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Everything posted by WANDERER

  1. Thanks Elphy...eeek...you do have quite a reading list. I definitely appreciate the short list : )
  2. Sorry. Things don't always work out the way that we want them too. Things I've learned: I'm into circular reasoning: my prayers are answered when my prayers are not answered, just not with the answer I wanted. I'm careful about what I pray for..I might just get it. I have no reason to be disappointed in not getting what I pray for...God may answer my prayers, but if he doesn't I am in no worse a situation than where I started from. It is always better to ask for spiritual help than an actual thing. That I cannot comprehend why God does not answer prayers that I think are most deserving. I have thought a lot about Jesus's prayer in Gethsamene...not my will but Thy will. I'm not a whole lot of help am I.
  3. Hey DS, seeking God even if you don't know the truth of Him in the way that you are doing is more than many others do who are convinced that there is a God. I respect that and wish you well in finding the answers that you seek.
  4. I haven't received any scams, porn or pms about not joining the church. ? LOL
  5. SMG I find the thought of putting up with that rather intimidating...the whole forever families thingy. The idea of fronting up to a service alone, without friends and family and in spite of friends and family is hard enough without putting up with additionals...but I gather it's not that way in every ward. On further thoughts, if wives are supervising their hubbies it may be a case of 'where there's smoke there's fire'...perhaps they've had a few issues in the past with their other half. Might be a good idea to steer clear.
  6. I'm beginning to get a bit more canny about tax deductions...I've been a bit of an idiot in the past about it. There's a lot to be said for business deductions. Skalenfehl, usually the mod job goes to someone who already does it. Wise pick I'd say : )
  7. Ummm, I haven't read very much yet. Reading it on the internet is a bit of an ask. Not ready to get my own copy ...but perhaps will order one (the no-strings attached solution...all the way from the U.S....I'm under the impression that they personally deliver free copies? Rumour mill LOL). When I opened/clicked to page one I didn't read it as a historical book, I opened it and read it like I would the Bible. Occasionally a few proofs turn up for the OT and NT in a historical sense and that's great, but there's a lot that doesn't have that. As a historical record of Ancient America..I don't think I could do that reading it the first time through, that would be distracting. Either it has spiritual truth or it doesn't...that's what I'm expecting to find in a religious text. Historical proof is a side issue. It may become more important down the track..or not.
  8. I think it's far more offensive when people are selective about what they tell you. Omitting things is practicing deception. How is that being true? I guess it is a separation to say 'we are the one true church' and thus the response. I am actually surprised by the Catholic claim in that it separates itself from other Christian churches and much has been done towards promoting unity...more than I would be so if the Catholic faith had maintained that position all along. I guess that my initial response is 'surprise' to hear it from those of LDS faith : is it different from Jewish or Moslem statements in this regard...what exactly does it mean. This is a fair question. It isn't a standard belief amongst Christian churches, which is also something that sustains curiousity. Whether you accept it or reject it then follows. It doesn't offend my beliefs for someone to hold contrary beliefs to mine. But if I don't share that belief that may reduce my involvement as an outsider somewhat or how included I feel within an LDS community perhaps.
  9. Tax...mine is taken out through automatic deductions (no amount owing that way) and then get someone else (tax agent) to do the form filling for me (it's refundable). I try and claim as much back as possible *within the law and that is fair* from that amount. So there's always a return at the end of it (a certain amount of overpaying is done and claimed back, but it makes life simple). A-Train...not exactly stuff to volunteer on a forum mate...although I have heard of people who *may* do that.
  10. Do people of the LDS faith question it...or have personal doubts or issues. As an investigator I'm a bit confused about 'taking a turn', as I would think that it would be necessary to believe certain statements of faith as core beliefs and that this would have to be one of them. ?
  11. Click alert or the exclamation mark on any one of their posts (you may have to do a search)and that will enable you to send a message to whichever moderator is on. : )
  12. Just include her...give her some responsibilities. If she isn't interacting or contributing this will give her a chance to do that in a non-threatening way. Some people take a while to adjust to change. Opportunities to feel included in a conversation without saying much work too...tackle it in tandem with another friend: two to one : ) .
  13. This might be a better question to get answered in writing. There are probably a few different options you can look at, not just one answer on how to go about it. Best wishes with it all.
  14. Gaea, are we still talking about Christianity here?
  15. 2004 , yes. I haven't ever discussed it before besides here on the forum twice...thanks for posting.
  16. Willow...smoking is only a small part of it of course. You are right about needing major help with that one though, each day at a time.
  17. Just wondering who has taken which side in the Irish struggle. Who wears green and who wears orange for St. Pats day? quote Traveller My mum once had a fit when I wore the wrong coloured hair ribbons to my Catholic school on St Pat's day. I was told to change them. Oops.
  18. The capitalisation is a little hard to read...but it did make sense when talking about becoming a god and God...in this case capitalisation in the wrong place can become confusing. To each their own. It's a small issue isn't it.
  19. I bought a pocket car because I travelled huge distances....it was a catch 22...cows aren't fenced in up north and there's always the chance of hitting a roo. I'm now in the city. It's worked out. And I don't get half the teasing that I used to.
  20. Can you point me in the direction of what Joseph Smith taught on this...I haven't come across it yet?
  21. Salvation is open to all I believe. That does leave the church open I guess...but God is quite capable of dealing with the 'opposing side'.
  22. Is there a relationship between harsh penalty systems and violence/warlike tendencies? .
  23. That's great Hoosier. : ) . I don't want to go to a service right now. Trying to give up smoking and finding that I'm just not a great person to be around at the moment ; ) .
  24. Continues on with another Irish blessing wish: May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields.