What does Faith Mean?

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Hi. :)

I'm new here but hope that I can draw from all your experience and wisdom here. I have been reading these posts and have already learned a lot!

But right now I'm on a personal journey to learn the true meaning of faith. I thought I knew what faith was and that I had faith, but over time my own personal view of faith has changed. It has changed so that I don't even really know what it is or understand it anymore.

I recently had a convo with an older friend (I think he's going a little nuts). He said that because of the state of our society, the kind of faith required to perform miracles, like being healed, doesn't really exist anymore...not even with prophets. I find this a little hard to swallow and this has confused me even more.

So, I guess my questions are...

- What does faith mean to you?

- How do you interpret the word "faith"?

- Does the high level of faith needed for great miracles exist in people today?

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Interesting topic Funkymonkey,

Faith is a word that gets thrown around a lot. It is my understanding that to be healed, one has to have faith to be healed. Joseph Smith taught that miracles follow faith. This is a quote from Elder Bruce R McConkie regarding faith and the Priesthood:

What, then, is the doctrine of the priesthood? What is this doctrine, framed in the courts above, which can distil upon faithful men as the dews from heaven? (See D&C 121:45.)

Priesthood is power like none other on earth or in heaven. It is the very power of God himself, the power by which the worlds were made, the power by which all things are regulated, upheld, and preserved.

It is the power of faith, the faith by which the Father creates and governs. God is God because he is the embodiment of all faith and all power and all priesthood. The life he lives is named eternal life.

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Hi. :)

I'm new here but hope that I can draw from all your experience and wisdom here. I have been reading these posts and have already learned a lot!

But right now I'm on a personal journey to learn the true meaning of faith. I thought I knew what faith was and that I had faith, but over time my own personal view of faith has changed. It has changed so that I don't even really know what it is or understand it anymore.

I recently had a convo with an older friend (I think he's going a little nuts). He said that because of the state of our society, the kind of faith required to perform miracles, like being healed, doesn't really exist anymore...not even with prophets. I find this a little hard to swallow and this has confused me even more.

So, I guess my questions are...

- What does faith mean to you?

- How do you interpret the word "faith"?

- Does the high level of faith needed for great miracles exist in people today?

1: Faith is Hope. To me, faith is not knowing - not even believing. It's wanting to know so badly it hurts. It's hoping even when all reason for hope is lost. It's trust that someday your hope will be answered.

2: Mmm see #1

3: YES. The faith exists. Whether or not people have it is another story. A lot of non-LDS churches talk about how the heaven's are closed and there is no more revelation, no more miracles, no more scripture. Even though we are LDS, we often fall for this dogma as well, at least in the deepest recesses of our hearts. We think "Yes the heavens are open, but not to me" or "Yes, miracles happen, but I'll never see one". And yet it is plain in the scriptures that ALL men (and women) can have the heavens unfolded to them JUST as Moses and Abraham and Lehi and Nephi. I think, in short, that we waiver ( James 1: 6 ).

I haven't read it (I'm going to start tonight) but I suggest perhaps that Joseph Smith's Lectures on Faith might help you come to understand faith better: Lectures On Faith.


Not to over emphasize, but I think it's important enough that I bring in some references.

Doctrine and Covenants 93: 1 "Verily, thus saith the Lord: It shall come to pass that every soul who forsaketh his sins and cometh unto me, and calleth on my name, and obeyeth my voice, and keepeth my commandments, shall see my face and know that I am;"

I think people tend to interpret this as "I'll see him in the next life or the millenium". But read the footnotes:

Doctrine and Covenants 130: 3 "John 14:23—The appearing of the Father and the Son, in that verse, is a personal appearance; and the idea that the Father and the Son dwell in a man’s heart is an old sectarian notion, and is false." John 14:23 for reference.

Everyone - and that means YOU - can see God. With the plainness laid out in the scriptures, it's a wonder to me that every mormon hasn't had their own "First Vision".

Edited by puf_the_majic_dragon
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Hi. :)

- What does faith mean to you?

- How do you interpret the word "faith"?

- Does the high level of faith needed for great miracles exist in people today?

For me, Faith is the result of exercising our belief in God and Jesus Christ--in the same way you can gain endurance by working out.

So what are the types of "exercising" that builds faith? Prayer, scripture study, meditation, service, sacrifice, etc.

Do amazing miracles happen today? All the time.

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Faith is obedience. Faith is forward movement in mind and heart and action. Faith is sometimes a leap... and other times holding on until the light comes or believing there is light even tho we find ourselves experiencing only darkness. I think that faith is having confidence in God to intervene in our lives in the most wise and best ways. It is knowing that He is there! That He is close by! That he knows our names and our wishes and our hope and our wounded and broken parts! And it is trusting enough to hand over our will for his. It is having faith that Christ did indeed bridge the gap between us and our common enemy and it the only place salvation is to be found. Believing Christ.....believing that he will keep his promises to heal us and change us and move us to safe and sure ground is key foundations of faith.

