Speaking with Spirits

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I have. . . something. I can communicate with trees. Maybe someday I'll tell you what they did for me and one of the greatest lessons taught to me by a newly created tree stump.

Without going into details - I spent 40 days fasting (survival training) in the Southwestern desert some years ago. The method that I used to find good useable water (among other needed things) is the old Native American method. Let the spirits direct.

This is very different from relying on someone else as the "mediator" to spirits. I would pass on from my spiritual guide the probability of error in seeking a mediator to sprits is about 99.9999999%

The Traveler

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Would my experience be wrong, as i have said myself before, i really do beleive that moved on spirits would be far to busy to come back to entertain, but could it not be possible that because this happened just seconds before i had seen him and he was still earthbound, he could still do what he chose to do before he moved on. (i dont know)

I would like an explanation so until i can i must go with what feels ok with myself.

Which is,

In no way could i have entered the actual state i was in where i did leave my physical body, somebody had to make this happen, and in no way could i have done it.

Mark himself did know that i already believe in life after our bodies died, i think he came to let me know i was right in my belief (but i already knew that anyway).

Or maybe he did not believe me at sometime when i had told him, so he just wanted to say "Jim you were right"

But my physical body was not seeing "for want of a better word" a ghost, i was indeed made as spirit, and i do not think for one minute that Mark could make me this way.

I do believe people do see ghosts whilst in their own bodies, and this is why the ones that do are normally afraid, but when you are made/prepared into spirit so you can recieve another, then this is special, you know for a surety, not hope that life goes on, because you have seen it.

Because you did not hunt it down, you did not ask for the experience, so you have done nothing wrong at all, and you could do nothing to stop it happening.

This experience can happen, it happened to me, it again makes me stronger in spirit and makes me love my father in heaven even more.

It has nothing to do with anyone saying "you have this gift" it may well have been something given at the time (just the one time) but i feel it was from our father, and not satan as i do not think that he would make me feel the way i felt.

I know what it is like to be filled with the holy ghost, not just feeling good,but filled completely with the holy spirit, and the glow/warmth i feel throughout my body when i now speak about my experience is almost overwhelming, if my experience was wrong, then so is the holy ghost which has been with me since i have been Baptized. it would mean i have been misguided in my quest for Love, charity, forgiveness, and compassion to others.

I do not or have never spoke to spirits.

Edited by jimuk
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We know Satan has his counterfeits and thus those who claim to speak to those beyond the gramve usually are being deceived. Do we think the spirits are at the beck and call of those on earth. No, they have work to do, but Satan can imitate visitations. See Moses, Joseph Smith's First Vision, and II Ne chapter 9 where we see that Satan and his minnions can appear as angels of light. Please remember those who teach/preach that these are done away in our day or sorely mistaken, see Moroni Chapter 7 (and 8 -10 for that matter). He was speaking for our day. We will need such to help us in these latter times.

At the same time, many who are here as disembodied spiritts, or as spirits who never had a body have much to do with us. It is very natural to see spirits, angels, and to converse with them, or not. It is not any more unusual or supernatural than sending a text or fax over the phone line.

We just have to remember which side of the line we are on when the vistis come.


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