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Everything posted by Traveler

  1. I am quite sure that anyone that would deny payment of or encourage or belittle the widow to not tithe or offer her mite does not understand the principle of tithing and offerings. The Traveler
  2. This may or may not apply: I read an article a while back that 90% of blacks believe O.J. was innocent and framed. At the same time 90% of whites believe that O.J. was guilty and got off because of a slick lawyer. What I found interesting is that the blacks and whites in the survey all got their information from the same source. One of my great lesions in life is that some things that seem so obvious to me others would stand as it seems in the brightness of noon day and declare it night. To be honest I have come to the conclusion that with few exception, anyone that is angry, has a chip on their shoulder, wants to “even” the playing field and just get even for all the bad and injustice done to them – Well most likely they are wrong in their view and even if they are right they have no intension of making any thing better. Sort of – my parade was rained upon so I will rain on everybody else’s parade. On the other hand someone that has been through a lot and has been wronged on every side – yet they still offer a kind hand to others and soft words of kind encouragement. I have come to the conclusion that they are most likely right in their opinion even if their logic is horrible and they can’t seem to get their facts straight. (Though I really think if we look closely without bias we will find they are very good about facts). So what is the engine of your bias? Someone once told me that in getting angry and insisting on getting even is like taking poison and thinking and hoping the other person will die. The Traveler
  3. I have lived on both the East Coasts and West Coasts. I have also lived in Utah. I have lived in wards and I have lived in a branch (more like a twig) I have traveled around the world and have gone to church in many different nations, kindred’s, tongues and peoples. I have never been in a congregation of “bad” Mormons. I have even attended other churches and I can say that I have never been to a religious congregation of “bad” anything. I have never felt too good to attend church anywhere. I know there are many that struggle to live their religion and I know this is quite common among youth. But you know what? I have gathered with smokers, drunkards and adulterers and all kinds of young men with all kinds of problems on the eve before combat and we have prayed to G-d for mercy and I could not find a fault in any of them – especially the ones that never came home. I wonder – when you stand before G-d the Father and the Son Jesus Christ and tell them of how you feel about some of his children in Utah not being as worthy as you non-Utah types – I really do not think you will get as much agreement as you do on this forum. The Traveler
  4. I have said this before but I think this is another good time to say it again. I believe in choice - and I think there is another side to things. Everybody says they want to go to heaven or the CK. I think there are people that have convinced themselves that they want to go to heaven and spend their whole lief working and even making sacrifices to get into heaven. But I believe that at what many call the great judgement of G-d many good people will have a real good view into heaven and will turn and say - This is not what I thought. This is not what I want. This is not for me - and they will look to G-d and he will tell them there is a place suited just for them and that if they look around the other kingdoms of glory they will find just what they have always wanted. Many people think happiness is finding something that suits them. They find a church that suits them, they get a job that suits them, they find a partner that suits them. It is all about them and them being happy. I am sorry but I do not think that is what the CK is all about. If we have not learned to enjoy work and enjoy things like home teaching, temple work, enjoy taking care of and helping others, doing good to your enemies. If you would rather sit in a tropical place and be fed grapes by beautiful maidens (or hansom studs) and be on constant vacation - I don't think you will have much fun in the CK. I also do not think G-d will force anything of those that do not what it. I think we will all want exactly what we get. The Traveler
  5. I believe that anyone that wants to live with G-d in the CK will do so. I believe that is the work and Glory of G-d. In another thread I talk about the hassle of repentance - That is the hard part. The damage done to other by sin has been fixed by the atonement, the only thing left is repentance - if a person can repent they will be forgiven. And when that day comes I believe many will be surprised with who has stayed the course in hell and repented. Other wise I see no purpose or reason for G-d to provide hell. The Traveler
