Can I be a non Mormon LDS?


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I think that is just fine for you to call yourself LDS, although, in terms of membership you are not. I prefer being called a Latter-day Saint to being called Mormon, even though I am not quite as saintlike as I think I should be. I think the more people who try to be saintlike, the better, even if they don't accept the Book of Mormon or membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

It's been my understanding that LDS believe the Bible and the book of Mormon to contain the same gospel of Jesus Christ. Would you agree? I cannot think of one doctrine found in the book of Mormon that I don't believe, yet as the doctrines are the same, and the commandments of Jesus Christ, as well as His doctrine from God the Father, are far better accounted for in the Bible.

If I'm wrong, just humor me with the numbering as I've done on my site for the teachings of Jesus in the Bible. As your sacrament prayer states, we keep the commandments of Jesus as part of our covenant with Him...or as He put it: "Why do you call Me Lord if you don't do what I say?" If He is our Lord, surely we do as He said:-) And since that is where Jesus put the matter it seems more as Paul said "I am of Paul or of Apollos" instead of being of Jesus Christ.....

That's the way I tend to see it anyway...any comment?

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It's been my understanding that LDS believe the Bible and the book of Mormon to contain the same gospel of Jesus Christ. Would you agree? I cannot think of one doctrine found in the book of Mormon that I don't believe, yet as the doctrines are the same, and the commandments of Jesus Christ, as well as His doctrine from God the Father, are far better accounted for in the Bible.

That's the way I tend to see it anyway...any comment?

Welcome to the board brother01. I appreciate your thoughts and reflections about Christianity in general.

I would have to disagree, however, in some of your generalizations about how similar the Bible is to the Book of Mormon. It is true that the NT contains some of the same principles found in the BoM. However, you are ignoring the fact the 1200 denominations cannot agree on what those principles actually mean. Some argue that baptism is necessary some argue to the contrary even without considering the purpose of it. Some claim that the call to preach/teach the Gospel is self achieved. Some claim that there is no specific ecclesiastic order or authority not is it required for leadership, but some claim apostolic succession. The nature of God, the Trinity, the sacrament, salvation and others, just to name a few, are some of the most contentious subjects across Christianity today. Some claim there are no miracles or prophesy, we have mounts of evidence and a witness to the contrary. In summary, the Bible is one and we hold it to be the inspired word of God, but the interpretations thereof plenty and quite diverse.

The BoM, in the other hand, present a clarity, a precision, definition and call for action not otherwise found in the Bible. The Bible provides a foundation for the House of Israel. It is not intended to be the full Gospel. The Book of Mormon provides greater insight, encourages believing in Christ and to follow Christ and imitate His behavior. The Book of Mormon is called to be a second witness and to seal the testimony of the Savior to ALL people. You may disagree with a certain doctrine as declared in the BoM, but it would be impossible for you to be confused about its meaning.

Repentance, baptism, salvation, prayer, the priesthood, the gathering of Israel, the coming of the Messiah, the reasons for his crucifixion, the reality of the resurrection and His role in the salvation of the human race are explained in the BoM in a detail and specificity absent from the Bible. In fact, I submit that ALL of those subject become clear and evident to ALL Christians once they read them in the BoM precisely because of the depth and scope of the doctrine contained therein.

I admire your devotion and love for the scriptures and the words of the Savior. But the Restoration is about whether or not Joseph saw what he said he saw, whether God allowed him to receive and translated this ancient record called The Book of Mormon and whether the doctrine contained therein are true or not. The best intentions, tireless work and endless travels of the Apostles did not prevent the congregations to fracture and apostasy to creep into the ancient church. Our witness of the Restoration declares that the keys of the Priesthood and prophesy were returned to the earth never to be taken again in order to build the Kingdom of God and act in His stead, that ancient truths have been restored thru the gift of prophesy by the Savior and we are commanded to do many things for the children of God across the whole earth until the Savior comes and declares that the work is done.

I would exhort you to read the Book of Mormon and inquire of God in the name of your Savior what you are to do. Know that He has brought this marvelous gift of revelation before you for a reason and many millions will die this year without ever hearing from it. Consider that my brother and listen to the Spirit with true intent for an answer.

Sorry about the long post. Not my style.

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That's cute:-), 'just add water'. I see it a matter of obedience; the doing of whatsoever Jesus commanded. How do you think they would answer if it were put to them that way?

