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Everything posted by WANDERER

  1. A question : if Satan hadn't rebelled wouldn't there have been a plan A?
  2. Gaia some really good thinking there. From what I gather, there was a bit of deliberation about the 'right plan' for it all. I have wondered what the discussion would have entailed. Why this plan is an interesting question, though I think better minds than I have, have pondered this question. On the becoming a god thing...as far as I know, subordination to God is pretty much still there in that belief. Not sure where I am with that concept of oneday becoming 'gods' (I'm not LDS)...as a slight parallel I relate it to the concept of trying to follow Jesus. A big difference though between following His teachings for us and following Him ...to becoming 'like' Jesus. Raising the bar rather high.
  3. Cuddly and cute koala bears: the guy doesn't know anything about them. They have big claws, they hiss and growl and catch them on the ground and you'll wish you'd left them alone. Spitty, bad-tempered little things when it comes to socialising. The ones you hold for cute pictures at the zoo are especially bred for temperament..even then they have their failures that take a swipe during photo shoots and are subsequently retired. They don't do much..they eat...that's it. Lively they are not. Entertainment value: about the same as watching cows chew grass. Comments around the koala sanctuary: Look, it just blinked! Did not! Did too! Seriously. They're not quite up there with bears, but give me a break, they're no one's teddy bear.
  4. Best wishes in your searching Countrybear.
  5. Darrel: thanks for the history on it : ) A-Train: temporary solutions are just a pause in things I agree. Teaching people to fish is a hard one though. I can't imagine trying to make those sorts of decisions - way hard. Ummm Palerider: from what I do know of other organisations they don't give cash handouts either, for obvious reasons...food vouchers and boxes and cheaper grocery venders and such.
  6. Hi! I'm another investigator hanging about. Welcome to the forums.
  7. Hoosier are you asking where I am at: I'd rather be iron than golden I think? Iron as in knowing the word and having a bit of solidity, yes I know word in practice...working on the word bit. Not that I have much choice as I'm definitely not golden. Just studying, learning and wondering what I am doing on the forums most of the time and thankful to the nice community here who puts up with me. I have to admit I almost packed up my suitcase once in frustration...but I'm still here : ) I've realised that the frustration has a source.... 'me'. I don't feel pressured and no one's out to convert me, just help. Wonderful people here. Glad to catch up with you though, how's it all going?
  8. Loudmouth Mormon...I've come across all that on the net, so I guess it's important to address. But basically I don't altogether know what a GA is and what that means, other than General Authority so no disrespect intended...but you can probably see from that how I might get myself into trouble ; ). It's all about that.
  9. Interesting question: If you believe there are apparently two choices: good or evil in the battle. If we do evil we are being manipulated by Satan. If we do good we are freely choosing to do God's will. Extremely limited free will I guess...not really. THe term agency makes more sense. Welcome to the puppet show. Your thoughts?
  10. That makes sense. Humanitarian aid is the confusion. Wise stewardship is what one would expect with resources as well. I don't generally quote others Alaska Again, don't know how and using a nick works ; ).
  11. I wonder too how far one can go with dismissing writings by General Authorities. Is it OK to dismiss them if we don't like the sound of them? This is a good question Willow. As I'm not sure about things which had a particular timeframe applying to now.
  12. Thanks CG. As it was an anti-type point of view/author I felt that the truth was a little blurry...but I guess it is essentially accurate, if omitting other details.
  13. I don't have a problem with looking after the members of your own church who have contributed so much to help others through sacrifice...i.e. fast offerings and such. Surely they should be looked after by that same system that they have contributed to when they find themselves in need. Nah, I don't think badly of you for saying what you have said. But, not everyone in New Orleans was Morman or could have been LDS that they helped there. And there probably are donation calls when emergency situations arise. I just don't think this is a fair statement. But perhaps there are issues with being thought of as a 'welfare business' in my trying to locate that information on the net about how they do help many non-LDS members. I'm not on welfare, I don't need welfare...I just have a picture of many yellowshirted Mormon volunteers helping out after the New Orleans disaster and being there when needed and I don't think it is fair to them. Am I off track? Edit: Simultaneous posting with Pam - we both think you're right!!!
  14. Wow Ray. That's exactly what I'm looking for : ))))))).
  15. Thanks Ray...clicking on old internet sites there didn't appear to be temples in some cities...it just took a bit of further googling to work out how that wasn't the case now. All that way to New Zealand...thankyou for sharing.
  16. Chiming in with my total state of ignorance on almost all things, but as a 'living' church, growth and change seem to be an integral part of that concept in some ways, I would think.
  17. Ray, while you're about, I'm also interested in Morman culture in Australia. Any stake internet links?
  18. I came across the statement that, "LDS welfare seeks to help LDS members first." Now I know that is a misrepresentation of things, but I lack the resources to refute the statement. Can anyone give me some references?
  19. I know A-Train. I caught your first post and thought, gee, I'll bet he was expecting me to tackle the gay LDS movement, pro-polygamy groups or something involving weapons and such. Feel free to post away...it is relevant...I have questions on all of that even if I'm still working out how to phrase them so that discussion will come out of it. But essentially trying to work out everyday practicalities and how people fit or don't fit.
  20. Not there Ray...but some links from other articles to the concept. Inevitable I guess...but still worth hearing presentism as it does colour the present, while trying to uncover the accuracy or lack of it in our presumptions.
  21. Point taken Ray. LOL. I think religion and science is entirely compatible...not an issue for me. I love that there are no fullstops in science and we are always learning more...essentially that it is dynamic. Who would think that some scientists question gravity? Fascinating stuff. I'm not anti...just fascinated by it's potential directions. Ruling a line off underneath scientific knowledge and going 'DONE' is something I find hard to understand. But I don't want to detract from my original question in saying this. Skalenfehl I did look at the interview questions : ) . I'm just wondering how far do you have to go before you are apostacising?
  22. Skalenfehl...I seem to be slowly compiling a list, perhaps in error, of what is deemed unacceptable ..this is our doctrine and what we don't disagree on I guess is a start..it seems a large ground to grasp.
  23. LOL I was looking for a list...a long list...The cartoons are one way of understanding how people thought back then about things and how things have changed or not changed so much over time - that's a good idea.
  24. Just wondering on how much you can fit within a group if your views are a little outside of the box. How do church stakes manage this and how do people fit in while being a tad different without sacrificing cohesion? What are the limits and where is the line drawn? Your stories and testimonies please.