Couples Prayer


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I have heard from so many of my friends that their nightly prayer with their spouse turns into, "It's your turn." "No, it's not." "Yes, it is!" "Just say the prayer already!" I just wanted to share my sister's great advice on this - She gets odd days and her husband gets even and they always do this even if they missed the night before or if the month ends on the 31st, the odd person still has to pray on the 1st. :D

My husband is constantly convinced that he said it the night before. Then I tell him exactly what I prayed about and ask him, "What did you pray about last night?" "Uhhhhhh ....." :lol: I tell him I'll pray for his memory. :P Odds/evens here I come! I think that is a great solution.

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I was watching this KBYU thingy last night and they talked about a three-way prayer, where one starts with their thoughts and feelings and the other finishes with any follow-ups....... or corrections as the case may be. :) Please forgive my H for praying for the big screen... again!

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My room mate and I have the same problem, lol.

It's mostly me saying "I don't want to."

Been in a funk lately where I don't feel like praying aloud with other people.

So I've been making him do it. Otherwise, we just kinda take turns. If I bless supper, he does the night prayer, vice versa, etc.

It's a very informal system that's not that great, actually, lol. But as long as the prayer gets said!

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