100 Days: Read the Book of Mormon before the end of the year


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I love this!! We are all ready the BoM, I am also reading the first four books of the NT (per the invitation of our bishop) by the end of the year, and now we are in the middle of a tremendous conference!

Talk about a spiritual infusion! It feels so very good. Just walking around today with a deep inner happy and smile on my face!

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Started Alma 18 today. Man I love Alma and Amulek. And I gotta toss props to Zeezrom for dodging a big bullet. Zeezrom could very well have been among the wicked judges and lawyers to perish under the collapsed prison walls had he not seen the error of his ways. What a testament to the principle of repentance and resolve to make things right.

So how is everyone else doing?

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Finish the Book of Mormon before the end of the year? That's a very good goal I could set for myself! I participated in President Hinckley's challenge, and it would be really cool to start a tradition to do this during the 4th quarter of every year.

I'm currently in Alma 29. This is where things start to get real good and makes it hard to put down.

Around the time of the Twin Falls (Idaho) temple dedication, I helped lay sod with a bunch of the brethren for a dedication ceremony where youth from different areas of Southern Idaho would be doing different dances and stuff. President Monson came for that. Anyways, during the time I was laying sod, there was this man wearing a green shirt with some men clad in armor and holding spears.

The subtitle read: "Mommas' Boys!" :P

Society views "mamas' boys" as insecure children that run crying to momma and are spoiled by their mothers and whatnot. In the Book of Mormon, we see the exact opposite. They were courageous in battle, steadfast, and immovable in their faith. All because of their faithful mothers that brought them up in the gospel. Because of this, the Army of Helaman was highly favored of the Lord.

This could be a good reason why we are encouraged to marry within our religion. Instead of the children being torn between two different faiths, they could doubly benefit by having two parents of the same faith. What a tremendous blessing it would be for a child to be raised of goodly parents that follow the prophets and set an example for them! For parents that are both holding onto the rod of iron and encouraging the child to do so as well! For parents that lovingly live teach the gospel in the home!

I have never experienced this myself, having been brought up in a single parent family where the gospel never had a firm foundation us siblings could grow up in. I won't speak bad about my family though. I was allowed to choose whatever religion I wanted to, after all. It's because of this that I came into the church. But I've seen families that are built on and around the doctrines of the gospel, and I can't help but feel jealous. There is always such a warmth there that you know the Spirit is fluent in their lives.

Though I may never have been brought up in such a way, I greatly desire to do so when and if I start my own family. A family brought up to know and cherish the love of Christ and Heavenly Father and all that They have done for us. And of course, a goodly mother to help raise another generation of "Momma's Boys" and stripling warriors that are strong in the faith!

Edited by ElderBigDawg
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I'm with wing. I'm so far behind. I get a couple of pages read once I get into bed and then I'm out. But I keep trying to convince myself. A couple of pages is more than what I had read the day before.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Seriously, download it on mp3 and listen to it as you go about your day or an hour here and an hour there. It makes such a huge difference in "making the Book of Mormon our constant companion." I'm glad my cell phone has a 1 GB card for listening to music files. Since I have to have my cell phone on me all day at work, I just plug in the ear buds and I'm smack dab in the middle of Zarahemla or following Captain Moroni on another battle, at least until the phone rings, lol. Also makes for a great hands free operation when I'm driving.

I'm now on 3 Nephi 2.

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