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Everything posted by PentiumInside

  1. The term "saved" is a way to describe "God has a place for me thats not hell" by people who don't yet know about the plan of salvation.
  2. Thats the same spirit that burned people alive in " the name of Christ" for being witches. It's the same spirit that pervades the Islamic religion. Any religion that uses fear to control you should send up a red flag. When I came to the realization that the church was true, it was as if I had been working on a giant jigsaw puzzle and had only a few pieces together and then suddenly, someone showed me the picture on the box!! It all made sense, then they took the box away. I'm still putting pieces together and no I don't have the answer to every question, but I know in my heart and for an ASSURITY that I SAW thepicture and it was complete and no one will ever scare me away from that beautiful glimpse of an eternal testimony I had that moment. The trick is to keep reliving that moment, no matter how small the first one is, keep reading the scriptures, especially thge BoM. Keep talking to members who have a strong testimony. Keep living the principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ in your life and you will have additional power to over come doubt, temptation and fear. Remember also this quote: "Mysheep will hear my voice and THEY WILL KNOW ME."- Jesus :) And Wanderer- Fill your heart with the truthfulness of the gospel before you start researching "anti-questions". If you do, you will find you already know the answers to some of those"questions" and the true spirit of how they are worded will be laid bare. Pentium :)
  3. Quite possibly the wisest warning I have seen on this forum :) It usually appplies to me first ! lol
  4. If its floods that concern you then "seal" a box with some filters, pure-tabs, and some fuel w/ lighters :)
  5. If you are using small bottles just put about 3-5 drops per 2-liter. And as was stated earlier, that small amount isn't enough to cause any "degradation" any more than water without bleach. I mean if you were that adverse to using bleach then you could boil the containers and the lids and the water and seal it, tape it, and wax it and hope you killed all the microbes and be ok as well one would think :)
  6. You understand wrong. I think the true amount was very equitable. And besides, believe it or not, I ran into that guy many times in downtown SLC when I used to work there. Im not allowed to used profanity here so Ill suffice it to say, to "heck" with that guy gosh golly willilkers
  7. Whats the point of that article? I didn't read it however my spidey senses are tingling about it. When ever something says "early" or "mormon" or even better "early mormon" you better think twice before thinking any of it is worth your time reading in my experience. Can you give us a Cliff Notes version please? :)
  8. Nah, 1 teaspoon per 5 gallon jug is fine. Just keep it sealed and in a dark place.
  9. Sounds like a description of the Celestial and Telestial kingdoms by someone who doesn't know what they are lookin at to me :)
  10. I have it in 5 gallon jugs. one under my sink , the other 3 in a closet. Any water is good. Its going to be the NUMBER 1 thing you will wish you had when you need it. More than food, more than heat, etc.
  11. Honestly, you won't taste anything at all. I try it everytime. IF anything, you can always boil it THEN drink it, but having 20 gallons of clean water in case of emergency is a damn good idea and you won't be sorry you did it.
  12. 3. That faith is more important than works. There is something a bit dodgy about believing that you don't have to do anything at all, except mumble a few words every now and then and your relationship with God is right. I don't think that's the true message. LOL thats the part that started me looking at the church before I joined.
  13. I would recommend reading the scriptures and praying and attending meetings to find an answer to some of those questions, and not from the people you might ask but from the feelings you get from the spirit. Alot of those questions have no bearing on your eternal progression what-so-ever. Whether they are true or not true, you will not be affected wither way. What you really mean to say is "Is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints true?" And the answer to that question is not found by searching for the answers to the afore mentioned questions, but by prayer and thought and reading the scriptures :) Just MHO :)
  14. Welcome and Howdy. I am 35 as well. But I have 2 kids and a wife, no husband.
  15. well it was a reply to a thread. I try not to start too many Threads because I have some very different perspectives that usually end up getting flamed lol.
  16. I have four 5 gallon water containers I keep in my closet. I put 1 teaspoon of bleach in it and put them in the bottom of my closet and change it every 6-8 months. I drink the water I pour out to see if it has actually kept. Without fail, the water is CLEANER and more fresh tasting than the water out of my faucet.
  17. If God cared so much about how things are viewed he would COME AND TELL YOU!!! lol Why do people care if LDS think "God" is not alone in the "super-hero" department. I know He told us to worship HIM and HIM ALONE. Good enough for me. I am not a fan of people arguing with each other using 2000 year old stories that have passed down through thousands of hands, some good some corrupt btw, slapped together 500 years ago and used as a symbol of control and domination for hundreds of years and now all of a sudden "Its a MIRACLE..the GOOD BOOK has ALLL the answers" <my best benny hinn voice> Sorry if my sarcasm drips on you but if it wasn't for God the Father and his Son Jesus Christ revealing themselves to Joseph Smith I would definitely be a devout agnostic/atheist.
  18. Ask someone else. Whats your goal here, getting the blessing? or outing your home teacher?
  19. As to LDS believing the Bible and other Christians "not": In my experience, other Christians who have shed the mantle of "fear of burning in a lake of fire forever and ever" do rather well understanding and applying the teachings of the Bible in the proper perspective in their lives. The ones who have yet to mature spiritualy seem to be the most outspoken, yet insecure Christians of any denomination I have seen so far IMOand have the least to say it seems.
  20. When I decided to move to Utah I left my family in California for 12 weeks while I got a job a car and an apartment. I thought it was the roughest time in my life and so did my family. Then I joined the army a few years later. I just returned from my second year long deployment. Now those 12 weeks seem like childs play.
  21. Man, nursery is the best calling ever. Get to kick off your shoes, sit on the floor, eat GOLDFISH crackers and play with toys while you color pics of Noah with kids. Can't beat it
  22. I have visited a dozen schools or so in Iraq and the kids I saw never rocked.