Fullness of Times / Second Coming


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Ok. Now I know someone is trying to tell me something. Last night I finally got my H to read The Work and the Glory and he came in to the bedroom telling me that we need to learn to live off the land. Funny how the Lord reaches us in ways you wouldnt expect.

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I concur....this not doctrine but personal. Does not constitute the current policy of the Church.

Opination: When we read the OT - especially the last minor twelve prophets, they speak of two prophets in the last day, both of which will have the name of David; one at Mount Zion and the other, the old Jerusalem. [Joseph Smith, Bruce R. McConkie]

The two prophets mentioned bv John are two Apostles of the church that will be sent to Jerusalem in the last days - that was from President Spencer W. Kimball. A question I asked the President years ago.

I visited Jerusalem earlier this year and was taken to a different Garden of Gethsemane than the one most tourists are taken to. My guide told me that is where the Twelve ask to be taken when they visit. The guide himself has witnessed miraculous things happen there.

A BYU Education Week instructor last week said that the Senior Brethren have a humorous time together about their assignments when two of them visit Jerusalem together. It is thought that the two prophets who will hold off the Armageddon armies for 3 1/2 years will be LDS Apostles.

These are wondrous times to have been reserved to live in. Looking down upon the valley of Armageddon from upper Nazareth can come close to raising the hair on one's head...

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7 years is a LOT of food, but well worth it, I think, considering what can happen. And considering what, in my opinion, is likely to happen and increasingly happen as we draw closer.

I'm of the mindset "Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for the rest of his life." While having food storage is essential, I think it's also essential to develop and practice good survival skills. This would include hunting, fishing, shelter building and other skills that will allow you to live off the land should Wal-Mart cease to function. I also think that "food storage" includes general preparedness items such as tents, sleeping bags, rope, good hiking gear, and all those other Boy Scout essentials. Military surplus is a great way to go :) and a LOT cheaper than REI.

I'm grateful to have been raised and taught these skills. I feel fully prepared to be left in the middle of nowhere as I am and be able to survive, perhaps even to live well. Yes, I have started a fire by rubbing sticks together. And I honestly think someday I may need to use that ability; and hopefully many others can benefit from it.


Speaking of military surplus - MREs are a great idea for food storage. They're healthy balanced meals individually packaged and easily stored for decades. Buy them by the case if you can. They'd be a great supplement to your flour and beans :D

Another sometimes not thought of value of having food storage and other items is that it can become the new currency. E.g. it takes very little room to store a few hundred sewing needles and spools of thread. When stores are shut down those little items could be traded for many other things you might need. Think of what to store for pioneer day times: shovels, hoes, ammunition, seeds - the new currency.

Prophecies are that we may need to also take care of thousands of non-members who flee to our mountain refuges because that's the only place of order and safety in the entire nation. I store not only for my own family, but as preparation for others too.

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Another sometimes not thought of value of having food storage and other items is that it can become the new currency. E.g. it takes very little room to store a few hundred sewing needles and spools of thread. When stores are shut down those little items could be traded for many other things you might need. Think of what to store for pioneer day times: shovels, hoes, ammunition, seeds - the new currency.

Prophecies are that we may need to also take care of thousands of non-members who flee to our mountain refuges because that's the only place of order and safety in the entire nation. I store not only for my own family, but as preparation for others too.

You're absolutely right, barter is probably going to be the big thing. My brother and I would often joke about stockpiling cigarrettes - in such a situation as we've discussed, an addict would give a weeks worth of food for one smoke. The sad thing is, it's probably true, just look at Jacob and Esau... No I am NOT suggesting that Mormons go out stockpiling tobacco :P

My mom was the preparedness master in our family. She would insist upon having big tubs full of extra blankets and the like - and we'd actually use them too, giving them away to refugees from forest fires etc. And things like Sterno and pocket hand warmers are also good to have.

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mmmmm. Pocket warmers. :) I would be miserable in the winter without those things.

So I have another stupid question... is there any advisement from the church and keeping money in banks?

OK just imagine of a general authority got up during General Conference and "recommended" that we not use banks to save our money. Imagine all 13 million of us running off to the banks the very next day and withdrawing all of our money at the same time. Even if every economy in the world was in the middle of a golden age, that would be enough to send us all back to the stone age.

As far as whether anyone has ever said anything about it, I don't know. A quick (really quick) search on LDS.org almost seems to suggest the opposite, but most of those are articles on saving money and budgeting. For saving, investing, planning, and budgeting, having a bank account can make a huge difference in making those things more efficient. But remember inflation - if your account isn't earning interest, the money in that account is LOSING value over time. Leave $1000 in the bank and come back a year later, that money will buy less than it could when you deposited it. So put your money to work for you in some way - like the parable of the talents.

