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Brendan, I am an old man by your standards, but I a have children your age, am a convert, and a man who is going through a dicorce of a temple marriage so truuuust me, I have sat on that fence you are on more than once and I have fallen back to the right side both times. If you have questions ask away because there are plenty of people here who have struggled with the same issues you are, whatever they are, and you have the benefit of being able to ask people who do not know you personally here. No suger coating. Fire away.

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Thanks, I appreciate it everyone.

Hello and welcome to the site. Tell us a little of your thought process. Maybe someone here may have been in similar situations. It is ok to feel the way that you do. It is a very big decision.

Here is pretty much what has happened. I have had questions about the church for years, but only about this past year have started taking them serious. I had started thinking more about it, and praying frequently about if it is true, and if it is where I am supposed to be.

Firstly, most of my friends are non-mormons and one of them does a bible study. One afternoon last fall, I asked her if I could come to the bible study. From the very start, I noticed how much different how she practices is from any mormons(She is baptist, btw). Over a few bible studies, she helped me realize that I did not have much faith at all in this church. I realized that almost all of my faith came from the thought, "All of my family believes it, so it must be true." Over the next couple of weeks, I did some serious praying about whether this church is where I am supposed to be. As far as I could tell, the answer I got, was no.

Let me finish by saying that the LDS faith is as far as my troubles go. I have a complete testimony of Christ and Christianity in general, though.

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I randomly came across your post and it caught my attention. I just wanted to give a quick reply. I too have gone through faith finding periods in my life. I was born and raised in the church and have had moments of question and confusion. I grew up with a small testimony that saddled my parents and siblings testimonies for most of my youth. (Faith is kindled by hearing the testimony of those who have faith (Rom. 10: 14-17)) As I battled the thought of the direction I was headed I turned to prayer and also to the words of the leaders of the church. Sometimes answers would take a while and sometimes I would feel I had the answer but it was Satan using his sly ways to make me think the answer came from God but in reality it was him trying to lure me away.

Basically, I guess I just wanted to say to you, take your time to really study this decision out. I know that the happiest I have ever been is when I am fully living the Gospel of Jesus Christ as a member of the LDS church. When ever my faith is wavering or I have moments of doubt prayer, scripture study, the words of our prophets and words of those I love and trust, have never failed me. Take Moroni's Challenge to find out if the Book of Mormon is true and that will lead you to other answers. :)

Here is one of my favorite scriptures:

Alma 32:36

Behold I say unto you, Nay; neither must ye lay aside your faith, for ye have only exercised your faith to plant the seed that ye might try the experiment to know if the seed was good.

Wow, I said a quick reply. It wasn't so quick, sorry. Good luck with everything and remember to take your time!


Your Friend

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I guess I have to answer you in part with a question of my own. Do you believe your questions can be answered by the promptings of the Holy Ghost? You will find as you discuss religion with Baptists, or at least the ones I share friendships with, our belief in personal revelation throught the Holy Ghost is one of the issues they have with our church. They believe the written word of the bible is the only revelation. Be careful in allowing people to use one verse out of context arguments against you or the church.

Also, what specifically are some of your concerns. I read the other post about the cross. I must say, I disagree with you, but, something that minor is not something to make a church choice over. Also, I am kind of curious why are the majority of your friends non LDS. All of my son's friends are non members because I drug him East for my job. He is the only deacon in our ward here. Are you active in your ward? If so, is there some issue you are facing making it diffcult for you to associate with LDS youth?

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Welcome, Brendan. You may enjoy perusing our Personal Beliefs section. Your Father in heaven enjoys questions directed at Him. Ask away to Him. I am looking forward to your participation in the site. Also -- what is it that you want out of life? What is it that you want out of your eternities? Based on that answer, what pathway is the best pathway to lead you to your desired destination? Also -- did Joseph Smith tell the truth? Can you trust his report of his first visit from the Father and the Son. I believe you can trust this report and that Joseph Smith did tell the truth.

Again, a hearty welcome! :lol:

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Sometimes answers would take a while and sometimes I would feel I had the answer but it was Satan using his sly ways to make me think the answer came from God but in reality it was him trying to lure me away.

May I ask, did these false answers come during prayer? If you are praying to God the Father, and receive a feeling of yes or no, how could that come from Satan?

Do you believe your questions can be answered by the promptings of the Holy Ghost?

