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this may sound dumb, the temple covenent to keep the law of chastity, what constitutes breaking it? technicly i would assue, then, anything from like just really heavy kissing/petting, or just even bad thoughs/masturbation, or just all the way? i know those, 'how far is far' questions arnt good, but thats just what im wondering

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Thats easy.... Too far is too far.

Christ said that when we look apond someone and lust after them we have commit it in our minds. (yes I'm paraphrasing cuase I'm lazy and don't wanna look up the scripture) SO you need to really think about what your doing in those times, whats on your mind?? I know in my past that when I did some of those things (masterbation, heavy, heavy petting) the only think on my mind was not how pure she was!!! So repentance is a very good thing for me. Best of luck... hope this helped

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Not a dumb question at all.

Here's what the Gospel Principles book has to say about it:

What Is the Law of Chastity?

We are to have sexual relations only with our spouse to whom we are legally married. No one, male or female, is to have sexual relations before marriage. After marriage, sexual relations are permitted only with our spouse.

To the Israelites the Lord said, “Thou shalt not commit adultery” (Exodus 20:14). Those Israelites who broke this commandment were put to death (see Leviticus 20:10). The Lord repeated this commandment to the Prophet Joseph Smith (see D&C 42:24).

We have been taught that the law of chastity encompasses more than sexual intercourse. Elder Spencer W. Kimball warned young people of other sexual sins:

“Among the most common sexual sins our young people commit are necking and petting. Not only do these improper relations often lead to fornication, [unwed] pregnancy, and abortions—all ugly sins—but in and of themselves they are pernicious evils, and it is often difficult for youth to distinguish where one ends and another begins. They awaken lust and stir evil thoughts and sex desires. They are but parts of the whole family of related sins and indiscretions” (The Miracle of Forgiveness, p. 65).

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thanks...yeah, we all have the feelings of too far, what sparked the question really i guess is somewhere i read how these things are "serious and should be taken care of with church leaders because it puts your standing/membership in the church in jeopardy" does that go with all the smaller "too far" things as well?

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Indeed it can and does. They are gateways to the more grievous sins and should be avoided. God does not look upon sin in the least degree. For example in another thread (Rated R movies) an article was shared about pornography (and other compulsive sexual behaviors) and his experiences.

Meridian Magazine:: Ideas and Society: A Need for Unity — as Citizens and as Disciples

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Thats easy.... Too far is too far.

Christ said that when we look apond someone and lust after them we have commit it in our minds. (yes I'm paraphrasing cuase I'm lazy and don't wanna look up the scripture) SO you need to really think about what your doing in those times, whats on your mind?? I know in my past that when I did some of those things (masterbation, heavy, heavy petting) the only think on my mind was not how pure she was!!! So repentance is a very good thing for me. Best of luck... hope this helped

Everyone has those thoughts, its normal. By saying this is wrong and a sin makes so many people with normal sexual feelings feel guilty and like they are sinning. THAT is whats wrong. I spent my youth feeling guilty for things I hadnt even done. I wish I hadn't, I wasted so much energy on feelings of guilt. It gets you nowhere.

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If you are engaging in those acts you are dwelling on those tought and hence you are sinning. I'm sorry Aphrodite, that you'd rather follow the council of the world then the council of Prophets through out time. But I'm not going to argue with you either. What I said was from scripture, if you'd like I'll find the reference for you, but I think you already know where it is.

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I think most people have thought about having sex at some point during their youth. It doesnt necesarilly mean you will do it, but of course you are going to think about it, its natural progression. I cannot believe people can get to a point of marriage without even thinking about what sex is like. If anyone says they have they are either a robot or sub human!!!

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Consider that nothing that is or was created physically was not first created in spirit. All things have a spirit--us, our pets, all animals and everything that lives. So, too, are our actions first created in spirit. There is nothing first created or done without premeditation. Therefore let virtue garnish our thoughts and our actions be good. They come from good thoughts.

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I think most people have thought about having sex at some point during their youth. It doesnt necesarilly mean you will do it, but of course you are going to think about it, its natural progression. I cannot believe people can get to a point of marriage without even thinking about what sex is like. If anyone says they have they are either a robot or sub human!!!

I think that you are missing the point. To think it a let it pass is one thing. To dwell on it or act on the thought is a completely different thing.

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great imput all of you...but in relation more to the main question, obviously if an endowed member participated in intercouse, would probley be xd i assume? but if you dont let virtue garnish your thoughs etc, engage in gateway sins, is the punishment the same?

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great imput all of you...but in relation more to the main question, obviously if an endowed member participated in intercouse, would probley be xd i assume? but if you dont let virtue garnish your thoughs etc, engage in gateway sins, is the punishment the same?

The bishop would council you in an interview. Impure thoughts and lesser sins are met with lesser consequences such as removal of privileges to partake of the sacrament, pass the sacrament, administering priesthood blessing, etc. More severe consequences can range from revocation of temple recommend, disfellowshipping, etc. Your bishop can advise you better, though.

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Excommunication is not a weapon or punishment. It is a tool (step) of repentance.

If one has committed adultery lets say, confessed it and is truly seeking repentance, then excommunication washes away the sin.

It cleans the slate so that you can start fresh, from the beginning with re-baptism and working towards restoring your covenants.

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It comes back to the individual repentance, sincerity, and humbleness in seeking to address the wrong that was committed. It may not result in excommunication.

You need to remember, the handbook is the last course of action in seeking guidance but a bishop needs to know the Savior's will with that individual. Seeking the Spirit guidance is his first priority after an initial interview. But at this point, speculating on something like this is best left to local Bishops and Spirit of Discernment.

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