Church Ad Banner On My Email


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This morning when I opened up my email I saw for the very first time an Ad Banner for the church.:)

I hardley ever pay attention to them because they are not something I would be interested in but today I clicked it and it took me here. - Chat Live

Has anyone else seen this before?

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It's part of a new media campaign that they're testing out in different areas of the US. Last year they started it in Las Vegas, somewhere in the mid-west and one other area up in New England. They had radio commercials, tv spots (prime time included), billboards, and banner ads online. The line they use is "Truth Restored" and urge people to visit It's an attempt to try to use the comfort and privacy that people feel at home without someone else there to ask questions that they might otherwise not. The commercials are simple - usually in black and white and show clips from the videos on telling about their conversion or about a certain question they had and the spirit they felt when they learned about the gospel. I don't know about the success rate exactly, but it makes it really easy to hand out the business card sized pass along cards when you know that they can get online instead of having to call someone and order a video or BoM and have the missionaries drop by. It's a bit less intimidating. Anyway, I hope this is what you were talking about and I'm not just going on and on about something random. If it is, the ad you saw was probably black and white with a picture of a person and a question about Families, God, or what happens when we die written in gold lettering.

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