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WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President-elect Barack Obama could reverse some of President Bush's most controversial executive orders, including restrictions on embryonic stem cell research, shortly after taking office in January.

President-elect Barack Obama may overturn many of the executive orders that President Bush implemented.

1 of 2 Two other executive orders from Bush -- one dealing with a so-called "gag" order on international aid organizations regarding abortion....CNN

I am so glad that President-elect Obama is going to immediately tackle such important issues as funding abortion with taxpayer dollars outside of the US. Bravo. Just what we need so that other nations will love and respect to terminate unwanted children. Surprised? I'm not.

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Are we all done trashing the new President-Elect yet?

Hello Wingnut,

" Done trashing the new President-Elect " ???

What do policies that continue to move further and further away from God have to do with " trashing " Mr. Obama ??

To answer your question, from my personal view, I will NEVER be done standing strong against any policy or support for the things that go directly against GOD. This would include, but not limited to, our current President- Elect.

I would add, from a Catholic perspective, WE CATHOLICS have NO CHOICE in the matter, WE MUST STAND AGAINST any and all who go directly against the teachings of the Church.

God bless,


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I am so glad that President-elect Obama is going to immediately tackle such important issues as funding abortion with taxpayer dollars outside of the US. Bravo. Just what we need so that other nations will love and respect to terminate unwanted children. Surprised? I'm not.

Abortion is legal. When given the option between tossing it in the trash and using the stem cells for something good i would chose the latter.

That being said i don't believe in funding to make more fetuses for research.

Not sure of the exact law.

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Hello bytor, long time no type :)

Ceeboo surprised ?? NOT AT ALL. As a matter of fact Ceeboo expected as much :(

Hello Ceeboo,....I have been lurking....:cool: Yes, I am not surprised either. Gotta keep the extreme abortion lobby that helped him get elected happy. I was hopeful that he would surprise me....thus far it hasn't happened.

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Abortion is legal. When given the option between tossing it in the trash and using the stem cells for something good i would chose the latter.

That being said i don't believe in funding to make more fetuses for research.

Not sure of the exact law.

Abortion is legal...yes. But I don't want my tax dollars sent to other countries for that purpose, do you? Perhaps they should get a tee-shirt that reads" Thanks for my abortion, Uncle Sam". And gay marriage was legal in California and slavery was legal in the South and many northern states......does that make it right?

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Perhaps I need to pour the kool aid over your head! ;)

You are kinda insulting everyone here that voted for him. You know that, don't you?

It's a political expression and meant in fun..... not in meanness. For those who are very sensitive....please accept Bytor's apology. ;) The same could be easily said about McCain supporters or Naider supporters or Paul supporters or......fill in the blank supporters. And I have drank plenty of koolaid in my time....but never had any poured on my head.:D

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Guest Godless

Hey i'm confused. I thought my taxes were supposed to get cut first. Where is my stimulus check. What about fixing the economy. I thought these things were supposed to come first. I was expecting to get money from all you rich guys to take care of me. What the heck?:D

Sadly, things like that can't be done via executive order. Otherwise I'm sure they would come well before stem cell research and abortion funding.

So yeah, shame on us for wanting to help rape victims and women whose lives are in danger due to pregnancy. I think a lot of people forget how much good the practice of abortion does. It saves lives and helps people heal. And these uses are 100% (LDS) Church-sanctioned. The fact that people use abortion to reverse a lapse of judgement is regrettable, but it hardly justifies abolishing the practice altogether.

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Do you expect him to keep intact presidential orders that he doesn't agree with and go against what the majority of this country wants?

From the article:

Obama's transition team is reviewing hundreds of Bush's executive orders, according to John Podesta, Obama's transition co-chair.

I don't see what this has to do with priorities, the only reason those specific issues are in the headline and the beginning of the article is because they were the most controversial. Obama is simply doing the only thing he can right now, review all the presidential orders that already exist so that he can remove the ones that go against the political platform that the majority of Americans voted for. I would expect nothing less from a man who promised change.

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Sadly, things like that can't be done via executive order. Otherwise I'm sure they would come well before stem cell research and abortion funding.

