THIS is love. NOT!!


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Now, I know this is not the same, but it goes to the lack of humanity, I believe...

I saw a story about a 6 ft., 200+lb. man, that beat and kicked a cat to death!!! What is wrong with people? Did that make him feel BIG...powerful...what???? Beating up on a small creature who had no chance of fighting back. How in this world could that make someone feel good???

How can the son even begin to justify wanting to kill his mother, for any reason?

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In the last few years, I've seen more and more stories about family members killing other family members. For what would appear to be stupid reasons. At least in my opinion.

I'm reminded of things I learned about the last days. Father against son...son against father etc etc etc. Makes you kind of wonder. Well it makes me wonder anyway.

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Okay, am I missing something here? If he could afford to hire someone to kill his mum, couldn't he have just used that money to buy the implants?

Or is human life really worth less these days than a new pair of implants...? :eek:

I thought the exact same thing. Unless he got a hitman to take $100.

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