Faith is to be stretched and expanded. I think we should expect such experiences here on earth. Perhaps even desire after them. Faith is something that has saved me more than once and that is a comfort and blessing to me in the waiting rooms of my life as I exercise patience on the Lord's blessings and orchestrations. I am learning to tolerate the times he leaves me in the wilderness......and my eyes are starting open to the wisdom of such parenting. The Lord tests me....and I test the Lord. And that is how my faith grows. It is a rather beautiful and humbling thing.

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Oh and just a PS about the miracles issue. Your friend needs to read Moroni chap 7

"Wherefore, my beloved brethren, have miracles ceased because Christ hath ascended into heaven and hath sat down on the right hand of God...........Behold I say unto you, Nay; neither have angels ceased to minister unto the children of men."

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Hi. :)

I'm new here but hope that I can draw from all your experience and wisdom here. I have been reading these posts and have already learned a lot!

But right now I'm on a personal journey to learn the true meaning of faith. I thought I knew what faith was and that I had faith, but over time my own personal view of faith has changed. It has changed so that I don't even really know what it is or understand it anymore.

I recently had a convo with an older friend (I think he's going a little nuts). He said that because of the state of our society, the kind of faith required to perform miracles, like being healed, doesn't really exist anymore...not even with prophets. I find this a little hard to swallow and this has confused me even more.

So, I guess my questions are...

- What does faith mean to you?

- How do you interpret the word "faith"?

- Does the high level of faith needed for great miracles exist in people today?

For me faith is not a place or destination. It is the journey or the way (or mehod) one chooses to travel. The better one traveles the more they will recognize the great miracles that exist and happen everyday.

The Traveler

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You need to have faith in god and in his holy Priesthood to be healed.

Let me tell you a little story.

I was attending a very good friend of mines Baptism a long time ago, the elders that Baptized my then wife and myself were performing this baptism they were so dedicated in their calling and were terrific guys, both from the usa. Anyway for over a week i had had terrible pains in the muscles in my back, i cant remember telling these guys about it but they came up to me before the baptism and asked if i was feeling ok, i mentioned then about my back pains, one of them said "lets see if we can help you Jim" we went into the meeting room on our own, i sat on a chair, the elders put their hands on my head and prayed out aloud in the name of jesus Christ for heavenly father to help with my problem should he feel i needed his help.

I was aware of a warm sensation passing from my shoulders down my back, a little like warm water, when it got to the bottom, the warmth then rose up back to my shoulders and the pain was completely gone.

I felt so good and we thanked heavenly father through Jesus Christ for this wonderful thing he had shown us.

Wait a minute there is more lol. After the Baptism was over i was outside waiting for some other people when a very pretty girl walked past, i turned to some other guy and made a comment about her, not a rude comment i must add, just something along the lines about how nice she looked, as soon as i said this i felt a shooting pain shoot down my back and it was gone again, i was ok. This had to be heavenly father letting me know that he was still watching me and that he was not pleased with what i had said or maybe have been thinking at the time. He could have so easily left me with this pain but he dident, but it showed me just what might have been.

I testify to the power of gods heavenly Priesthood and that he works wonders through the Melchizedek priesthood (his wonders to behold).

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Holy cow.

Thank you all for your great posts. You are all very wise people.

You really helped me see that I am totally overcomplicating it...(with help from my friend ;))

Jim, thank you so much for sharing your story. I have to say that I have experienced that rush of heat myself years ago when I was really really sick. I guess I just totally forgot about it but your story brought it right back to me.

I do have faith that God is there, and I don't question that.

But I do need to work on accepting His will over my own, and that the Lord's timeframe isn't exactly my own timeframe.

...I have a lot to learn.

Thanks again. :)

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Holy cow.

Thank you all for your great posts. You are all very wise people.

You really helped me see that I am totally overcomplicating it...(with help from my friend ;))

Jim, thank you so much for sharing your story. I have to say that I have experienced that rush of heat myself years ago when I was really really sick. I guess I just totally forgot about it but your story brought it right back to me.

I do have faith that God is there, and I don't question that.

But I do need to work on accepting His will over my own, and that the Lord's timeframe isn't exactly my own timeframe.

...I have a lot to learn.

Thanks again. :)

Hey funkymonkey dont mention it, i think it is very important that i share my experiences with others, i have not been blessed academically (big word) lol, but i do feel blessed in other ways.

