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Everything posted by LDSGator

  1. Nope. Waste of time for both parties. Not worth it. It was a stupid question on my part. Don’t call us we’ll call you. Thanks anyway.
  2. Or the ones he donates to charities? what a scumbag.
  3. Ever thought that maybe, just maybe, you don’t get it? No, stupid question on my part. Nevermind. Fauci said that between 2015 and 2020, the only royalties he had were on the monoclonal antibodies that his lab created. What royalties are you talking about? These ones?
  4. Ironically, his “Free to Choose” was life changing for me. if you want, I can give you a list of many, many conservative economic books that changed my life. F2C and FA Hayek’s “Road to Serfdom” are my two favorites. You should also read “Why I’m not a conservative” by Hayek and anything by Von Mises.
  5. Oh, okay. Now I get it. You are mistaken, because the right has developed a strong populist/anti elite stance. But I understand the reasoning now. Pfizer is making money, I don’t like why, so I’ll create this reason so I can dislike them and still be in favor of free enterprise. I do love watching the left embrace “big pharma” while suddenly the right gets very nervous with “woke” complies making money. The pendulum has swung, that’s for sure.
  6. So now conservatives have a problem with people making a profit? All this time I thought the right was the party of free enterprise?
  7. First off, you are more right than wrong. I’m not going to pretend to be sympathetic to anti vaxxers. Correct. I don’t recall telling anyone to show compassion or don’t judge. If I did say that, fine. I don’t say it constantly though. I wish I did say it more. It’s fairly obvious that you think I’m saying that far more often because you have a preconceived notion that’s how I think, not how I actually think. Because anti vaxxers are so destructive with their views, you are right again. Same with pyramid schemes and mlm scams. All true. My gloves are absolutely off when I encounter them. Yup. Again, no argument here. Yes. Judge them harshly, show them as much compassion as they show to strangers who have immune disorders or are elderly. You are tying to accuse me of things that I’ll not only admit, but am very proud of. So far I agree with most of what you are saying. I’ll admit it to anyone.
  8. Oh, no worries. Anti vaxxers amaze me with their ignorance and inability to understand basic science, so we can both walk away amazed at one another. But yup, you got me. I have zero respect for their beliefs. I try to make it obvious so I’m glad you noticed. I do make sweeping generalizations about “them” because, once again, I don’t have great respect for them. I feel so strongly about it that if I could make the world listen to one Ted Talk, it would be how about much vaccines save lives. I also save some great memes and jokes about them too. “They” don’t respect my views either, so I feel no obligation in respecting theirs. Nor am I going to “lie” and tell you “I respect the people who have them.” Not really. I’m sure there are people you don’t respect either. Guilty as charged. Frankly I view it as a badge of honor and not an insult in the least to he viewed as “anti anti vax.” So thank you, and I mean that in all seriousness.
  9. @The Folk Prophet some humor from our conversation yesterday.
  10. I’ll never forget my first introduction to Utah culture. It was among my first few weeks in the Church and I mentioned to someone that I wanted to see how ward services work closer to SLC. The woman I was speaking to said “Don’t do it. They’ll glare at you for taking the sacrament with the wrong hand.” ”Oh. Where are you from?” ”Utah.” She was an orthodox as they come but her having such a dry sense of humor about it was just awesome.
  11. Absolutely correct. Ronald Reagan said those who advocate for abortion rights are those who have already been born. He was right. Hmm…I wonder why you don’t hear anti vaxxers raging from iron lungs. Fascinating, but the anti vax crowd is incapable of understanding that.
  12. That’s not issue with most pro vaccine people. You do you. Though yes, obviously I think people should be vaxxed. The issue is when they lie or spread false information about vaccines. That’s what bothers most vaccine supporters.
  13. Ironically, my grandfather had a Ph.D in music from Columbia!
  14. I understand. It’s fascinating how our views have grown in different ways. Twenty years ago I would have agreed with you and been sort of dismissive about advanced education. The older I get the more important I think it is!
  15. See this meme here? Someone once said that this meme is wrong-because people in nicely dress suits wrongly get judged for not being Christian enough and the guy with long hair is just whining, no one judges him. Well, what I’m trying to say (and again, sorry for not being clear) is that people have moved so much against formal education that the pendulum might need to swing back in this case as well. Sorry again for not being clear.
  16. My bad. My point is that many people seem to be intimidated by higher education. So much so that our culture makes it clear that “just because someone is educated doesn’t mean they are smarter than anyone else.” “I’m from the school of hard knocks.” Or, my personal favorite,”I did my own research so I don’t need to listen to no one with one of them degrees.” We get those messages all the time. In fact, we get them so much that the pendulum needs to swing back to “Sarah has a Ph.D in X. Maybe she does know more than me even if it’s an interest to me.”
  17. That's true, and sometimes the most educated people in the world have worked tremendously hard and have knowledge, skills and abilities that the rest of us don't. I agree with you that some people might have a Ph.D and be generally useless to society, but that way of thinking is so widespread that we often forget to comprehend that people with advanced educations might know more than us because they’ve studied a topic far more in depth than we have.
  18. Whoops, was supposed to quote this one instead. apparently my computer skills are not above 4th grade either.
  19. One of the homeschooling families at the dojang are fundamentalist Christians. Not an insult, their words. Their kids are polite, deeply religious and can barely read above a 4th grade level. One is 17 the other is 14.