Personally, I think if the banks fail, your cash won't be worth much anyway. In fact, much like during the Great Depression in the US back in the 1930s, the only thing of any real value will be real property - real estate - land. If you OWN (outright own, debt free) land, you will have something of value. Of course, the land won't do you much good if there's nothing on it of any usefulness. I tend (for personal reasons) to plan my preparedness around being mobile. Having skills and preparation that will allow me to live relatively comfortably no matter where I may find myself.

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Doctrine and Covenants 38

If ye are prepared ye shall not fear.

Speaking of the "Fullness of Times" I think it behooves each of us to be familiar with the chronology in Revelations, especially chapters 7, 8, and 9. I especially recommend reading Revelation 8 and then cross referencing the word "silence" in verse 1 with Doctrine and Covenants 38. Sounds to me like the 7th seal has been opened.

Doctrine and Covenants 88:11-12

"And it becometh every man who hath been warned to warn his neighbor."

Edited by puf_the_majic_dragon
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You're absolutely right, barter is probably going to be the big thing. My brother and I would often joke about stockpiling cigarrettes - in such a situation as we've discussed, an addict would give a weeks worth of food for one smoke. The sad thing is, it's probably true, just look at Jacob and Esau... No I am NOT suggesting that Mormons go out stockpiling tobacco :P

I don't know if it would be good to stockpile cigarettes, but it should be ok to stockpile tobacco since it can be used to treat wounds on cattle. I am sure many people would be willing to barter a weeks worth of food for some tobacco. I fully trust that they will use it to treat their cattle and not smoke it. :D

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I don't know if it would be good to stockpile cigarettes, but it should be ok to stockpile tobacco since it can be used to treat wounds on cattle. I am sure many people would be willing to barter a weeks worth of food for some tobacco. I fully trust that they will use it to treat their cattle and not smoke it. :D

If you make tobacco tea, you can bathe in it to get rid of scabies. But if you get the tea too rich, the patient will go into nicotine poisoning shock. Not pretty.


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how did this thread become about emergency preparedness?

I'm not sure either Myk, but it does give me the chance to tell a story related to this that happened when I was a youngster in Church. This would have been in the late '60s.

To emphasize that the members must have their "Year's Supply" in hand, they asked one family to volunteer to see if it could last a month on its supply.

When the month was over, the thing I remember most is the wife saying how much she had missed HAND LOTION. She insisted she was going to stock up on it after this experience.

I also rely on hand lotion so much, I've considered stockpiling it. Just because I'm lazy and don't want to go to the store. :P


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I got tired of hearing about the second comming in the early 80s. Personally no one knows if will ever happen. 2,000 years have passed since the first statments of the second comming have occured.

A suggestion. Instead of looking at this as a massive, global event, consider what it would mean if it mean a personal 'second coming'. Read the scriptures in that light. What would the burning mean? :)


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I got tired of hearing about the second comming in the early 80s. Personally no one knows if will ever happen. 2,000 years have passed since the first statments of the second comming have occured.

Perhaps it was just a typing error on your part. God does not lie, Jesus Christ WILL return in glory as He said He would. We just don't know the exact time that will occur. Signs of the times including fulfilled prophesies are indicating that we are not too far away from that event happening.
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A suggestion. Instead of looking at this as a massive, global event, consider what it would mean if it mean a personal 'second coming'. Read the scriptures in that light. What would the burning mean? :)


There is of course a huge amount of scripture demonstrating that the glorious "Second Coming" of Jesus Christ will be "a massive, global event" and not just an individual revelation, though many people do get a personal witness of the Savior as another matter.

"Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen." Revelation 1: 7

Word Search: second coming

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There is of course a huge amount of scripture demonstrating that the glorious "Second Coming" of Jesus Christ will be "a massive, global event" and not just an individual revelation, though many people do get a personal witness of the Savior as another matter.

"Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen." Revelation 1: 7

Word Search: second coming

Layers upon layers, Justamere10, much like an ogre----I mean, an onion...


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I got tired of hearing about the second comming in the early 80s. Personally no one knows if will ever happen. 2,000 years have passed since the first statments of the second comming have occured.

