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I've been the family genealogist since I was twelve and have since written 2 books for family.

What has been your brick wall to hit and can't get through?

I have found out that I have a half uncle and half aunt from Grandfather's first marriage, but they would be almost 88 years old now and don't even know if they are still alive. Don't have a clue where to look for them, as they are no where to be found after 1930 census. Can't look up 1940 census for a few more years! Brick wall!!!

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My brick wall is the 1500's and surname acquisition...can't go further than that because no idea of who my *many greats* grandfather's parents were. I know many people are tracking the same family tree...but perhaps oneday someone will work out who he was. Going laterally however is huge and endless and very trackable...three or four published books were's neat.

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Mine is my 5th Great Grandfather- Elkenney McKay. We have only been able to track him here in the US. We know he was born in Edinburgh,,Scotland. Got that much from a ships log. Only one son was listed on the ships log with him, then we know he had at least 7 more children here in the US - all daughters.

Another brick wall is my 4th Great Grandmother. All we know is she had one son, do not know who the boys father is. She gave her son her maiden name. She was born in Ranworth,Norfolk, England, Sept 1765. We know who her parents are and their approximate birth years.

The cousin who has been doing this side of the family has no need to trace this branch, not his ancestors. I would really like to go to England with him the next time he goes. He has been there 4 or 6 times already, so he is more familiar with hunting things and people down. While he is in England, he "pops over" (his words) to Norway to search some of his relatives there. I have ancestors & hopefully relatives there too - but we aren't related. I only know of one living relative there. A cousin, female and an attorney living in Oslo. She visits New York once a year and then in Sept she visits relatives in Minnesota. It is a reunion of all the females in the family. I'd like to make it to that one too. Actually I want to go with my youngest sister, she can remember things better than I can. Me- I would carry around two tape recorders and a camera. She can do the talking and asking of questions.

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I've been the family genealogist since I was twelve and have since written 2 books for family.

So, Mullenite, this exact post was made by someone by the name of "aomething" on the city-data forum back last November. You have now started three different threads by copying from three different posters on another forum, and trying to pass them off here as your own work.

I don't know what game you're playing with us here, but I am reporting you to the moderator.

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So, Mullenite, this exact post was made by someone by the name of "aomething" on the city-data forum back last November. You have now started three different threads by copying from three different posters on another forum, and trying to pass them off here as your own work.

I don't know what game you're playing with us here, but I am reporting you to the moderator.

Good Job LM! :D

You must really get around. :)

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My brick wall is my adaptive grandmothers family form Germany! If anyone can assist I`d be more than thankful!!

Last names: Füschel Karl 3 April 1843=My grandmothers father. I also know he was not living with his own parents who probably were dead but brobably with his aunt.

Engelhard Berthe Marie 4 may 1850

Probably around Leipzig. Berthe Maries family, a lot of it moved to Russia...

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Just one suggestion about brick wall individuals. Do what you can with them and then let it go for a bit. Then go back every so often and check to see what is available. Twice so far I have had that work for me. Just don't forget to go back to that individual. The first time after letting it go for a bit. Late at night I got a wild idea go and look for this person under the last married name she had. This was my husband's mother (his parents divorced when he was still a baby) his paternal grandparents raised him for a few years, then his father had taken over and remarried several times. I still am not sure I have all the stepmothers involved. Finally late one night just before falling asleep and thinking about his mom, I got the impression to look under his mother's last known last name and the social security index. Sure enough there she was. I had my husband go down to SS and get her info from their records. Later I found another roadblock on this same line, mother's father I couldn't get any info. Then I heard from the family that the father listed was a step father. After some more patient waiting, suddenly out of now where (it would seem) the biological father's name showed up on Family Search. Now I just have to wait some more...maybe even attempt to contact some of the names that submitted his name, Frank Lansinger, born in Taylorsville Utah around 1893-1903. It will happen one day. The dead end names will eventually be found for everyone. Patience is definitely a virture in Family History.


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