matter", to Comey drafting the exoneration e-mail months prior to this . . .she is guilty as sin. Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up! :-).
  22. Just ask her and if she doesn't know have her ask her Bishop. For pornography issues there is no rule that one cannot attend the temple while dealing with pornography. Some Bishops might take away a recommend, while others might not. Some Bishops might say "don't partake of the sacrament for a month" others might not, it is totally dependent upon the individual, where they are in the repentance process and the Bishop under God's inspiration. If the Bishop took away or prohibits going to the temple then he should have a pretty good idea as to the length of time that he takes it away, but he might leave it open to the individual as in he might say "you can get the recommend back when you feel you have fully repented and can answer the questions honestly". Doesn't surprise me in the least . . .more likely than not she used pornography to help self-medicate whatever difficult problems she has had. The biggest question for that is has she learned how to self-medicate without the need to use porn? More likely than not as she goes through life, she will encounter way more difficult years than she has last year; if she hasn't figured out how to cope with difficult problems without going to porn, then it could be a rough ride.
  23. I thought it was really good. I liked/loved most of the answers . . . a few were a little basic (but that's okay b/c of the forum). I did like Elder Oaks part when asked about homosexuality about labeling. I just wish they were a little more firm . . .it's like they wanted to be firm but don't want to actually say it. The gest of Elder Oaks portion in relation to homosexuality was that we should avoid labeling ourselves but for some reason he couldn't just come out at say, STTE: look individuals who have a problem with SSA should not label themselves as homosexual, it does a disservice to them and to the body of Christ. Even though that is clearly what he was driving at except he used other innocous examples like labeling "I'm from Texas". I'm like . .Elder Oaks, just say it man . . .labeling oneself as a homosexual is not good!! (And it is something I have said numerous times here).