So yeah, shame on us for wanting to help rape victims and women whose lives are in danger due to pregnancy. I think a lot of people forget how much good the practice of abortion does. It saves lives and helps people heal. And these uses are 100% (LDS) Church-sanctioned. The fact that people use abortion to reverse a lapse of judgement is regrettable, but it hardly justifies abolishing the practice altogether.

Statistics have shown that less than 7% of all abortions are performed to protect the life of the mother,or because of rape or incest. And what the heck does that have to do with my tax dollars? Here is an idea...let's add a box to our tax return form that allows you to send money to foreign countries to support abortion.....aren't there enough generous liberals out there that would choose to do that? Or do you want to force all tax payers to support something they morally disagree with? Why not a box to choose to pay extra taxes? After all, there should be plenty of libs who would belly up and give extra to the government or is it that they only believe that it should be mandatory?

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I think a lot of people forget how much good the practice of abortion does. It saves lives and helps people heal. And these uses are 100% (LDS) Church-sanctioned. The fact that people use abortion to reverse a lapse of judgement is regrettable, but it hardly justifies abolishing the practice altogether.

WOW !!!!!!!!!! :eek::eek:

Talk about justifying something with our own selfish, human, and opinionated programing that comes from a culture of death. Not to mention how un Christian that stance is :eek:

SAD, SAD, SAD, Of course just my Jesus Following opinion :lol:

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Originally Posted by Godless

I think a lot of people forget how much good the practice of abortion does. It saves lives and helps people heal. And these uses are 100% (LDS) Church-sanctioned. The fact that people use abortion to reverse a lapse of judgement is regrettable, but it hardly justifies abolishing the practice altogether.

Yeah, I can't go here either. Abortion is the last of all effective solutions! Getting pregnant is under most circumstances something that people can control. And for those who find themselves in unwanted pregnancies, there are far better ways to solve such problems. And I think if you were to profile those who got abortions, I think your would find a world of hurt and inner anguish over the decision. And if they didn't feel that way, well, that would be a sad sad day.

In my opinion, abortion is the most selfish choice a person could make! ( I do not speak to circumstances of incest and rape)

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Abortion is legal...yes. But I don't want my tax dollars sent to other countries for that purpose, do you?

Off course not.But is that what happens with Stem cell research? Do you have a link to the bill or law that was shot down?

Perhaps they should get a tee-shirt that reads" Thanks for my abortion, Uncle Sam". And gay marriage was legal in California and slavery was legal in the South and many northern states......does that make it right?

Stem cell research doesn't make it right IMO either. But that doesn't mean we can't make the best of a bad situation.

Like when a drunk driver ,pregnant teen, or AIDS patent talks to high school kids.

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Off course not.But is that what happens with Stem cell research? Do you have a link to the bill or law that was shot down?

Stem cell research doesn't make it right IMO either. But that doesn't mean we can't make the best of a bad situation.

Like when a drunk driver ,pregnant teen, or AIDS patent talks to high school kids.

Hi Hordak,

If I may, :)

I will speak as a Catholic ( I have no idea, especially after reading these threads, what the LDS Church or its leaders suggest ) I do know what the Catholic Church and its leaders DEMAND of us.

Stem cell research is a completly different thing then embrionic stem cell research.

The Catholic Church has, does, and will continue to support the research of stem cells.

The Catholic Church does NOT, and will NEVER support, encourage, justify, or look away from the research of the cells of the embryo. Period. NO way around it. It is crutial ( IMHO ) that we Catholics NEVER, in any way shape or form, make excuses or rationalize a practice that whatever way you spin it, is simply put, destroying the creation of the VERY CREATOR. Legal or not, the stance of the Catholic Church is clear on it.

I would add, as rude as this may sound to many of my LDS friends here, I CAN NOT imagine a Christian ( a follower of Christ ) to see it any different and I am shocked to see what I have on these boards :eek::eek:

Sorry, that is my opinion and I am sticking to it.

God bless,


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Are you talking about embrionic stem cell research only?

I am shocked to see the varying stances of the LDS when it comes to abortion, embrionic stem cell research and to be very honest with you, I am also shocked to NOT SEE the leadership ( current prophet included ) advising, and LEADING the LDS Christians when it comes to MONUMENTAL Christian issues ( IMHO )

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