To Islander:

If you go to my web site and look at the last link on the home page I've started some review of the life of the disciple - to explore the living out the teachings of Jesus. One of the first things covered is the Sabbath. In my study of the topic the matter seems to be indisputable. Then in my secondary review to see the book of Mormon perspective of the plain teachings, it also agreed! Now that perplexed me somewhat, as LDS keep the day of the Sun instead, as does the Roman Catholic Church.

If Jesus didn't change the Law, nor Peter or Paul or any other apostle, why would we think anyone would? Didn't Jesus and God throughout the Scriptures affirm the Sabbath as the seventh day? Even in the book of Mormon it is exactly the same - why do differently? I did a search on the BOM from the LDS web site to search it and that is where that information came from.

Check into it yourself. Don't take my word for it.

As for me, I'm going to the SDA today, but haven't made the commitment as I might think I should if that is what I believe is true. It's a difficult concept to live in practicality. Just as many of Jesus' teachings are simple, yet profound. But His promise is that if we do what He said we will know it is of God and true. Forgiveness and love are also profound topics of beautiful simplicity, yet much more is involved to live them than to simply declare they are true!:-)

Thanks for your kind words:-)

Edited by brother01
bad sentence in the next to last paragraph
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Dear Brother, I have spent some time rereading the posts you have made on this thread, as well as about half of the material on your web site—the introduction plus 3 of the other tabs. You have done an amazing work, and for the most part I agree with everything I have read. You do bring up several issues that you have questions with regarding the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, though, and I wonder if I can help with your understanding of some of them.

1. We believe we are spirit sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father: Matthew 5:48, Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. Romans 8:16-17, The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: And if children, then heirs, heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. Ephesians 4:6, One God and Father of all.… Hebrews 12:9, Furthermore, we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live?

2. The Sabbath Day: Acts 20:7, And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them…. (See also this site which explains more and gives additional references:) - Topic Definition - Sabbath

The names of the days of the week don’t matter—all being pagan names in English. Saturday is the day of Saturn. What really matters is that there is one day in seven which is set aside as the holy day of the Lord, on which we should worship together and not work, or make others work for us. It is best if that day can be held as the Sabbath among all believers, because then there can be cooperation and at least some unity. Even people who do not accept the Ten Commandments should respect the beliefs of others and allow them to keep the Sabbath day holy.

3. Priesthood authority to act in God’s name: Hebrews 5:1-4, For every high priest taken from among men is ordained for men in things pertaining to God…And no man taketh this honor unto himself, but he that is called of God, as was Aaron. (see also verses 5-10.) John 15:16, Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you…. (See also Acts 8:14-20 and James 5:14-15.) Have you read in the Doctrine & Covenants? Here is the section that describes the restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery on May 15, 1829: Doctrine and Covenants 13 and there is much additional information in sections 20, 84, and 107, as well as in Joseph Smith—History 1:68-73: Joseph Smith—History 1

The Catholics believe that Matthew 16:13-18 says that the church should be built upon Peter, but we believe that the church should be built upon the rock of revelation: “…flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”

It is obvious, isn’t it, that you cannot accept membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, without first having a testimony borne of the Holy Ghost that this is truly Christ’s church restored upon earth in modern times, and that Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God. This personal witness comes through prayer.

Does that answer your principle concerns?

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I found this article through a search on that might shed some light on the whole Sunday being the sabbath and why it was chosen.The link to the original source is at the end of the paragraph and you can search that to see the full article. I hope that helps....

In New Testament times the Sabbath day was called the “Lord’s day” (Rev. 1:10) and was observed on the first day of the week (Acts 20:7), honoring the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the tomb. It is evident from the Bible that the sacred day was the seventh day of the week during Old Testament times, whereas in the New Testament it was observed on the first day of the week by the church after the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the grave.

(Robert J. Matthews, “I Have a Question,” Ensign, Jan. 1978, 14–16)

The same article mentions that in the middle east branches of the church meet on Saturday to honor local custom and tradition with regards to when the sabbath is observed.

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Thanks for the encouragement FernRL. Believe it or not, I've had visitors from around the world and you are the first to give me some feedback!!!!!

It's been a labor of love for the Lord and the seeming fact that so many believe that to simply claim the name is all that is required!

To you and Chad,

As for the Sabbath issue on the last page, after extensive study I could find no other firm word other than what God and Jesus Christ have given. Even the 'Lord's day' and the 'first day of the week' fail the muster when studied deeper. I'd like to discuss it more, but recommend hearing out the two lessons that Chuch Missler did with his radio program. His web site is It wouldn't take much looking around to find it. SDA have their reasons, but he isn't SDA and is more of an independent expert on the Scriptures. He's starting a new study on Revelation that is particularly interesting.