  6. Now I do now want to upset anyone but to be honest I think for the most part sin is not understood. You see most people think of sin in terms of the damage it causes or that G-d just does not like having sin around or that he could not be G-d if sin was going on around him. Fixing the damage caused by sin is no problem for G-d. I am quite convinced that with all his knowledge and power he can more than fix any damage caused by sin. That is with one exception and this is why sin is so rotten and bad - it is why G-d is so adamant that we do not sin. It is the damage and destruction that sin brings to the heart and soul of the sinner that is the problem. This may come as a shock to some of you in forum-land but I have tried sin myself a few times (but I did not inhale). Even the littlest of sin is so ##$%$ addictive. I have come to the conclusion because of my experiments in sin that sin really is not all that bad. In fact it can be fun – sort of. It is sort of like eating a real sticky cinnamon bun. The real problem is in the clean up. That is where the hassle really is. It is so bad G-d cannot fix your sinful heart – he is not powerful enough – he has to have your help and full cooperation in order to undo what sin has done to you. Repenting from sin can make strong men and women very very humble. Of all things that stand in the way of members of mankind becoming like G-d – Repentance of sin is the #1 hardest of them all. It is the one thing that most intelligent, smart and best of man will always struggle with the most in being a saint of G-d. I am convinced that those that say repentance is easy – just do not know any thing they are talking about. The Traveler
  7. Lots of good advice - Yes be a friend but remember that you can only repent for yourself - everyone must deal with their own repentance. As far as excummunication - It is most important that they make their own way back. You can support them and encourage them but THEY MUST repent and seek forgiveness themself - you cannot and should not do that for them or interfear with that process. The Traveler.
  8. Please do not just post the standard Sunday School answer. I thought I would ask this question to see what forum members are thinking. I have a definite opinion. So what is it about “Sin” that is so bad? Why does G-d not allow sin in his presents? What is the “Real” problem with sin? The Traveler
  9. The fall of man was the plan of G-d from the beginning. Without the fall there is no need for the Son of G-d, the Messiah (Christ) or savior. I am a little shocked that some have such low opinion of the intelligence of G-d. The Traveler.
  10. I think you are right, it just makes me sad...David was a man after God's own heart, too...If he can lose favor with scares me! 'course, I've never killed anyone. not that I havent thought about it....just 10 min alone with my x-husband and no consiquences...that's ALL I want!!!!! I will offer a different opinion with a short story. I was talking to an individual that attempted to read the Book of Mormon a while back when the President asked all the members to do so. They said that because of their young children and things they just could not get it done. However, there were quite upset because of all the bragging of other members about the blessings they had received. The sought council of the L-rd and the spirit taught them that they did indeed lose blessings for not following as the president asked. Those blessings were lost for ever but because of their repentance they had been for given and if they were obedient new blessing could be obtained. I believe this is true of David. Through repentance they can receive blessings. There is nothing from which man cannot repent - but lost blessings are lost forever but that does not mean that new blessing cannot be obtained. I expect to meet David in the CK along with many others that desire to be with G-d but have struggled. I believe anyone that repents will be forgiven. But I suspect that Abigail and other choice ladies will be given to another. The Traveler
  11. This may seem odd to some but as a boy, I was taught by an expert how to use a sling as an accurate and deadly weapon. Since that time I have never seen expert use of a sling demonstrated in any movie or video. There is a distinct body, arm and hand motion that is used to create force and accuracy to launch the stone. The closest action that I have seen that is similar is the overhead slam technique used by many professionals in tennis. The swinging around your head in a twirling motion is not the correct or the most deadly and accurate motion possible. There is no question in my mind that David was an expert. He selected five stones. This is the reason I believe he selected five stones. Each stone he selected had a distinct characteristic in flight. David was making sure he was prepared. However, when he reached for a stone in his pouch he expected that G-d would have a hand in the stone selected in the final battle. Like so many things with G-d we need to go into battle prepared for more than one thing we think may happen – then in the heat of the battle allow G-d to direct us as to which of our preparations will be utilized. The Traveler
