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Ok, we have parents on this Earth. Also, we have premortal parents too. Right? So, that means we have two Dads and two Moms and of course - Heavenly Father!

So, do any of you ever think about our premortal parents? Our premortal parents were Exalted, right? Doesn’t that make you feel good? It sure makes me feel good!

Question - Heavenly Father knows each of us personally. Do our premortal parents also know their sons and daughters personally?

When I pray and thank our Father for all the blessings in my life, is it ok to thank him for my premortal parents too?

Heavenly Father is my Father! Jesus, my Savior and Redeemer and Brother! My Premortal Parents of my Spirit! And my Earthly Parents of my body!

I love this TrueChurch on this Earth! I know it is the true Church! I know President Monson is a true Prophet!

The last month or so - if feels like a lighthouse is shinning light on me. Only this light is not coming from a lighthouse but from Jesus, Heavenly Father, the Church, maybe the Holy Ghost, or all of them! I do know, this is the TrueChurch of our Brother Jesus Christ and I love this Church.

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Ok, we have parents on this Earth. Also, we have premortal parents too. Right? So, that means we have two Dads and two Moms and of course - Heavenly Father!

So, do any of you ever think about our premortal parents? Our premortal parents were Exalted, right? Doesn’t that make you feel good? It sure makes me feel good!

Question - Heavenly Father knows each of us personally. Do our premortal parents also know their sons and daughters personally?

Interesting thought. If it were true, would this mean we were all on a big picnic and our parents just sent the kids off to play so they could have a moment of peace and quiet?

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LDS doctrine states that the parents of our spirits are God and his wife who would be, as you say, our premortal parents.

Right. And along with Father we also have Premortal Parents. I was talking with a member of the church who joined over fifty years ago. We were talking about the pre-life and I asked about our premortal parents. She said we have two sets of parents - the parents of our bodies here on Earth and the parents (who were Exalted) in the Pre-life. Of course our overall father is Heavenly Father.

I'm just wondering about our Premortal parents.

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along with Father we also have Premortal Parents. I was talking with a member of the church who joined over fifty years ago. We were talking about the pre-life and I asked about our premortal parents. She said we have two sets of parents - the parents of our bodies here on Earth and the parents (who were Exalted) in the Pre-life. Of course our overall father is Heavenly Father.

I'm going to have to get a better source for that notion. Something more sound than "some old lady from Hoosierguy's ward".

I've never heard of such a thing before this thread.

God/Elohim/Heavenly Father is the father of my spirit. It makes sense to believe I have a Heavenly Mother as well. That's the sum total of LDS doctrine on the matter as far as I've been able to learn...


Edited by Loudmouth_Mormon
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Here's a quote from the proclamation on the family:

All human beings—male and female—are created in the image of God. Each is a beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents, and, as such, each has a divine nature and destiny. Gender is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose. ( - Liahona Article - The Family: A Proclamation to the World)

And here's from the scriptures. The new and everlasting covenant of marriage is given to:

"...multiply and replenish the earth, according to my commandment, and to fulfil the promise which was given by my Father before the foundation of the world, and for their exaltation in the eternal worlds, that they may bear the souls of men; for herein is the work of my Father continued, that he may be glorified." (D&C 132:63)

Both of those quotes from official sources. So, not such a wacky idea after all. Anyway, something to think about.



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This in the Gospel Principles book -

God is not only our ruler and creator; he is also our Heavenly Father. "All men and women are . . . literally the sons and daughters of Deity. . . . Man, as a spirit, was begotten and born of heavenly parents, and reared to maturity in the eternal mansions of the Father, prior to coming upon the earth in a temporal [physical] body" (Joseph F. Smith, "The Origin of Man," Improvement Era, Nov. 1909, pp. 78, 80).

The Heavenly Parents thing has had me wondering since I first read that back in December. I know Heavenly Father is my Father. But I guess I was not sure if he had children that became exalted and created my spirit or did Heavenly Father create my spirit directly with Heavenly Mother.

It's really been no big deal to me - first in my life is Heavenly Father and our Brother Jesus Christ. But talking with a member of the church on Sunday about our pre-life, she said we had parents in the pre-life and parents here on Earth.

Ok, so our Heavenly Parents does include Heavenly Father and a Heavenly Mother, right?


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This in the Gospel Principles book -

God is not only our ruler and creator; he is also our Heavenly Father. "All men and women are . . . literally the sons and daughters of Deity. . . . Man, as a spirit, was begotten and born of heavenly parents, and reared to maturity in the eternal mansions of the Father, prior to coming upon the earth in a temporal [physical] body" (Joseph F. Smith, "The Origin of Man," Improvement Era, Nov. 1909, pp. 78, 80).

The Heavenly Parents thing has had me wondering since I first read that back in December. I know Heavenly Father is my Father. But I guess I was not sure if he had children that became exalted and created my spirit or did Heavenly Father create my spirit directly with Heavenly Mother.

It's really been no big deal to me - first in my life is Heavenly Father and our Brother Jesus Christ. But talking with a member of the church on Sunday about our pre-life, she said we had parents in the pre-life and parents here on Earth.

Ok, so our Heavenly Parents does include Heavenly Father and a Heavenly Mother, right?


It is interesting that the family proclamation uses the same wording "heavenly parents" (see my post above). I guess it's not completely beyond reason that he would be the Father of the spirits of all mankind, like Adam is the father of the mortal human race on this earth. However, based on the scriptures, we should reverence God the Father, as the literal father of our spirits. He is Heavenly Father after all, and if there is more to it, then we must wait until we receive further light and knowledge from him on the matter.

Rest assured, however, that we have a heavenly mother. Though that is the extent of our knowledge, it is certainly a principle of this Church.



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HoosierGuy, I just admire your attitude towards the gospel of Christ. In your few months of being a member of the Church you surely have shown so much desire to learn of the gospel. Continue to ask questions and knowledge will come your way and the Holy Ghost will confirm the truths to you. I have followed your threads since you first started as a shy but willing to learn investigator. Congratulations on your continued increase in testimony. God bless you brother.

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HoosierGuy, I just admire your attitude towards the gospel of Christ. In your few months of being a member of the Church you surely have shown so much desire to learn of the gospel. Continue to ask questions and knowledge will come your way and the Holy Ghost will confirm the truths to you. I have followed your threads since you first started as a shy but willing to learn investigator. Congratulations on your continued increase in testimony. God bless you brother.

Thanks gomspal. You don't know how much it helps me to hear words like that. It really increases my faith and warms my soul. I know I should start reminding myself to have words of faith, hope, and charity when I speak to others so that I can help others in some small or large way.

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