The major questions, yes. The other smaller details no. Those are the ones I came here to get answered.

Also, what specifically are some of your concerns. I read the other post about the cross. I must say, I disagree with you, but, something that minor is not something to make a church choice over.

I have quite a few questions. As I said on the Cross thread, I am currently staying in a hotel and forgot my Bible. Most of these questions, I would like to have it for reference before I ask them. But do not worry, these questions will be coming within the next few days.

Also, I am kind of curious why are the majority of your friends non LDS.

Most of them are not LDS, simply because I can be myself around them. They are much less judging and more accepting. Around previous LDS friends, I had to pretend and I just finally could not pretend anymore.

Are you active in your ward? If so, is there some issue you are facing making it diffcult for you to associate with LDS youth?

No, I have not been active for about three or four years. Honestly, if anything is making it hard to associate with the LDS youth, it is the LDS youth.

Some background info on this. Back when I was active in my ward(It was the 18th clinton ward), it was an amazing ward. It consisted of happy, accepting, genuine mormons. About six months before I stopped going to church, the 18th ward was dissolved. There was another ward that was struggling with members. So, the logical thing to do is dissolve the healthy and strong ward, right? ;) A few weeks prior to it happening, our bishop got up and started telling us about it by saying, "Well, get ready! There is going to be a shake up!" So, they divided the ward. 90% or so went to the struggling ward, and the other 10% or so got added to a preexisting ward(I think it was the 6th ward). My family, one or two of our friends, and the bishop of the 18th ward were part of those going to the 6th ward. When we got to the new ward, we found that they already had their groups and stuff organized as they wanted it. Pretty much they did not want us there. The bishop and his wife from the 18th ward even agreed with us on this! So this is when and why I stopped going to church.

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I am also a convert. I was a Southern Baptist and I am certain I believed just as your friend does. I am sure your friend is well meaning and believes in her faith. Studying the Bible is great but true study of the Bible will leave you with more questions than answers. Study the Book of Mormon also, it will help make sense of the Bible.
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I so relate. Before we moved out east we lived in a small community, 800 people, on the Southern UT/NV border that was heaven on earth and about 90% active LDS. I had 6 kids at home still then. We suddenly moved out East and found ourselves in a Branch with very few members and youth which to our surprise were not what we were used to as "traditional" LDS. My daughters struggled desperately. They hung in there as long as they could but as soon as they turned 18 and were able to, they all moved back to Southern Utah within an hour of where we had lived. It is sad to say, but they were in that branch for over a year and neither of them left a friend behind when they left. I'm not lying blame either direction, just stating facts. I guess my point is, you are in the same situation, and for whatever resons only you know you have gone inactive instead of toughing it out. Not judging. One of my daughters is as Molly Mormon as they come and at the end I was having to almost force her to still attend she was so depressed. Long story short, you are almost 18 too and will be able to make the right decision for your self. My suggestion would be, get where you are comfortable, commit to trying activity for at least a month, real activity, and see if you still feel the same way.

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and if it makes you feel any better, I hope not worse, but I am just now coming back from struggling myself. not with my testimony, but with whether I even wanted to bother anymore or not even when I knew the church was true. I stuck it out and things are really looking up for me the last couple of weeks. It doesn't matter your age, your problem, (part of the plan is struggling through problems my friend) but it just seems that anybody you talk to that fell, or strayed, always feels better when they come back. And if there is more that you are not comfortable sharing here, remeber, repentence is available to all as well, regardless of age.

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I know the youth....inside and outside of the church....can sometimes be difficult. I can understand that you want to be around people who help you feel accepted and able to be yourself. I am glad that you have found a group of friends who do show you acceptance regardless of what church they belong to. Good friends should be valued wherever we find them.

And if they are such good people why wouldn't you look to their belief system especially if they are inviting you to look at a set of beliefs that mean a great deal to them. I suppose there is much to be learned by your association with them.

Studying the variety to Christianity can be confusing. And I am sure that the Baptist position prolly would be skewed against Joseph Smith or the BofM. And when you saw the actions of the Saints, their behavior sounds like it has become a stumbling block for you.

I have a few questions for you.

Do you believe in God? I am assuming that Yes you do. Do you believe that He has a body or is an entity that none of us can understand? Do you believe that God the Father and Jesus are separate beings or that they are one?

