Trunk or Treat


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One of my pet peeves this time of year is the Trunk or Treat. For those of you who don't know a Trunk or Treat is when all the LDS(non-members are invited too) assemble at the church parking lot with their cars and bags of candy. The adults open up their trunks, some may have decorations, and hand out candy. The children, instead of going out house to house and Trick or Treating, go from car to car Trunk or Treating.

I dispise this LDS tradition with a passion. It takes away from the tradition and fun of Halloween. And I can only imagin how the Non-LDS(who usually don't attend) feel. Not only are their fewer kids our knocking on door and collecting un-healthy snacks, but there all the LDS are down at the parking lot and there's no one to hand out candy to the few kids who do go trick or Treating.

Sure Trunk or Treating is supposed to be safer, but where's the adventure? What thrill is there in walking from parking spot to parking spot getting candy? they might as well just have all the kids line up and have the adults dump the candy in their bags. What happened to the good ol' days of running up the steps of a house, ringing the door bell and getting scared out of your wits as some guy in a mask scares you?

What about getting out in your neighbor hood and seeing people. Out there in the chilly night air dressed up as batman or Indiana Jones, getting some exercise.

Trunk or Treat is just DUMB! I implore all of you to not support this tradition that is destroying the traditional Halloween. Don't go to the Trunk or Treat! Go Trick or Treating!

Ok now that I've gotten that out what do you think about Trunk or Treating? Please post your views about which is better good wholesome Trick or Treating or the abomination known as Trunk or Treating.

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We had our ward's Trunk or Treat last Friday night, so the kids still get to do the traditional festivities, but now they get double the candy (oh great!)

I don't like it just because I don't like the name of it. It annoys me. And I have a hard enough time trying to come up with costumes for people...why do I have to dress up the butt of my car, too?

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Guest TheLutheran

Trunk-or-treating was the best thing to happen out here in the boondocks. We incorporated it into the country elementary school's Halloween carnival and the kids loved it since the "neighborhood" encompasses many miles. Most houses are over a mile apart in this area.

There was no lack of thrill. Many of the dads hid in the trunks (under the decorations) and scared the little monsters to death. In the last 22 years we have had 1 trick-or-treater at our house and his dad drove him 12 miles just to get here. We'd already eaten up all the candy so the poor kid had to settle for a bag of chocolate chips!

Know what was even better? Bingo Night at the school when the kids got to see a pizza delivery person. We all live too far out for delivery but the pizza place made an exception when we ordered 50+ pizzas. :sunny:

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Guest SisterofJared

As mentioned in an earlier halloween thread... I hate halloween and I hate trick or treating. But aside from that, trunk or treating is just a safer activity. We live in a world full of nutcases.

I'm vacationing in Arizona right now. The news tonight had a story on how to check and see how many sexual preditors are in your neighborhood before you take your kids trick or treating. Seems halloween is a prime time for them. All these little kiddies walking around, many of them being watched by siblings or by mothers who have a whole group of kids, and some kids totally unattended. Parents tell them they can only go to the people they know.... but they don't know exactly who are sexual preditors. So they go to the wrong house and become a victim.

I say trunk or treat, go to a party, or drive your children only to homes of people you know extremely well and trust. Traditional halloween is indeed disappearing.... when I was a kid, we went trick or treating without parents, strangers would invite us into their homes, tell us to show them a trick and then give us popcorn balls for our wonderful summersaults. Most goodies were homemade cookies and popcorn balls and apples with no razer blades in them. The safety of the world has disappeared, taking your traditional halloween with it.


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As stated earlier, for those of us who live out in the rural areas, it makes it possible for the kids to go trick or treating and do it safely. Example it takes me 1 hour just to drive to church and there are families that live further away than I.

In our ward, they will have assorted kids games in the cultural hall, preceding the trunk or treat. The whole event last about 1 -1 1/2 hours.

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We also live in a small rural area. The last few years we have had zero "Trick or Treat"ers come by our home.

Our Ward stopped the actual "Trunk or Treat"; instead we have the old fashioned kind I remember from my childhood. There were booths/games set up. There was a Haunted House. A cake walk with cakes for the adult winners, and cup cakes for the children. There was a tub of water with floating ducks the little ones "fished" for. We had a pinata filled with candy. And we DO have a lot of non LDS come and join in the fun. The kids love it. They get to dress up in their costumes...they get candy; but they get so much more than that.

More, in my opinion, than just walking door-to-door, filling a bucket up with candy.

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I live in a suburban area that participates in trunk or treating. Last year was the first year in my own house and I got NO trick-or-treaters. Zilch. I was very disappointed. When I was a child, I loved going around to each house in the cold and knocking on doors and screaming "trick or treat" with all I could muster. I had to work for the candy I got and I horded it for months because it was special to me. I understand the reasons behind the trunk or treat, but I think it sucks the fun out of Halloween. Tonight, I am hoping I get at least one kid. I love to see all the costumes!

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As I understand, "trunk or treat" started as a "trick or treat" replacement when Halloween fell on a Sunday. Then it just became standard. I'd rather it just went back to its original purpose. But really, I don't care that much. I think most holidays have become too much of a production! Maybe I'm just tired from being pregnant...Happy Halloween everybody!! :pumpkin:

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I do not believe in Trunk or Truck [myself] or Treat. It doesn't give the kids the opportunity of experiences as we did as kids.

Moving to an upscale neighborhood, is the pits, There is no kids who wants to walk up the hill for candy where our neighborhood is located. LOL There is candy for the family to eat tonight.

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Being a mom to toddlers, I LOVE trunk-or-treat! It's so much easier for my four and two year old to handle walking car to car than house to house. We live in an older neighborhood were street lamps are few and far between, so going around our own neighborhood after dark isn't very safe, even for adults. Our ward combines with the other ward that meets in our building, and we have little carnival games set up in the cultural hall, and then to the trunk-or-treating afterwards. It's fun seeing how people decorate their trunks. Our Bishop always puts black ice in his, and it's really cool! Some people use adaptors to plug in their inflatable lawn decorations, and there are jack-o-lanterns galore. It's probably my FAVORITE ward activity, and it also is a great activity to invite non-members to. The adults dress up too, and it's fun seeing everyone in their costumes. Last night our Elder's Quorum presidency was dressed up as Snap Crackle and Pop!

So obviously I LOVE trunk-or-treat. :lol:

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A couple of points on the trunk or treat discussion.

One of the differences between trick or treating when we were kids versus now.

There are several convicted sexual molesters living in and around every community. If you don't believe that just do a websearch in your area. It is shocking. We didn't have that problem years ago to deal with when I was a kid. In fact, you very seldom saw the parents out with their kids on Halloween nite, just the older kids taking them around.

We are also unfortunatly living in times where kids are snatched up by predators and slave traders, which makes letting your kids go unchapparoned trick or treating very worrsome.

At our ward, we not only had trunk or treat, but also had games for the kids in the cultural hall and a ward chili supper which was very well attended. So it turned into a social for non-members adults and kids and members alike. We also had a hay ride in the parking lot for everyone.

Finally,in our area, all of the churchs had trunk or treat in their parking lots as did Hi-Vee ($2.00 per head) which was attended by a large number of kids. \

Bottom Line: Childrens Safety is most parents modern day concern. The kids pretty much are interested only in getting the candy. At least at our ward they enjoyed participating in games to win candy and their parents participated alongwith them, took pictures of them in the costumes while they were particpating in the games and socialized with other ward members and non-members.

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