Question about prop 8


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First off I am not here to argue or get berated for my beliefs. I have one question that needs answering. If I vote no on prop 8, the gay marriage ban, am I still worthy to do temple work?

Please just answer the question, I don't need a thousand posts saying "well the brethren have said..." Please I have made my decision and arguing will do only two things. 1. It will make us go in circles. 2. It will bring a spirit of hate into this forum, and I don't want that.

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This makes me think a little of myself, though sure its different. Here in England the leader of the conservative party is David Cameron. He's a strong political leader who I look up to. I agree with a lot of the things he says, he says no to lengthening the abortion time, he says no to the 48 day detention of suspected terrorists without trial, he says yes to fox hunting (some thing I feel is traditionally english)! There are plenty more things that he agress / disagress with that I find myself agreeing with him on. Thus I have decided I am a conservative and very proud but, unfortunatly, there is one thing I don't agree with him on. Hes for gay marriages and wants to give homesexuals the same rights as married couples. By voting for Cameron I am technically voting for that too. I just wanted to search that I am in a similiar boat. (Though you most probably have your own reasons and I just happen to be voting for it as thats what a certain political leader says and voting is different here across the pond I think).

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Yes. 100% you are.

So here is the thing. This is YOUR decision. This is a political thing that the church has decided to move away from neutrality on.

YES YES YES. You are worthy in every way. Well... I can't say that. But this does NOT make you unworthy.

Wrong. The church has made it clear that they/we view this as a moral issue, not a political issue. We view moral issues as fair game for a church to be involved in.

As to whether a person is still worthy to work in the temple based on whether they follow the advice of the Lord's annointed or not, that is a decision better asked of those who issued the recommend to you.

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None of us is in a position to answer this question for you. It is something you need to take up with the Lord in prayer, and if you find you don't get an answer, you should perhaps discuss it with your bishop, since it is with him that you have your temple recommend interview. I think it falls under two questions: (1) do you support/affiliate with any group whose teachings are in opposition to the Church, and (2) do you feel worthy to attend the temple?

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Wrong. The church has made it clear that they/we view this as a moral issue, not a political issue. We view moral issues as fair game for a church to be involved in.

As to whether a person is still worthy to work in the temple based on whether they follow the advice of the Lord's annointed or not, that is a decision better asked of those who issued the recommend to you.

Do you think every SP in California, Arizona, and any other state, would give the exact same answer? If so, then surely you can suggest what that answer would be. Otherwise it would seem to be a "personal" thing dependent not on Gods will and opinion. Nor the Prophets will and opinion as determined by God, but instead the personal opinions of the individual SP's. Or.... God would seemly determine that no TR in this Stake... but yeah I will go with it in this Stake. Is it really that confusing?

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None of us is in a position to answer this question for you. It is something you need to take up with the Lord in prayer, and if you find you don't get an answer, you should perhaps discuss it with your bishop, since it is with him that you have your temple recommend interview. I think it falls under two questions: (1) do you support/affiliate with any group whose teachings are in opposition to the Church, and (2) do you feel worthy to attend the temple?

Okay, lets take this a step further, lets say you vote for one of the candidates for POTUS. Neither candidate would be entirely pristine when it comes to answering the questions you posed. One candidate would clearly be less pristine. It would seem to me the only viable option you would have, in order to be safe with those questions, would be not to vote at all.

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First off I am not here to argue or get berated for my beliefs. I have one question that needs answering. If I vote no on prop 8, the gay marriage ban, am I still worthy to do temple work?

Please just answer the question, I don't need a thousand posts saying "well the brethren have said..." Please I have made my decision and arguing will do only two things. 1. It will make us go in circles. 2. It will bring a spirit of hate into this forum, and I don't want that.

First of all....only you know if you are worthy to enter the Temple. I don't think the recommend questions ask how you vote....if it did I am not sure any of would be temple worthy. Perhaps understanding why you want to vote no would get you some better answers.

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I'd also focus on the question "Do you feel worthy to enter the Temple?" If voting no makes you feel uncomfortable answering yes to that question, then you should talk with your bishop. Actually, the fact that you're asking at all makes me think that you should go talk with your bishop. That's what he's there for, afterall, isn't it?

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