Where do I start?


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Hello. Yes. That was a good start. Now what?

Um. Hi. Yes, I said that already sorry. I'm nervous.

Maybe I should just spill the beans already!!

I used to be mormon. I used to be a really strong mormon. Then I fell away. I then got into the occult. After that I went into Christianity and thrived off of the information from anti mormon sites. And now? Now I claim to be mostly Agnostic....but lately...something is pulling at heart...and my mind. I can't describe it.

Maybe I can blame Facebook. I got in touch with some people from my very distant past. And they are momons from my very first ward as a child. Maybe. But it was something before that that made me go searching for them in the first place. Oh I dunno.

Anyways. I'm 30. Married to an atheist. I am American, he is English and we live in the UK. I am a large woman, always have been always will be.

I have sooo many issues with mormon doctrine...but for now I am taking it slow. I have had my dad send me a BOM (its in the mail,lol) so that I can reread it and decide. I just need the foundation. The rest of the doctrine doesn't matter to me right now.

Living in England is weird. I haven't met a single mormon. Nor have I seen a mormon church! How weird!!!!

Anyways. That's me a in nutshell. Please be nice, I'm a fragile soul at the moment!

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You know what's kind of cool to do when you read the BOM? If you just read it like it's an actual book (real or not) you learn to really enjoy it and listen to the stories. It really is my favorite " book ". Instead of looking at every verse with a " yeah right" attitude...it's just more fun that way and I gained a better experience from it! Just something you can try if you're interested! :) Welcome to the site it's fun getting new people!!

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Where do you start.........

Let's start at the very Beginning.. a Very good place to start....

Baby Steps is what you take...... and hold on to the IRON ROD... I am thinking that the LORD IS pulling at your heart strings...... Lean on Him..... He will guide you through......... Remember you are Child of God....

Remember the song?

I am a Child of God and He has sent me here,

Has given me an earthly home, With Parents kind and dear.

Lead me guide me, Walk beside me, help me find the way,

Teach me all that I must DO, To live with him some day.

I am a Child of God, and so my needs are great.

Help me understand his words before it grows to late.

Lead me guide me, Walk beside, help me find the way,

Teach me all that I must DO, To live with him some day.

I am a Child of God, rich blessings are in store,

If I but learn to to his will. I'll Live with him once more.

Lead me guide me, Walk beside, help me find the way,

Teach me all that I must DO, To live with him some day.

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First of all Super I want to say WELCOME this is an awesome site we have alot of terrific people from all walks of life as well as all religions here and as far as where do you start well one step at a time which you already are doing....... read the BOM and pray on it anddddd now you have this site to also help you... chat is a great way of people getting to know you and you getting to know them so drop by when you can.... I am a convert to the church and find it a great support system.... alot of fun as well.

I look forward getting to know you!


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Welcome to the board Angel! I love your avitar pic! :)

I wasn't always LDS... I joined the church after a lot of soul searching and prayer, I grew up with an agnostic and an atheist, so I kind of understand.

My first thought about you asking for that Book of Mormon was.... there is something there that you are missing and that little inner self knows it's in the book somewhere to be found.

UK huh? A little more moist there than it is here eh?

Anywho, again welcome to the board, and I hope you find what you need or are looking for again.

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Welcome Angel,

Those "feelings" are most likely whisperings of the Spirit.Heavenly Father loves us & wants will make us happy nothing is better than a Testimony of the Gospel & living its Principles.

England is pretty weird(I'm Scottish living in England),There are lots of Ward Buildings in the UK & we have two Temples-London(Lingfield) & Preston.

I am very happy to see you here.Join in the fun & the debate.

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Hi SSAngel! SS? :eek::lol:

I hope your father did not write BOM on the pack... or you might never get it!:eek:

One thing I noticed is that IF one can out those things on a shelf that one dose NOT understand right now... it will turn out ok later, when you have build up a strong enough basics to understande more. Many people want to understand it all right away... it is NOT possible! You understand one thing then it can take a year maybe more before you understand any more of it! The most important is NTO to deny the feeling, not to deny that whisper in you that tells you tis is true, no matter how weird it sounds right then!

Good hunting!

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