I get frustrated sometimes when i try to express my views on here amongst so many academically (there it is again) minded members of the church, especially when i try to stick up for the church, i seem to get myself into trouble lol, (Foot in mouth comes to mind) but i know the church members don.t mean any harm, maybe i get in the way when they are trying to debate something with people trying to discredit us.

I am a true beleiver that you know heavenly father by the Holy Ghost and not from a book, if i know god then there is no need for books, the prophet lets us know now what god wants, But saying this, some need to be knowledgeable of the bible and other scriptures to be able to fight against those that would seek to destroy our faith with their own quotations and translations, i can only fight with the power of the Holy Ghost.

this is how i feel anyway.

Edited by jimuk
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Holy cow.

Thank you all for your great posts. You are all very wise people.

You really helped me see that I am totally overcomplicating it...(with help from my friend ;))

Well, maybe I can make it all complicated for you again... :confused:

I think it's important to understand the difference between what the WORLD understands faith to be, and what we in the Gospel understand faith to be. I'd like to thank Sam Harris and his book "The End of Faith" for helping me to understand the 'world's view. Richard Dawkins and Chris Hitchens also have interesting books out that are helpful (if you can stomach them-- I've read all three). I think Dawkins book was the best, but still a really sad read. Anyway, to my point:

World view: faith is the start, and is an unjustified belief in anything. As such, it's not only worthless, it's seriously dangerous.

Next comes belief, which is founded on evidence of some kind, most preferably something measurable, repeatable, quantifyable and objectively observable. As you can no doubt tell, this is begging for trouble.

Lastly comes knowledge, if it ever comes at all (and some egg-heads swear it never does). But some people have egos that really 'need' to know something, and so they decide that if other people can see and experience it, then it's really real. Say, for example, we 'know' that paper spontaneously combusts at 451 degrees Farenheit.

World Summary: faith ---> belief ----> knowledge (maybe)

Scriptural view: belief is the start, and is a willingness to accept something as true, even if there is no evidence. Usually founded on something taught us by people who say they 'know'. Can be based on anything, regardless whether it's true, or not.

Next is faith, which is literally inseperable from action. As the Bible says, (paraphrasing) if you want to know something is true or not, LIVE IT, and then let the Spirit testify to you, one way or the other. If I had to choose which comes first, though, it would be action, since Joseph Smith taught that faith is a reward, a gift from God, for those who believe in Him and act on that belief. Also, scriptures says faith is always based on something TRUE. If you think you have faith (say, in the sturdiness of a scaffolding) and it collapses, then you don't have faith, and never did. Mormon writes of such an experience that he had, in the Book of Mormon.

Next is knowledge and/or power, another chicken-and-egg thing, where I'm not sure which comes first. You know that with faith we can move mountains. I believe it, but I don't think it's as simple as some may think.

"And when we gain knowledge in that thing that we *used* to

have faith in, then that new knowledge introduces us to new

realms of possibility, in which we can now exercise new faith.

So, rather than knowledge eliminating faith, what it does is

spark or create whole new vistas in which faith for the

first time becomes active." --- some guy I know

Scriptural Summary: belief --> faith/action --> power/knowledge --> belief (etc.)

That's what I've come to understand, anyway.

But I do need to work on accepting His will over my own, and that the Lord's timeframe isn't exactly my own timeframe.

...I have a lot to learn.

Me too. Here's a fun exercise: Think on this -- In the Bible it says that God created all things by the power of faith. Yet, we declare that God is omniscient, and *knows* all things. So, since the meaning of faith requires that we NOT have a knowledge, how is this done?

As Joseph Smith once said, "by proving opposites, the truth is made manifest".


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  • 2 weeks later...

Just stumbled on this article... thought it was pretty good.

"TIMING" Dallin H Oaks

"The first principle of the gospel is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Faith means trust—trust in God’s will, trust in His way of doing things, and trust in His timetable. We should not try to impose our timetable on His. As Elder Neal A. Maxwell of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles has said:

“The issue for us is trusting God enough to trust also His timing. If we can truly believe He has our welfare at heart, may we not let His plans unfold as He thinks best? The same is true with the second coming and with all those matters wherein our faith needs to include faith in the Lord’s timing for us personally, not just in His overall plans and purposes.”

Indeed, we cannot have true faith in the Lord without also having complete trust in the Lord’s will and in the Lord’s timing."

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So, I guess my questions are...

- What does faith mean to you?

It means I "cry unto" Jesus for knowledge and strength from moment to moment.

- How do you interpret the word "faith"?

I behave as if He is beside me at all times.

- Does the high level of faith needed for great miracles exist in people today?

It is not how much faith, but in Whom it is focused.

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