For me it hinges on what Jesus taught. Some would say Jesus was teaching against the Sabbath by His healing on that day, yet I think we would both agree that He was teaching that it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath - which is what He repeatedly said!!! Not that He was against the Sabbath, as it is the only day Jesus claimed to be Lord of!!!

I did go to the SDA, but the speaker was a disappointment. He was teaching that we need to go behind the veil with Jesus for judgement so that we aren't taken by Satan or something like that. My understanding is that behind the veil we find both the law of God and the Mercy seat, which is figurative of the role of Jesus Chirst - mercy is not judgement!!!!!

Tomorrow is another day:-)

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1. We believe we are spirit sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father: Matthew 5:48, Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. Romans 8:16-17, The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: And if children, then heirs, heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. Ephesians 4:6, One God and Father of all.… Hebrews 12:9, Furthermore, we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live?

With this we find agreement:-)

Ever wonder how some are said by Jesus to be of their father, Satan?

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I read at least one talk given by Chuck Missler and agreed with much of what he said, being primarily about the importance of keeping the Sabbath and that it wasn't just a new concept at the time Moses received The Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai, nor done away with when Christ "fulfilled the law." But I was confused about several sections, as to what he meant.

In conclusion he said: "The veneration of the first day as a memorial of the Resurrection is certainly appropriate, although its historical role as a replacement day of worship is arguable. Its formal institution appears to have been an expedient exploited by Emperor Constantine and following.53" Christians and the Sabbath: The Seventh Day - Chuck Missler

I have also read that the observance of the Sabbath on Sunday is attributed to Constantine, but even that is in dispute. There is also some mention that the particular day of the week observed as the Sabbath was changed to Saturday at the time of the exodus from Egypt, to commemorate that day. Also that, at least for a time, the Sabbath was set to occur on set days of the months instead of on a particular day of the week--so, like Christmas, it could fall on any particular day of the week, depending on the year and how it lined up.

I don't understand all this, and to me it is not the important issue. The real important issue is what does Jesus want us to do. Yes, keep the Sabbath, that is obvious. Does He want us to keep it on Saturday? Sunday? Monday? or some other day of the week? There is also no other "firm word" of Christ in the Bible that says that the word "Sabbath" always referred to the same day of the week. To worry about that is, to me, an instance of straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel. (Matt. 23:24)

The real important issue to me is that point: Revelation. Revelations throughout the ages were recorded and compiled into the Bible. In Amos 3:7 it reads: "Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets." There were times when nothing was revealed. After the death of the original 12 Apostles (except John) and the others, like Paul who figured prominently in the New Testament, there were no more leaders of the Christian church that you could count on as being divinely inspired. Protestant reformers sought to fix the errors that were in the Catholic Church, and later it became a free-for-all, with it being entirely possible for any person to organize a church based on the Bible (or at least on their interpretation of the Bible,) sometimes claiming some "divine calling," but without any real authority. Who says I should trust someone like that? I Corinthians 1:10-13: "Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you...Is Christ divided? ...." Why don't you search out scriptures which prophesy of an apostasy and then those that prophesy of a restoration? And then pray for an understanding of what you find.

I understand that much is figurative and not literal in the Bible, so that some people could say that being a child of God refers to following Him, and having Satan as their father means that they follow him. Just how much can you count on as being literal? The Spirit bears witness to my spirit that every human that has ever lived on the face of this earth was a literal spirit son or daughter of God, but we have fallen, and are adopted into the family of Christ when we follow him. If we follow Satan, however, he has claim on us, binding us with the chains of our own disobedience.

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In my being it goes back to a few things:

1. The fourth commandment was explicit to say 'remember' to keep the seventh day and also why God set the day apart from the others.

2. Even in Ezekiel at the prophecy of the future time we find the keeping of the Sabbath as the seventh day.

Therefore it has always been so since the evening of the first day of man upon the earth and we find it again in the future. That indicates to me that given no clear or equally clear mandate to observe differently then why do we do it except that's what our fathers and fathers fathers and fathers fathers fathers have done since the Roman persecution of Israel.

Interestingly, the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, which escaped Rome's rule, still keeps the Sabbath to this day. That is also a bit of evidence.

