"getting Beyond a testimony" by Wallace Goddard

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I have directly asked why some people are angry with me, but have received no reply. So I am going to make just a few comments, and that will be my last word.

I did not assassinate anyone's character. I disapproved of the person's behavior. There is a huge difference.

Frankly, it baffles me that some posters see no problem with a member insulting the character of a poster who does not agree with the member, but when I called him on it, I am guilty of character assassination.

. . . .nobody will post anything of value if every sentence from every topic by a poster is picked apart and misconstrued into something else.

This irks me to no end.

I did not pick apart every sentence Hemi wrote, nor have I ever done so. Hemi is a prolific writer, but this is the only thread I have ever called him out. Accusing me of something I did not do does not solve the problem. Rather, it makes it worse.

Changing the subject, I have thought a lot about a problem I did create, and I apologize for it. It was wrong of me to divert the thread with my comments; rather, I should have written a PM to the parties involved.

I realize my actions took the spirit out of the discussion, and I sincerely apologize for that. I promise, in the future, I will communicate my concerns in a PM.


Edited by Elphaba
Because I thought I should.
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It's called faith.

If it were fact and information then it would be proven for all, and faith would not be required.

I agree. It takes faith to follow these steps ...

1) Read - Study the scriptures, ask friends and your local church leaders.

2) Ponder - Think about it yourself, come up with a logical answer yourself.

3) Pray - Take your answer to Heavenly Father. Ask, and wait for an answer. When you get it, take the next step.

4) Change - Same as repent. Follow the answer.

A confirmation of love, a peaceful feeling will show up on step three if you are correct. Otherwise, confusion will mean you are not correct. There are other ways, such as pure knowlege that can enter. Perhaps another topic for another thread.

The hardest step is #4. Lots and lots of good people want to think they know better. I've actually helped someone get an answer, we talked a lot about his situation, I prayed, he prayed and I was with him when he got his answer, we both got it at the same time. And he walked away from it. It was an eye opening experience. There are people that actually go through all the work, but simply dont follow through. That, in my opinion, is the next step after a testimony.

Edited by WordFLOOD
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Elph, Woodflood, and others, I do pay attention to many posting when time permits and humbled enough to make a greater change to my disposition. The goal for me right now, is seeking perfection before my end of days as the light grows brighter. Kudos to those who contribute this forum and aiding others to become better Saints.

Woodflood, I am overjoyed to see you are still here.

Edited by Hemidakota
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I agree. It takes faith to follow these steps ...

1) Read - Study the scriptures, ask friends and your local church leaders.

2) Ponder - Think about it yourself, come up with a logical answer yourself.

3) Pray - Take your answer to Heavenly Father. Ask, and wait for an answer. When you get it, take the next step.

4) Change - Same as repent. Follow the answer.

A confirmation of love, a peaceful feeling will show up on step three if you are correct. Otherwise, confusion will mean you are not correct. There are other ways, such as pure knowlege that can enter. Perhaps another topic for another thread.

The hardest step is #4. Lots and lots of good people want to think they know better. I've actually helped someone get an answer, we talked a lot about his situation, I prayed, he prayed and I was with him when he got his answer, we both got it at the same time. And he walked away from it. It was an eye opening experience. There are people that actually go through all the work, but simply dont follow through. That, in my opinion, is the next step after a testimony.

#3 The only item I could add here is continuous prayer until it is answered.

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Guest Username-Removed

#3 The only item I could add here is continuous prayer until it is answered.

Agreed! Step number three can be a "failure point" if not seen all the way through. ;)

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Elph, Woodflood, and others, I do pay attention to many posting when time permits and humbled enough to make a greater change to my disposition. The goal for me right now, is seeking perfection before my end of days as the light grows brighter. Kudos to those who contribute this forum and aiding others to become better Saints.

Hi Hemi,

I just saw this post. Thank you for your kind words.

I look forward to more opportunities to learn from each other.


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After all of the work up front (read, ponder, pray) when you get an answer, it’s always amazing to me.

