Sharia law -- should we have it in the USA?


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Apparently it won't be long until they have it in the UK:

Sharia law SHOULD be used in Britain, says UK's top judge | Mail Online

I have heard for calls in Canada to have separate laws for Muslim and non-Muslim people. Personally, I think this is ridiculous. If someone wants to live under Islamic law there are many Muslim nations on earth they can go to. Of course, if Muslims keep growing, and Christians continue not having enough kids, then maybe someday the Muslims will be the majority -- and in that event I guess then they can go ahead and impose Sharia law on everyone.

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Oh heck no. That's ludicrously stupid. If you want to live by Islamic or Muslim Laws and have them actually have legal ground then they can go live in an Islamic Country.

Here's a thought if separate laws for Muslims and non-Muslims occurs whose laws are we going to use in interracial/cultural marriages? The Islamic one or the English one?

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Apparently it won't be long until they have it in the UK:

Sharia law SHOULD be used in Britain, says UK's top judge | Mail Online

I have heard for calls in Canada to have separate laws for Muslim and non-Muslim people. Personally, I think this is ridiculous. If someone wants to live under Islamic law there are many Muslim nations on earth they can go to. Of course, if Muslims keep growing, and Christians continue not having enough kids, then maybe someday the Muslims will be the majority -- and in that event I guess then they can go ahead and impose Sharia law on everyone.

This is where reason together with Elvis has left the building. Why would you institute a failed socio-political system in your own country? Before the 7th century the Arabia peninsula was a collection of chieftains and tribal groups. There was NO law. Muhammad gave the Muslim people Sharia law which is Islamic law. You will not be happy with it or the interpretation thereof.

Not only that, I think it's simply honoring stupidity to surrender sovereignty to a foreign religion and form of government. By the way, under Sharia the top UK judge would be demoted and fired. In order to be qualified a sharia judge has to be able to read the Koran and the kitab kuning, or the classical canon books of Islamic law. Beyond the fact that MANY aspects of Muslim law allow for things considered crimes under the law in the West.

I think this is an example of PC run a mock. :eek:

PS: To surrender one's contitution and form of government to a foreign interest was considered treason not too long ago. What happened?

Edited by Islander
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If Sharia law came into force in Britain, i can see alot of Brits getting on the first available plane to the US. If it then became law there too. Boy, would this world be hell. I mean more hell than it already is. Human rights would be a thing of the past and we would all be ruled by fear. Yeah, sounds like fun.

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There is much beauty and goodness in Islam. As a commitment of faith and a personal guideline for conduct, it has many good fruits for those who choose to hold this faith.

As a structure for civil law and justice in the United States or globally it [it=?] would be inappropriate and for every good thing it might produce, in balance there would be too many violations of liberty as a result.

Before we go much further in this discussion -- I don't know about anyone else, but I could use at least a few bullet points about what consitutes Shari'a Law -- bullet points coming from those who adhere to it, not from someone looking on the outside in. Is there anyone with even that amount of knowledge? Not me. I'm just guessing what I think it would entail and basing my conclusion on my general assumptions.

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There is much beauty and goodness in Islam. As a commitment of faith and a personal guideline for conduct, it has many good fruits for those who choose to hold this faith.

As a structure for civil law and justice in the United States or globally it [it=?] would be inappropriate and for every good thing it might produce, in balance there would be too many violations of liberty as a result.

Before we go much further in this discussion -- I don't know about anyone else, but I could use at least a few bullet points about what consitutes Shari'a Law -- bullet points coming from those who adhere to it, not from someone looking on the outside in. Is there anyone with even that amount of knowledge? Not me. I'm just guessing what I think it would entail and basing my conclusion on my general assumptions.


I hate to burst your bubble, but unfortunately you suffer from the often times well intended but blind humanistic idealism and utopic view of society that permeates the Western world.

I am not going to make a dissertation about Islam here. I just want to point to the fact that Islamic societies are some of the most repressive, most violent, most abusive, most backwards, less developed and economic deprived societies in the world. Beyond fossil fuels, nothing is being made in teh Middle East. As much money as the monarchies make in the oil market, ALL of it is invested outside in the west. Most of the Arab Emirates are virtually welfare states. At the core of this is Islam and the interpretation and application of the Qur'an, including their legal system.

I am sure that there are good, pacific and loving people in Islamic societies. but they are the very small minority and they do not yield the political power to affect change in the societies they live in. I submit that the evidence that Sharia law and more specif Islam has not delivered as a religion and socio-political system is the current state of affair of the Middle East after 1300 years.

To reject our systems of laws to accommodate the wishful thinking of utopic (inclusive and accommodating) societies is a very dangerous exercise with consequences you can not possible imagine.

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Did y'all read the entire article?

Cliff Notes: The judge in question said that Sharia council courts would be okay for mediation of disputes among Muslims who agree to it, and that whatever those courts determine must be in keeping with English law.

This is a non-story.

Yeah, once you build a door, no matter how many locks you put on it and no matter how much you specify it is for life or death emergencies; it will be open. By accident first, then on occasion and last as a matter of course when things change and "need arises." It happened before.

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Yeah, once you build a door, no matter how many locks you put on it and no matter how much you specify it is for life or death emergencies; it will be open. By accident first, then on occasion and last as a matter of course when things change and "need arises." It happened before.

Well said. Another word for this is precedence and it is used all the time in the American courts system.

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Apparently it won't be long until they have it in the UK:

Sharia law SHOULD be used in Britain, says UK's top judge | Mail Online

I have heard for calls in Canada to have separate laws for Muslim and non-Muslim people. Personally, I think this is ridiculous. If someone wants to live under Islamic law there are many Muslim nations on earth they can go to. Of course, if Muslims keep growing, and Christians continue not having enough kids, then maybe someday the Muslims will be the majority -- and in that event I guess then they can go ahead and impose Sharia law on everyone.

About to have it in the U.K.?!? How about you DO have it in the U.K. A Muslim who observes and claims Sharia law is CURRENTLY allowed to have multiple wives and can recieve government aid to support each wife and their children.

We'll have it here soon enough, just like we're letting the homosexuals have their power puff princess weddings in California.


Seriously though, its not getting better until it gets BAD BAD BAD

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Im anti-exremist as much as anybody.

Christian extremists decided to murder doctors who provide abortion...whether or not you think it's okay it's not in keeping with U.S. laws. Innocent people were hurt in the bombings/shootings as well.

A biblical extremist (I can't quite call him Christian) was David Koresh.

If allegations are true, FLDS extremists are setting up societies and abusing children.

Why don't they freak you out? Why is it just the Muslims? This is an honest question.

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