Jesus didn't declare it a matter of going to hell, but did say that we need to keep the commandments of God and that those who do not, and teach others to also do so will be least in the kingdom of heaven. God was quite harsh in His words to Israel about not keeping the Sabbath.

It's sad that so few give it thought - including myself, as I was content for most of my life to believe the matter changed for Christians as was mentioned in previous posts. I used to think the same thing myself.

After the year of not going to Church, but working on my study of what Jesus did say and trying my best to do and hear - being open and willing to hear Him out and understand what He was saying quite aside from what others go around saying He said - I've come to new understandings and a more profound understanding that we (meaning every Christian and fellowship of believers) have a lot of room for growth in His word and life. There is scarcely anything said that I didn't wait upon the Lord to direct my thoughts and words on the topic as well as to try to carefully piece together the tapestry of the teachings as He gave me light to do. I'm waiting on further revelation to continue as a matter of fact. So I certainly don't fault LDS over some aspects of the need for continuing revelation. God called me to write it, and I did. When and who can use it is up to Him. If nothing better is gained than my own growth, that's fine with me too:-)

As for the other Sabbaths, those were special days and in no way changed the weekly observance of the singular Sabbath directed in the ten commandments.

A short history lesson from Samuele Bacchiocchi's book, From Sabbath To Sunday, is that the Romans tired of rebellious Israel and made it as tough on them as possible. Till that time the record has it the Christians met together at the Synagogue on the Sabbath and we even find the Apostles attending the high Jewish holy day celebrations. After much persecution even Christians didn't want to be persecuted with the Jews and Rome didn't see the differentiation between them as they met together, so people drifted to observance of Sunday, and finally it was made practice by the Roman Church.

The way I see it is that we need to get back to realization, as the LDS Sacrament prayer so beautifully puts, that keeping the commandments of Jesus Christ is part of our covenant with Him. My point is to first know what He did say, and then work out from that foundation. As He said, we have to DIG to the foundation of the bedrock of His teachings if we are to endure the storms of life as He promised. I think I've been digging for quite some time - enough to get a sure sense of what that bedrock is so that I don't need to rely on being spoon fed the doctrine of Jesus Chirst. I'm nearly sure the doctrine of Christ is not merely who He is, but being willing to do whatsoever He taught and growing in that willingness towards the perfection of the immitation of Jesus as the example of what man was created to be - not that we can never be like Him.

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For me it is to set aside one day in seven. One day of rest. If we set aside only one day of rest to serve the Lord then, as said in Palerider's signature, we have a one in seven chance of making it to heaven. We should love and serve the Lord all seven days and rest from our worldly labors one day in seven. I know that Jesus Christ during his ministry often chastised the Sadducces (sp) and Pharassies (sp) for their willingness to live the letter of the law but not the spirit it was intended.

Ben Raines

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For me it is to set aside one day in seven. One day of rest. If we set aside only one day of rest to serve the Lord then, as said in Palerider's signature, we have a one in seven chance of making it to heaven. We should love and serve the Lord all seven days and rest from our worldly labors one day in seven. I know that Jesus Christ during his ministry often chastised the Sadducces (sp) and Pharassies (sp) for their willingness to live the letter of the law but not the spirit it was intended.

Ben Raines

There was a time in our country that stores were closed on Sunday. People went to Church and were far more mindful of the things of God. It isn't as easy as it used to be to set aside a day to honor and remember God the whole day. I'm still working on it. Like, if we don't buy or sell, but do we watch TV things that are entertainment which are not keeping our minds upon Him? Or what about that project that has to be done and work hours are long and the heat is so bad that it can only be worked on in the AM before Church.

I'd never have made it in the wilderness under Moses rule!!!

But I do will to ... when I remember...:-)

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Also, keep in mind that the commandment also says "Six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work..." That is the hardest part to me, otherwise, I would be glad to have more than one day of rest per week.

And I really don't see much way around it in this world. I, too, remember when stores were closed on Sunday. It is easy enough for me to refrain from buying and selling on Sunday (still my Sabbath,) but it has been harder for my children to get jobs, as they are usually required to work both Saturdays and Sundays. For everyone to switch back to Saturday as the Sabbath would only complicate matters so extremely that it would negate what Jesus said about the Sabbath being made for man and not man for the Sabbath!

For me it is enough that The Church of Jesus Christ (LDS) has prophets and apostles at its head, and if Jesus wanted us to do something differently regarding the Sabbath, He would have told them.