1) Quiet Confirmation. This is the still small voice that tells you that you have the answer. It’s a warm feeling confirming that your decision is correct. It not only is a warm feeling, but it’s usually confirmed with peace of mind. Some people describe this as totally clear in your direction.

2) Pure Knowledge. This is as if some heavenly being simply poured the truth right in your head. Just as if you had done all the work and research about a particular thing, that knowledge is transferred to you without all the hard research. Now, don’t get me wrong, you still have research, but the mountain of research is not necessary.

3) Visions & Dreams. This is an interesting concept. Usually (at least for me) the dream or vision is some sort of being showing me, or describing to me something very specific. Sometimes it is an actual dream. Visions on the other hand (at least for me) can happen when I am awake. It’s like I’ve been removed from my place, and shown something specific away, in another place, from where I was.

4) Visitations. This is where a being actually visits you in person.

All of them have specific benefits due to the nature of the revelation. Obviously, 3 & 4 are more interactive with 4 being the most interactive. Just as we use email for one way communication, sometimes talking with someone is a better solution. I believe that’s why there are different types of revelation methods. For example, there was a time that I had a vision of a person holding a key. The key was gold, and the person holding it turned it, causing flash reflection to my eyes every few seconds. I had no idea what it meant, but I knew it was a vision, because I felt that it was.

A month later I felt prompted to tell my Bishop about it, he said it reminded him of a G.A. that interviewed him for his position. The G.A. said that his responsibility as bishop was activating the Keys of The Priesthood in the male members of his ward. It was a moment of revelation for both of us. I was called to a prominent position in the ward the following week.

Another time I was contemplating how I was going to get to college after my mission. I had served faithfully, and had no money left after my mission for college. A lot of thought, study and prayer went into it. One day, the Pure Knowledge answer came to me. I followed the knowledge as it was given to me. It was incredible, because I had no idea how I had the knowledge (myself) of how to navigate through the method of getting to BYU with no funds, yet it was given to me from someone that knew the exact method. I was given knowledge of who knew, and where they were at. I drove my car to the location that I was shown, and the person I was told would be there, was there. I walked right up to the person and asked him, “You went to BYU right?” He said, “YES!” I said, I would like to go, how do I do it. Then that person explained it to me, and in 3 days I was at BYU living in the Dormitory.

I have one more to share. Years ago I was a manger at a major telecommunications company. A friend told me I was going to be laid off as part of a major restructuring due to the company being purchased. I trusted the friend that told me and made preparations. I had lined up two opportunities. One opportunity would take me to the Mid-West with the same company. The other was a job in Portland for a medical company. I remember distinctly praying about them both for days. I was walking in my back yard on a spring day. I stopped, and asked Heavenly Father which one I should choose. I heard that still small voice, they were not words exactly, but the reply was exacting … “which job do you want and why?” So, knowing that I was on the spot, I told him which one I wanted and why. To this day, I will never forget the answer … “Granted!” He said. I realized an important concept – when you pray for the right thing, God can do nothing but grant. The next day I accepted the position in Portland. Six months later the telecom-munications company went in financial disarray eventually leading to the company going bankrupt with its president being sent to jail. The company was called MCI.

I could go on and on about specific revelations. But I felt these three examples show how it can sometimes work. I suppose there are other methods. But this is what I have experienced so far.

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Impressive! You now know why you are still here on this forum.

Have you ever had a 'I dreamed a dream'?

My sincere thanks. But to be honest, I can never get enough revelation. But I realize that there are things I must learn before I go to the next step.

I have experienced dreaming in a dream. Although I’m not sure it was revelation, but I recall experiencing it. Your question reminded me about a time when I had a revelation in a dream - maybe thats what you mean. When it happened, I also was very aware what was going on, that it was a dream and that I was receiving instruction. I was given knowledge, and was told that I would forget the knowledge when I woke up. For years I struggled to find out what it was, and I did finally, after many years of work, figure it out what I had forgotten.

It was one of the most profound moments of my life. It’s a concept that I need constant reminding of, as I do now. Thank you.

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