  12. Thank you all for your responses. I do not want to leave the impression that my experience is more valuable that that of others. That is not at all my impression. At one time I spent over a month fasting and praying in the wilderness as did Jesus and Moses. When I finished I thought my experience was a failure because what I expected did not happen. But something did happen and I learned over the years that I was closer to my L-rd than I realized. I even wrote a short story about my experience and submitted my story - the response from the publisher is that they do not publish that kind of religious fantasy. So I have learned that most do not understand such things. Like many in the New Testament we are touched and drawn and taught but it is later that we realize the hand that G-d had in directing us or that Jesus or a servant was sent to comfort us. Often we do not recognize that at the time. But I have come to believe that is not a problem. Jesus said that his sheep hear his voice. He also said that his voice is the same if it comes from him or his chosen and sent servants. How do you recognize your new home teacher, or your bishop or stake president. If you are in a new place or just visiting how do recognize those servants that speak for Christ? In reality recognizing a servant of Christ is no different than recognizing the Christ. Jesus tried to explain this in telling his disciples that it was the same to see him as it is to see the Father. Many do not understand this oath and covenant of the Priesthood concerning following a leader by covenant. If someone cannot recognize a servant of Christ they cannot recognize the Christ. I believe there are servants of Christ on this forum - and some of them are not LDS. But some of them are - I thank you who are. Thank you so much for the strength that you offer on loan to me - though many of you may not realize who you are. As you read the spirit will witness to you who your are - thanks again. The Traveler
  13. Sorry to sound cryptic. Like so many things I believe that it is the journey and not the destination that makes the difference. Let me give an example - few people know that Gandhi was converted to Jesus. I believe Gandhi had made an important connection and demonstrated by an event that happened to him as he traveled in India. He came to a town an was asked to speak to the people, he declined. He was pressed more to offer a sermon - still he refused. But the people would not stop their asking and ask that he offer them something in the way of a sermon to them. He stood and said, "I am what I teach", and then he left. If you know something; it is better to do it, as a teaching method than to preach it. If you want to learn something it is also better to do it than it is to hear it. My father once told me that if I want to change something or learn something new then I must do something I have never done before. In order to do something you have never done before you must stop doing what you have always done before. Until you change you have not learned anything or changed any thing. If you want to know Jesus in a way you have never before experienced - you are going to have to do something you have never done before. The Traveler .
  14. If you are serious about getting your work published - I suggest you find a reading group for writers trying to get published. They will work with you to insure your manuscripts are formatted correctly - publisher will not look at any manuscript not formatted correctly. And they will offer advice associated with your writing style and target audience. Many groups have published authors that donate their time to help others.The Traveler
  15. This may not help and it may not apply to you. But I have noticed as I travel that often things go wrong. When they do I am most surprised by those that get angry at those trying to help them. The Traveler
  16. Sorry to rain on anybodies happiness here but as an engineer and scientist - I do not believe there is any such thing as "Randomness". Even complex systems have parameter limits. Interesting to see what parameter limits are doing to some people. The Traveler
  17. If I were you and gong to pilot I would make a pile of something more easy like bricks. Piling embraer 145's sound like a lot of heaving lifting. The Traveler - former Boeing engineer and designer of multiple network protocol using the 1553 bus - if that means anything to you.