Do you believe that Jesus could appear to anyone he wanted to? Do you believe he visited with the 12 apostles after his resurrection? Do you believe that Mary saw his resurrected body in the Garden and that the tomb was empty? Do you believe Stephen saw him? Do you believe he talked to any in the OT the same way? Is it possible for Christ to show himself to anyone today? Do you think Jerusalem was the only group he visited in all of time? or will visit? Is it possible to you that other groups could have records concerning visits from Christ?

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Let me clarify my previous statement which said "Sometimes answers would take a while and sometimes I would feel I had the answer but it was Satan using his sly ways to make me think the answer came from God but in reality it was him trying to lure me away." I really did not word that appropriately. When you pray and receive an answer yes it does come from God. I was not receiving answers through prayer from Satan - if that is how I made it sound. What I meant was that Satan was planting seeds of doubt, he was discouraging me, making me question real true answers from God and thus giving me opposing direction which could be confused as answers from God.

I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is true and therefore I know that if you pray for direction it may take time but you will be guided to stay a member of the church and become active again. Try asking a different question or search out answers in the scriptures. I hope for you the best. Let me know if this makes sense or if you have any more questions.

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Do you believe in God? I am assuming that Yes you do. Do you believe that He has a body or is an entity that none of us can understand? Do you believe that God the Father and Jesus are separate beings or that they are one?

Do you believe that Jesus could appear to anyone he wanted to? Do you believe he visited with the 12 apostles after his resurrection? Do you believe that Mary saw his resurrected body in the Garden and that the tomb was empty? Do you believe Stephen saw him? Do you believe he talked to any in the OT the same way? Is it possible for Christ to show himself to anyone today? Do you think Jerusalem was the only group he visited in all of time? or will visit? Is it possible to you that other groups could have records concerning visits from Christ?

As I previously said, yes I do believe in God, Christ, and Christianity in general. On the body part, I do not know. I only know what I have been told. I believe that the trinity is one, just simply different parts of that one.

Yes, I believe that Jesus can appear to anyone, and do anything he wants to. I believe in pretty much all of what you said.

Let me clarify my previous statement which said "Sometimes answers would take a while and sometimes I would feel I had the answer but it was Satan using his sly ways to make me think the answer came from God but in reality it was him trying to lure me away." I really did not word that appropriately. When you pray and receive an answer yes it does come from God. I was not receiving answers through prayer from Satan - if that is how I made it sound. What I meant was that Satan was planting seeds of doubt, he was discouraging me, making me question real true answers from God and thus giving me opposing direction which could be confused as answers from God.

I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is true and therefore I know that if you pray for direction it may take time but you will be guided to stay a member of the church and become active again. Try asking a different question or search out answers in the scriptures. I hope for you the best. Let me know if this makes sense or if you have any more questions.

That is what I thought you meant about Satan. I just wanted to make sure. On asking different questions, what would you suggest? I have asked, 'Is the BoM true?'.....Nothing. 'Is this church true?'.....Nothing. 'Do I need to be somewhere else besides this Church?.....YES!

And if there is more that you are not comfortable sharing here, remeber, repentence is available to all as well, regardless of age.

I just reread what I posted, and it sounded like I was gay or something. Let me assure you that is not what it is. ;) I simply can not pretend to be as perfect as they pretend to be.

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Quote: On asking different questions, what would you suggest? I have asked, 'Is the BoM true?'.....Nothing. 'Is this church true?'.....Nothing. 'Do I need to be somewhere else besides this Church?.....YES!

You are actually asking great questions. In the Bible Dictionary it says that, "Prayer is a form of work." So along with your asking, are you doing? For example, you asked if the Book of Mormon is true, are you reading the Book of Mormon daily? If not, read it daily and pray daily about it. You asked if the church is true, maybe try attending church or sign up for seminary this next year if you haven't already. I could go on but you get the point. So pray and act. You could even ask what do I need to DO to receive answers to these questions, you may be guided to do some specific things to find your answers. In response to the last answer you received, maybe it isn't that you need to be out the church but maybe that you need to be somewhere in addition to the church...doing service, getting involved in something new...I don't know just a thought.

Lastly, here are a few really good talks that might help, they may seem kind of random but I felt impressed to share them:

And Nothing Shall Offend Them - Elder Bednar - Liahona Article - And Nothing Shall Offend Them

The Quest for Spiritual Knowledge - President Packer - Liahona Article - The Quest for Spiritual Knowledge

Beware of Pride - President Benson - Ensign Article - Beware of Pride

Let me know if you have any more questions, good luck with everything.

