when you prayed over the BoM...

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A Mormon defending Mormonism isn't incapable of being objective. Certainly B.H. Roberts was willing to be objective in his conjecture about View of the Hebrews. EVERYone has an angle, whether they know it or not, and every defender, or dissenter, for Mormonism ought to be viewed with a large grain of salt.

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Problem with FAIR/FARMS is its Mormons defnding mormonism. So of course they are going to defend the faith.

Is it possible that LDS scholars are the best qualified to know and tell the TRUTH about "mormonism"?

If you really wanted to know about the Baptists would you go to the Catholics expecting to learn the full truth about Baptist beliefs from them? Or vice versa?

I suggest that you get on your knees and look to the Latter-day Saints for correct information about the Latter-day Saints instead of to their apostates and enemies who have many axes to grind and a library of questionable sources to refer you to. You can learn a whole lot of truth about God and His Church doing it that way.

Some people seem to think that even if they were being taught about God by an angel sent from Him that they would need to rush off every now and then to ask the Devil for his opinion on the matter. (Nothing personal, just an analogy from my observations of the way some people approach learning about God and the Latter-day Saints.)

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Problem with FAIR/FARMS is its Mormons defnding mormonism. So of course they are going to defend the faith.

So would you go to an OB/GYN for advice on how to build a deck? How about a Cancer researcher to learn about cars? How about going to a Catholic to learn about Judaism? Why not go to a Mormon to learn about Mormonism?
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I suggested we just leave this thread becasue we both have opinions and it's going to lead to anger. Oh wait, it alread has. Are you some kind of expert on these things also Rameumptom?

No, I'm not an expert. But I study what the experts say, both LDS and non-LDS. I've been studying these things for decades.

It is just seems too easy for the anti-LDS crowd to throw eggs, and then act shocked when we won't play by their rules. I'm not just going to throw up my hands and say, "you're right! the View of the Hebrews has Jews that come to America in it, therefore the Book of Mormon is false!"

I'm not that naive. Nor am I so shallow as to think there is only one side of any story. I've researched the problems, or proclaimed problems with the BoM. As I've discussed before, many of those "issues" have turned out to be nonsequiturs. You mentioned several issues you have with it, that have now been explained at least in part. Whether you wish to ignore new evidence, or refuse to consider all experts (not just your favorite Sandra Tanner pamphlet), is your choice.

I am not angry or frustrated in this discussion. I am just laying down evidences, and challenging you to do the same. And I hope you will consider up to date info, and not rely on BH Roberts to prove your concerns. He was a great guy for his day, but he was no Hugh Nibley or John Sorensen. Nor did he have the research tools we have today.

If I were to reject LDS teachings, I would also have to become an atheist, like Elphaba. She has it right in many ways. The same issues that people bring against the BoM can also disprove the Bible. So, if the LDS Church is false, so must Christianity be wrong.

A person that only attacks Mormonism, but not Christianity as a whole, is cherry-picking at evidences.

with such a history of the Bible, we should know more than 25% of the cities and locations in it. We should have evidence for the Flood and the Creation, but we don't. Archaeology would show that Jericho's wall was dropped by Joshua, but it doesn't. Early Christianity would have shown a more developed belief in Christology, but it doesn't. Miracles like the Red Sea, or the renting of the temple veil at Christ's death would have more evidences, but there are none.

There are actually more evidence for the Book of Mormon's miraculous events than for the Bible's, since finding Jerusalem is not noteworthy, but finding Nahom is.

Deny what you will. I won't stop you. But I will challenge your false or lame premises.

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I have a question for all of you that prayed to see if the book of mormon is true or not

If you recieved an answer how did the answer come? Was it an audiable voice? A knowing? Someone confirmed your feelings?

For me it was more like a "remembering". When I'd try to pray about it I'd find that I already KNEW the Book of Mormon was of God.

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