100 Days: Read the Book of Mormon before the end of the year


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I was reading Chapter 4:1

" And it came to pass that I spake unto my brethren saying: Let us go up again unto Jerusalem, and let us be faithful in keeping the commandments of the Lord; for behold he is mightier than all the earth, then why not mightier than Laban and his fifty, yea, or even than his tens of thousands? "

And then Nephi proceeds to challenge them to be strong like Moses when he parted the red sea.

I feel strengthened by this. I mean life is sometimes difficult and I am prone to fear. And sometimes I have believed that I was alone. But, here is someone doing really difficult things and risking personal safety to do the will of the Lord in returning to Jerusalem! I can believe the same thing and place my trust in the Lord as I battle my own versions of Laban and the fifty.

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Gotcha thanks. When does the week end? Sorry to be such a pain...Just want to be on schedule with everyone.

Well, I'll be posting the schedule that I receive from the sister in my ward. She sent this week's on Monday, so I'm thinking it's going to be a Monday to Sunday schedule.

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I'm going to just throw this out even though I haven't read it yet. I was reading this just the other day. In Nephi Chapter 3, it talks about Laman and Lemuel and their anger.

Divine intervention became necessary. But even with them seeing with their own eyes God's power their anger didn't diminish.

The example was given as to how this could relate today. In fact we've been asked this on some threads. Imagine people saying today.."If I could only see the Gold Plates then I would believe." Would they? Laman and Lemuel saw the power of God first hand but they still complained and were fueled by their anger.

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I just sent wingnut a pm telling her I have a suggestion. This thread could get very long. Why don't we start a new thread with each week's reading assignment. That way we can reference back to the particular chapters we have read...instead of having one thread for the entire book? I think I will start it anyway.

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Very interesting perspective! Thank you for sharing that. One thing is clear, though, from reading further. She truly loved her sons. I'm reminded of the stripling warriors and their faith taught to them by their mothers.

Oh yes Skalenfehl. My point wasn't to pin point Laman and Lemuel's behaviour to a parent. Only to make observations. Hence I said she had a "moment". I was really being introspective and looking at my own behaviour and how it influences the behaviour of our children especially towards their father. One behaviour which that scripture brought to my attention is how I "react" when the children come and say that "Daddy needs you". Most of the time I'll have a positive reaction, but on the odd occasion when I am "into" my housework as I get (I love getting it done and don't want to be interrupted) I'll react with words like "not Daddy again, what does he want" and annoyed behaviour. And I have noticed that the kids copy what I say, and are reluctant to come to Daddy if he calls if they are doing something that they want to do. I think my point is just, how much influence do mothers' behaviour have on their children, and I think deep influence.

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I just sent wingnut a pm telling her I have a suggestion. This thread could get very long. Why don't we start a new thread with each week's reading assignment. That way we can reference back to the particular chapters we have read...instead of having one thread for the entire book? I think I will start it anyway.

Sounds good to me. I'll post the new reading assignment in the original post on this thread, but also start a new one each week, if everyone's okay with that?

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I am excited that there is a wave of general consciousness that some of us caught to read The Book of Mormon as we were challenged to a few years ago. I am documenting it so it can be shared with the world on You Tube. Feel free to share it with your friends and family. When you just can't seem to get to it on your own, or you are an audio learner, please let me help.


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I had an answer pop up. Under the Book of Mormon section..

Total Chapters:239Chapters per DayDays to Read

I just put in the 90 for the amount of days and hit calculate. The 2.655555 came up.

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I had an answer pop up. Under the Book of Mormon section..

Total Chapters:239Chapters per DayDays to Read

I just put in the 90 for the amount of days and hit calculate. The 2.655555 came up.

If you want to go by pages, it's a little less than 5 1/2 pages per day, a total of 37ish pages per week. As chapter lengths vary quite a bit, this is more accurate, albeit jumpy.

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