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You asked if the church is true, maybe try attending church or sign up for seminary this next year if you haven't already. I could go on but you get the point. So pray and act. You could even ask what do I need to DO to receive answers to these questions, you may be guided to do some specific things to find your answers.

I said in my other thread, that I had been in seminary for two and a half years and that I did not like it or get anything out of it. If anything seminary pushed me away from the church. Thank you for your suggestions. I think I am going to try asking what I need to do to receive answers.

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As I previously said, yes I do believe in God, Christ, and Christianity in general. On the body part, I do not know. I only know what I have been told. I believe that the trinity is one, just simply different parts of that one.

Okay lets start here…

Who told you this? Why do you believe it so much? Where did this Testimony come from? From the bible? From your friends bible study class? Or from your friend telling you this?

First we have to separate the organization (people) of the church, and the Church organization (Gods kingdom on earth).

The people in God’s church are never going to be perfect, and aren’t easy to accept change. We kind of are naturally this way. You well realize over time that you well be thrown into a lot of different situations that you are the outsiders (if it be a new job, new neighborhood) or what not. You can either blame the situation on others, or do what you know you can do to help the situation. I have seen this same type of thing happen where LDS youth treat an outsider differently. Is this a representation on the other 13 million members.. Probably not…

Next what are you doing to find out if the church is true? Don’t you think probably one of the first steps is to actually go to church? Next is to actually read the book of mormon. I assume you have read it, how often do you read it? What do you get out of it? And last, what are your ideas of the Joseph Smith first Vision. You can read the account online on You do realize Joseph Smith was in the same boat you are in! See how he figured things out. I think you probably would need more guidance then a message board can really give. Have you considered taking your questions to Missionaries? See if there “study class” can help you!

Then pray! Pray to know if Joseph Smith was called a prophet! Ask to know if Joseph Smith really did see Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Pray to know if Joseph Smith translated the book of mormon. The answers never came easy for really any of us in the church. For me it kind of seemed like the Lord was testing me to see if I REALLY want to know the answers.

You have to have an open heart. You have to be willing to accept that answer. The key is having faith, no doubt! If you go into the prayer already having your mind made up that it can’t be true (or that you don’t want it to be true) then the answer is going to be hard to find.

The journey you are going through is normal in the sense of questioning things. But it sounds like you have been away from the church for a while now, that mountain you need to climb is even steeper! Don’t expect the answer (or this journey) to be easy!

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Okay lets start here…

Who told you this? Why do you believe it so much? Where did this Testimony come from? From the bible? From your friends bible study class? Or from your friend telling you this?

My testimony on Christ and Christianity came from God obviously. ;) On the body part, I don't know. On the Trinity, it is what I have always been taught, and it makes sense.

Next what are you doing to find out if the church is true? Don’t you think probably one of the first steps is to actually go to church? Next is to actually read the book of mormon. I assume you have read it, how often do you read it? What do you get out of it? And last, what are your ideas of the Joseph Smith first Vision. You can read the account online on You do realize Joseph Smith was in the same boat you are in! See how he figured things out. I think you probably would need more guidance then a message board can really give. Have you considered taking your questions to Missionaries? See if there “study class” can help you!

Like I have said, I have tried going to church. But when the people there do not want you there, its not exactly appealing. Even in my old good ward, it still did not do much for me. On reading the BoM, I do not currently read it. Like I said, I have tried multiple times but when I get about halfway through, I can not continue because I am not getting anything out of it. On the first vision, I have never had any reason to believe it or not believe it. I will probably go to the missionaries before I leave. Though I do not have much hope with them.

Then pray! Pray to know if Joseph Smith was called a prophet! Ask to know if Joseph Smith really did see Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Pray to know if Joseph Smith translated the book of mormon. The answers never came easy for really any of us in the church. For me it kind of seemed like the Lord was testing me to see if I REALLY want to know the answers.

You have to have an open heart. You have to be willing to accept that answer. The key is having faith, no doubt! If you go into the prayer already having your mind made up that it can’t be true (or that you don’t want it to be true) then the answer is going to be hard to find.

I have been, and have been trying to pray with as much of an open heart as I can.

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