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Hi, I'm Susan. I just joined last week, and am getting around to wandering around this site. I'm not very good at introductions.

I am married to a nonmember. We celebrated our 29th wedding anniversary last month! We have 4 adult children: 2 boys and 2 girls. We have one grandson, and a granddaughter on the way. Unfortunately, my kids are all inactive.

I live in northern New York state. I'm actually about 7 miles from the border with Quebec. I've lived here almost 2 years now. We lived in Key West for 4 years, and before that we lived in central New York state. My husband is from central NY, and I'm from northern VA.

I'm currently the RS president in my little branch of the Church. We need a term for really small branches, something like, Twig. We have so few members that we hold a 2 hour block each Sunday. We alternate Relief Society and Priesthood with Gospel Doctrine. I'm guessing that YM/YW are alternated with Sunday School, as well. We have 2 YW and 1 YM, I believe. That's a lot better than what we had in the branch in Key West. We had no youth at all in that branch!

Well, I guess that is my intro. I'll be happy to answer any questions. :D

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Truegrits, where in the Keys does your father-in-law live? We were actually in the city of Key West for 4 years. My husband was in the Air Guard, and got activated on 9/11. After a couple months, he decided to stay active duty, and take a transfer. Key West was one of the options. So, we headed south, in 2 cars. Our first trip down the Keys was something! It was too bad that I was driving, so I couldn't look around too much. I never did tire of driving down the Keys, but I did tire of the 4 hour trip! We were displaced in 2005, due to Hurricane Wilma paying a visit to the area, and spent 6 months in a spacious FEMA "trailer" (by that, read 1 room camper). The first month was a challenge, and it went downhill from there. So, after 6 months, and no news on permanent housing, my husband decided it was time to retire. So, we moved into the bedroom in a friend's house for 6 months. And, then we headed north. If we went any further north, we'd leave the country!

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Truegrits, where in the Keys does your father-in-law live? We were actually in the city of Key West for 4 years. My husband was in the Air Guard, and got activated on 9/11. After a couple months, he decided to stay active duty, and take a transfer. Key West was one of the options. So, we headed south, in 2 cars. Our first trip down the Keys was something! It was too bad that I was driving, so I couldn't look around too much. I never did tire of driving down the Keys, but I did tire of the 4 hour trip! We were displaced in 2005, due to Hurricane Wilma paying a visit to the area, and spent 6 months in a spacious FEMA "trailer" (by that, read 1 room camper). The first month was a challenge, and it went downhill from there. So, after 6 months, and no news on permanent housing, my husband decided it was time to retire. So, we moved into the bedroom in a friend's house for 6 months. And, then we headed north. If we went any further north, we'd leave the country!

And south of Key West is...CUBA! :lol:

He lives is Big Pine Key. It is just before Key West. He has NEVER evacuated; he rides it out. He is in his late 80's, and still goes out fishing every day. Well, sometimes he just goes out to be on the water...LOL

I also love the drive through the keys. Amazing views. When we lived in Naples, my husband and I made the trip to Big Pine in our boat; thought it would be a nice change from driving!!! that was a trip! The Dolphins we saw...beautiful! :)

Every year, after "Season" was over (at the hospital) my girlfriends and I would go and stay with Pop, but get up every morning and drive into Key West, stay all day, and then back to Pop's to sleep. We would do this for four>five days. Boy, those were good times! ;)

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Ah, yes. Big Pine Key. Some members of the Church there live on Big Pine. That is a nice area, too.

Have you been down there since Wilma? I never did get over the casino ship that got stranded on the sea grass off of Big Pine! I need to find out if it's still there! Wilma did a heck of a lot of damage. Many people lost everything they owned! Many folks had no homeowner's insurance! We lost everything on the ground floor of our house, and one car! I was on Stock Island, at a friend's, my youngest daughter was on Key Haven (she had my car, the one that we lost), and my other daughter was up on one of the other keys (never can remember the name of it, but it will come to me later). We didn't do too badly, compared to others.

We're watching the hurricanes now. I keep emailing friends to find out how things are, but they never respond!

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Glad you liked my "twig" idea, Marianne. I thought it up when trying to describe how small my branch is.

My branch covers quite a large area, but we just have so few active members. Today we were short 3 sisters in Primary, and there was only 1 to replace them! That gave me only3 sisters in Relief Society. I counted 36 people in Sacrament meeting. And that included 4 visitors!

Our missionaries are working hard, but this is a tough area.

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