Please Help Me With Some Advice


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I don't want to give too many details right now, but there was an activity at Church today and it was something that made me uncomfortable at the time and right now it is bearing down heavy on me. I know it was done out of ignorance and I was probably the only person at the activity that what exactly was going on, but still I think it was wrong and I need advice.

Right now, there is a song that is extremely popular locally. I stopped my own kids from singing it because I just knew it wasn't a proper song for them to be listening to. Today, in the chapel during an activity, the song was not only played but three primary girls were dirty dancing to it. :o

Ok, I am a relatively new member so I really don't know how appropriate or not it is, but it left a bad feeling in my heart. I was asked to give the closing prayer for the activity, but I asked someone else to give it because I was still dumbstruck because of the activity.

When I got home, I decided to look up the words on the net and that is when I got mortified.

She turned around and gave that big booty a smack

Work the pole, I got the bank roll

Imma say that I prefer them no clothes

I'm into that, I love women exposed

She threw it back at me, I gave her more

Cash ain't a problem, I know where it goes

Shawty what I gotta do to get you home

My jeans full of gwap

And they ready for Shones

Cadillacs Maybachs for the sexy grown

Patrone on the rocks that'll make you moan

Shorty was hot like a toaster

Sorry but I had to fold her,

Like a pornography poster

She showed her

Yea she was worth the money

Lil mama took my cash,

And I ain't want it back,

The way she bit that rag,

Got her them paper stacks,

Tattoo Above her crack,

I had to handle that,


:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

So, I need some advice:

1) Am I just an old prude and this was just a bunch of innocent kids and I should just let it be and let the kids all have fun.

2) Bring it up in private with the Bishop about my concerns. (The Bishop wasn't present at the time)

3) Bring it up in the PEC meeting.

Again, I know it was intended to be a light hearted fun dance performance and I know NO ONE knew what the song was about. (I am not in the US, FYI.)

I could really use some quotes from our prophets on if this kind of music is acceptable or not.

Any advice would be appreciated, not only on how I should handle the situation as a member of the Church but also personally handle it.

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I would suggest you print out the words (and translate it to whatever the local language is) and bring it to PEC. If English is not the first language there, it may be that the adults do not know what the song is about. Dirty songs are dirty songs, no matter what language you speak.

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I will be 26 in September. I have never been into the pop music scene because of the vulgar is a better word.......lyrics. Its not that your old. I'm still what the world considers "clubing" age and I can't stand that crap! Kids don't listen to the words so I think you just need to let them know what they really are. That kind of dancing is definately not appropriate especially in the chapel. It may just be their ignorance though.

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Oh my goodness! I think you are right on. If I were a parent, I would want folks like you working for the protection of my girls.

I am trying to decide if this was a YW's activity or perhaps activity days. If it were me, I would show the lyrics to the leaders of that auxillary first, such as the YW pres. Then I would take it too the bishop if nothing was done or if the issue wasn't handled appropriately.

My guess, is that once everyone gets a look at the lyrics, they will take action and you won't have to worry about it again.

I remember my YW leader had us over to watch the movie "Grease" for an activity. We all danced and learned the words to the songs not really thinking about the lyrics. My leader thought better of this activity later and had a talk with us about our standards and how we shouldn't lower them to get a guy or to be more popular. It was a learning experience for all involved and was turned to good. Now some might argue that such a movie is harmless or at least in that nebulous gray area. I for one felt the Spirit as she pointed out the hidden evils in the attitudes of the movie. She taught me a lot about trusting pop culture for values.

Edited by Misshalfway
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Thanks Miss Halfway, I think they will. All of the PEC members speak English very well so I am not concerned at all about them understanding. I will take the advice to let them know the lyrics. Maybe read them out loud and tell them to stop me when it reaches the point of being inappropriate.

It's a particularly hideous song because it gets in your head and you can't get it out. I have it ringing in my ears even now.....9 hours after the fact.

Miss Halfway, it wasn't a YW activity. I pm'd you with the age group of the activity.

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I converted into the gospel when I was 19 and I enjoy dancing. previously to my convertion I would go to clubs and parties on a regular basis. those were places and situations that I am ashamed to have been present at. I am now 21 and have changed a lot since then. I have organized a few church dances and it is really important to pay close attention the music to be played. It is not hard to find music that does not contain vulgar lyrics. even though I carefully choose the music I need the bishop to listen to it to get the final approval. And when someone else beings a song to the dance I have to listen to it before I play it. I will definitely encourage you to let your bishop know. Not to look for someone to blame but to prevent it from happening again. bring up your concern to the Bishop, he will know what to do.

About the little girls dancing. they might just be doing what they have seen someone else did.

here are some links that I found which might help you with this matter. - Young Women Chapter Detail - Music and Dancing - Ensign Article - We Could Have Danced All Night! - Ensign Article - I Have a Question

hope it helps =)

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Thanks for everyone's advice. The issue has been lovingly dealt with on both a ward and stake level. My bishop was great and easy to approach about this as was the Stake President. I was actually thanked for talking with them about it. I won't go into details about what was discussed, but not only was the situation dealt with, but action was taken to ensure that this doesn't happen again in the future.

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