Some sheep are not lost?


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Some years ago I encountered an individual that after some discussion between me and him it became evident that he had significant background in religion and knew much of Christ. But his life did not reflect what I expected someone knowing of Christ would be. So I mentioned to him that he must be a “lost sheep”. He looked me back, square in the eyes and said, “No, I am not lost. I’m hiding!”

Since then I have discovered that there are many that are not really lost – they just are not interested in “a more excellent way”. I have often wondered since then if I am just another kind of complacent – That I could give more, I could help more – but rather than submit the one thing that is really mine, MY WILL, I give up only that which is not really mine thinking it is enough and hide from the L-rd thinking and pretending I am his regardless.

The Traveler

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I think the time to worry would be if my Testimony was to be taken away from me, it is so strong when i am on here talking to members on this forum, i dont feel it on any of the others.

Traveler, that is a good saying, i have a picture in my mind of the guy turning to someone and saying that.

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"I'm not lost, I'm hiding!" Haha I'm so stealing that!

Bytor: Yes, direction probably does matter more than speed, but speed still does matter. I'm sure some of us think we're heading in the right direction when we're "standing still" and we don't realize till it's too late that we were facing the right direction but moving backwards the whole time.

I've also learned that "momentum" makes a big difference too. When we hit a big bump in the road it's a lot easier to hold our faith as we overcome it when we've been actively strengthening our faith. From experience I know that a "passive faith" (if there were really such a thing) falls apart completely when you hit a pothole.

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I had never thought about it that way before.....the hiding thing, I mean. But I will tell you what -- It makes perfect sense to me!!!! I think that "lost" implies that some measure of knowledge is missing. Hiding means the person knows but is playing dodge.

Reminds me of Jonah...


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They may think they are hiding...but they are really just lost....

We know we can't literally hide from God, but I think it is possible to hide from God in heart and mind. That's actually what I've been doing for the last two years. I could never convince myself that the doctrine wasn't true, but I could refuse to care whether it was or not. I could push it as far out of my conscious thought and daily life as possible. I hid from God in the worldy details of common life.

Conversely, can anyone be truly lost? I think God knows where his "lost" children are, too. :)

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Perhaps God is working on them....His perspective is eternal. Perhaps I should have given more thought to my nick...but perhaps we are talking in general ; ). So I'll continue to talk in general. Jesus wandered in the wilderness. John the Baptist wandered. Then again, so did Israel and of course Jonah. Sometimes the detours are instructional. Perhaps even required according to where you are at. Jonah wasn't planning on a whale and Moses wasn't planning on going in who was steering? Hiding in heart and mind...or in progression?

I would think that we are all at different stages of our journey with map and compass.

Quotes: Since then I have discovered that there are many that are not really lost – they just are not interested in “a more excellent way”. I have often wondered since then if I am just another kind of complacent"

=multiple Straw man arguments? I don't know what to say.

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I don't think your friend was hiding very successfully if he was talking to you (and I mean that in a nice way). But he does know how to throw out a good straw man one liner.

The parable of the lost sheep was never meant to make the lost sheep feel bad for being imperfect and working through their own journey of repentance...just the people who were whispering and talking about how Jesus shouldn't talk to sinners. He told the story three times in a row: lost sheep, lost coin and prodigal son. Not all that subtle about telling them off at all. And He was happy just because they were listening to Him speak about God. .....


Edited by WANDERER
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We know we can't literally hide from God, but I think it is possible to hide from God in heart and mind. That's actually what I've been doing for the last two years. I could never convince myself that the doctrine wasn't true, but I could refuse to care whether it was or not. I could push it as far out of my conscious thought and daily life as possible. I hid from God in the worldy details of common life.

Conversely, can anyone be truly lost? I think God knows where his "lost" children are, too. :)


I hope you still are not trying to hide or push the doctrine out of your daily life. It's what makes my daily life worthwhile! For me it's in the details of my common life that I see his hand. I so second your thoughts that G_d knows exactly where his "lost" children are. Let you're self be found again, even if you come out of hiding slowly.:)

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