  18. I know very little Hebrew - I do know a couple of Jewish Rabbis that help me. I do not trust a lot of Christians that claim to know and study Hebrew. I perfer someone that lives a language. The Traveler Huh? what is your problem? I don't care whether you "trust" me or not! I'm studieing Hebrew because I love the language and for my own personal reasons. It has nothing to do with any "agenda". Yeeesh...lighten up, dude! Interesting how you interpret my opinion. May I state it again in a slightly different manner? It has always been my advice to anyone trying to learn anything that they seek out one or more experts (the best they can find) to assist them. If you want to learn about math seek out experts in math. If you want to learn about money seek out experts in investments. I am sorry that I thought you were serious in your desire to learn Hebrew – I take back my advise and ask your forgiveness. The Traveler
  19. I will admit that in part this was a trick question. In essence I was testing the waters. There are many that indicate that they have a true understanding and relationship with Jesus but as near as I can determine no one that has posted has had a recognizable experience with the Messiah G-d the Son, Jesus the Christ. I do no say this to disturb or disappoint anyone. Just to make something clear. It is also interesting to note that even those most close to Jesus did not recognize him – example Mary at the tomb. But there is a finer point. Because some have had a spiritual experience or life changing experience – they think they know Jesus. But most of us that are honest with ourselves realize that there is something missing – we just do not want to admit it. You may surge this off as just my opinion as you like. That is your right – but the truth is that no one on this forum – so far knows how to recognize Jesus. They would not know him in a crowd nor would they know if their bishop, stake president, their minister or pope introduced to Jesus. As I said before even those that knew Jesus intimately did not recognize him – that is until something. That something is the most important point. It is the point that is missing from the post I have read. Perhaps someone caught it and I missed it. But the most important point is - - Jesus is not recognized unless he or the Father reveal him as the Christ. At this point I would suspect someone to jump up and say “what about the Holy Ghost?” To which I would answer – interesting but I think you have missed something – that I will leave for another discussion. I wish you all the best. I hope you find the Jesus you are looking for and seek. If you think you have completed your quest – I wish you well. I am still on my journey thank you – and thank you that are willing to journey beside me and express your most precious thoughts. The Traveler
  20. I have heard many say that they have a personal relationship with Jesus - but I wonder if they could really pick him out in a crowd. When Jesus was on earth most scripture experts (Scribes and Pharisees) did not recognize him. I find it interesting that many do not know his real name or how to pronounce it - yet they say that they do things in his name. So I ask - If you bumped into Jesus this week end - how do you think you would recognize him? What if he did not have his beard? The Traveler
  21. Happyness comes from acomplishing something worth while. Many set thing against themselves so there is no way they can be happy. For example: many want to be strong and healthy - but they want to eat like pigs and never exercise. Therefore they can never be happy. They are either overweight or they force themselves to do things they do not like and starve themselves. The secret of happiness is to learn to dicipline ourselves and enjoy doing it. The Traveler
  22. It is interesting to me what people believe. I like what PC had to say. There is no reason to change a law that is not being inforced any more than to keep a law that is not being inforced. I see the main problem in elected officials and citizens that will lie and break the law themself before they will make any effort to inforce and uphold the law. LDS believe the great power of Satan on earth is to use humans as a source of personal wealth and power. It is the sure sign of evil. Laws are being broken in an organized manner (secret combination) in order to exploit human life and energy. And most of us will relect as our representative such an exploiter. Who then is more corrupt - the elector or the elected? The Traveler
  23. From from;terms=ANGEL I am well aware of all the paid professional Christians that speculate about all kinds of things to earn money and earthly rewards. There is no scripture that I know of that says Cherubum are angels. Nor have I ever found a reference to refer to anything meaningful from anyone that says Cherubum are angels. They may reference each other - but nothing of G-d that says Cherubum are angels. No one of authority like a prophet directed to speak for G-d as Isaiah or any heavenly party ever said a Cherub is an angel. We know that Satan was a Cherub - you showed us that scripture. I know of no other scripture that says Satan ever was an angel. I do know of a scripture that says Satan is a g-d. In particular the "g-d of this world". But though the Bible says exactly that I have met few Christians outside of the LDS that believe the Bible. They say they believe the Bible - until it says something they do not like then they make up all kinds of excuses - my favorit is "but you do not understand the context". Which means to me - "if it is not in the context of meaning what we want we do not believe it". And then they say the Mormons do not believe the Bible. The Traveler
  24. I know very little Hebrew - I do know a couple of Jewish Rabbis that help me. I do not trust a lot of Christians that claim to know and study Hebrew. I perfer someone that lives a language. The Traveler
  25. the Bible refers to Satan as a cherub that covers. The only reference in scripture to a covering cherub is in Exodus 25:20. In that same verse the KJV is translated as "their faces shall look one to another". The literal translation of the Hebrew from which that translation is taken should read "and the two brothers shall face each other". One on the right side of the mercy seat of G-d and one on the left side. Let me know when you have had enough meat and I'll be quiet about this pearl of exceptional value that few of many Christian dominations will except from ancient original scripture manuscripts. And a question for Dr T. Where in scripture does it tell us that a cherub is an angel? The Traveler