The ancient Hebrew calendar is quite interesting. The first day of the year was based on the first week following the first new moon following the vernal equinox. There were in the various regions experts in reading the signs of the sun and moon that when the events of the vernal equinox and new moon had taken place the “witnesses” would appear before a “Judge” and give witness. When at least two witnesses had testified before the judge a messenger would be sent to light a fire on a hillside at evening for all to see. The next day would be the first day of the New Year to which there would be a celebration and feast.

Often the question would be asked when would the New Year begin? The answer was according to tradition – “No man knows the hour or the day”. If the weather was cloudy hiding the sun and moon the traditional answer was, “No man knows the hour or the day, not even the angles in heaven.” It was not that an expert would not know when the events would occur only that the signs were difficult to see for the final sign and witness.

I submit that many righteous will look forward to and know the day when Jesus will return. For example – when two prophets are killed on the streets of Jerusalem I will be able to tell you what day Jesus will come. When they rise from the dead – I will be able to tell you the hour. When certain events occur I will be able to tell you what year he will return. I believe I can tell you that Jesus will not come within the next couple of years.

The Traveler

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OK, so I've been reading about the calamities and stuff that happen...got a couple of questions.

- Someone said that we are in the seventh seal... after what I have read I believe we are still in the sixth. Anyone have any comments as to why it would be the seventh?

- Also it sounds like a LOT of righteous people will die just in the commotion and calamity that is supposed to happen. So to me, even if I see this stuff in my lifetime it's pretty unlikely that I live through it all.

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I've noticed that people bring up "the second coming is soon" here and there on the forum...like it will happen tomorrow or in a couple of years.


-Is God's version of "soon" different than our own mortal understanding of "soon"?

Is it safe to say that our modern conveniences and immediate gratification kindof cloud this concept further?

-When the scriptures say something like "the end is near", is it really be talking about Jesus Christ coming?...or could it be talking about our own individual timeline on this earth?

-Anyone have any scriptures on this subject?

If I would use the assumption of Abraham time clock comparing to Celestial clock, 'soon' can be a million years. LOL Have faith in yourself to find that answer.

I do believe, not official church position, we are in that time now. A few will be called home in making preparation of what will come.

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OK, so I've been reading about the calamities and stuff that happen...got a couple of questions.

- Someone said that we are in the seventh seal... after what I have read I believe we are still in the sixth. Anyone have any comments as to why it would be the seventh?

- Also it sounds like a LOT of righteous people will die just in the commotion and calamity that is supposed to happen. So to me, even if I see this stuff in my lifetime it's pretty unlikely that I live through it all.

-What happens at the beginning of the Seventh Seal? That is the key....

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Here's a good place to start:

Prophesies That Are In Progress

All things in commotion, hearts shall fail - D&C 88:88-91

88 And after your testimony cometh wrath and indignation upon the people.

89 For after your testimony cometh the testimony of earthquakes, that shall cause groanings in the midst of her, and men shall fall upon the ground and shall not be able to stand.

90 And also cometh the testimony of the voice of thunderings, and the voice of lightnings, and the voice of tempests, and the voice of the waves of the sea heaving themselves beyond their bounds.

91 And all things shall be in commotion; and surely, men's hearts shall fail them; for fear shall come upon all people.

Does "your testimony" mean the testimony of JC? Or a different testimony of telling people what is coming??

Prophesies Yet To Be Fulfilled

Lamanites to blossom as a rose - D&C 49:24

24 But before the great day of the Lord shall come, Jacob shall flourish in the wilderness, and the Lamanites shall blossom as the rose.

I think this is already happening. no?

New Jerusalem To Be Built - 3 Nephi 23-25

23 And they shall assist my people, the remnant of Jacob, and also as many of the house of Israel as shall come, that they may build a city, which shall be called the New Jerusalem.

24 And then shall they assist my people that they may be gathered in, who are scattered upon all the face of the land, in unto the New Jerusalem.

25 And then shall the power of heaven come down among them; and I also will be in the midst.

Who are the remnant of Jacob?

Also there is talk that the gospel will be taught among ALL nations... China is a pretty big country and I don't see them allowing the gospel anytime soon. Same for Cuba. Comments?

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Let me the first to help out this question of China. China Premier makes a visit to this country and who does he see first? Not the country's president but President Hinkley.

Currently the church has several wards and branches, a temple [Hong Kong], stakes, and two key wards in Bejing. We are the ONLY CHURCH that is allowed to meet in China with the permission of the government.

I expect Cuba will fall soon or the church will make head ways into the new regime that is coming....now, my spirit weeps and does at time bring much tears to my soul concerning my Muslim brothers who keep the those door closed. The biggest help in bringing in the gospel to those lands is the military.

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