As far as suggesting that the LDS do not keep the commandments, that is rather funny! Sure we are not perfect, but the usual criticism we get from other Christians is that we put too much emphasis on keeping the commandments when we "should just accept Christ and know that it is by Grace that we are saved."

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No offense taken:-), it's been something to think about though.

Ever look at Revelation and note those who overcome - what it says they do? Jim Reinking (SDA) did a series on Revelation that brought it out as I'd never considered it before. Certainly something to think about....

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I hope this isent to harsh or i will be in trouble again lol. I do not think you can be a non mormon lds, i think that many will be classed as this though, below is what one certain guy says about these guys and others who feel they are doing Jesus's work without the "members card" lol.

So yes you do need the " members card " which is Authority from god.


7:22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

7:23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

Edited by jimuk
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I hope this isent to harsh or i will be in trouble again lol. I do not think you can be a non mormon lds, i think that many will be classed as this though, below is what one certain guy says about these guys and others who feel they are doing Jesus's work without the "members card" lol.

So yes you do need the " members card " which is Authority from god.


7:22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

7:23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

Might I suggest that by taking these words of Jesus at face value, it seems clear to me that He is saying it isn't about saying you believe, it is about doing the will of God, in this particular, that we not be guilty of iniquity, which is lawlessness. Jesus said in vain they worship God who teach for doctrines the commandments of men!

Therefore it surely must hinge on keeping the commandments of God and especially those teachings and commandments Jesus gave that the Father sent Him to teach and show by example as well as the fulfillment of the prophetic word made sure.

Yet we are commanded not to dispise prophesying.

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Hi brother01. What Jesus is saying is that these people who have done these things in his name, did so without authority from god, which can only be given by those that have the authority to give.

plain and simple.

So basically, it really doesent matter what you preach, if you do so without authority from god it serves you no purpose.

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Hi brother01. What Jesus is saying is that these people who have done these things in his name, did so without authority from god, which can only be given by those that have the authority to give.

plain and simple.

So basically, it really doesent matter what you preach, if you do so without authority from god it serves you no purpose.

If it were only that simple. It does matter what we preach. "God came down teaching" is part of the gospel message of the geneology of Genesis 5. Jesus said it was about doing what He said, that we keep His words, which goes directly to John 17 and glorification in Him. How could one give prophecy or work miracles in His name and then He say "Depart from Me, I never knew you"? How does Jesus know us?

The clear line is about iniquity, not authority, isn't it? It's an important distinction to make.

Last night the wife showed me an LDS lesson that spoke about man having the mind, power and authority of God?

If that is true, I can only marvel that more dead, lame, blind, deaf, and demon possessed are not healed as did Jesus. One of the witnesses of Jesus were the very works He did.

So I await some more info, as these things of authority just don't seem to come from the same pages I've read or experienced.

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If it were only that simple. It does matter what we preach. "God came down teaching" is part of the gospel message of the geneology of Genesis 5. Jesus said it was about doing what He said, that we keep His words, which goes directly to John 17 and glorification in Him. How could one give prophecy or work miracles in His name and then He say "Depart from Me, I never knew you"? How does Jesus know us?

The clear line is about iniquity, not authority, isn't it? It's an important distinction to make.

Last night the wife showed me an LDS lesson that spoke about man having the mind, power and authority of God?

If that is true, I can only marvel that more dead, lame, blind, deaf, and demon possessed are not healed as did Jesus. One of the witnesses of Jesus were the very works He did.

So I await some more info, as these things of authority just don't seem to come from the same pages I've read or experienced.

Jesus came down preaching, He already had this authority that was from his father that was in heaven, but he dident start his ministry till much later, when he was 30yrs old. when he called his disciples, "he" gave them the authority to go out and spread his word amongst the people, to heal, cast out evil spirits.

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What a bunch of posting rules!:-) I'll do my best.

Although not Mormon, I consider myself, in principle, to be LDS in the broadest sense of the word. To date I've received witness of God, as did Joseph, that we are to hear Jesus Christ. I've done extensive study of His teachings and have my own web site about all the teachings of Jesus at

One Disciple to Another

It isn't anti anyone, but is very pro Jesus and what He taught about who He is, what He said about His teachings, through what He said about unbelievers. Jesus said if we abide in Him by doing what He said that He will abide in us and we will be one as He and the Father are one. Yet we must first know that Jesus said His doctrine was not His own, but the word of His Father in heaven.

I am not a Mormon but a Latter-day Saint. :D

Be truthful...the answer is no. Baptism is one requirement in being a member of the Savior's church.

Welcome to the forum.

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