How do I answer some of these anti - questions??

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Hey guys - I have been a member all of my life - but live down in South GA in the middle of the "Bible Belt". I am a member of another forum and have gotten into a a little discussion on our religion and how the LDS religion is not Christian.

Here is what another guy posted on there:

"What does the end of the book of Revelation say about additions to the word of God?? It makes a case-closed senario for many 'faiths' I'm afraid.

Reference to anti-Mormon site deleted

So - what is a good scripture to give him -



Edited by BenRaines
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I would recommend ignoring him entirely. Why would you go to a 'Whyweleftmormonism' website? It's nothing but trash. Conversely, when you go there, you'll hear the argument "If you were really faithful, you'd hear our arguments."

That's bull. I've lived in an area similar to yours when I was a new member and I've heard all the arguments. Not one of them held water.

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John was telling people to not add on to the book of revelations. What you need to understand is that the order of the books in the Bible were placed in their current order by man, not God. There is a bunch of info on this but I dont have it on me.

Dont worry about looking at anti-mormon stuff on the internet. Too much falsehood and full of lies they are

Edit: I found this for you, FAIR Topical Guide: Bible Complete - No Additional Scripture

Edited by goofball
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Thanks guys!

FT - I haven't read anything he stuck on there - just wanted to have an answer for him. I dont want to get into a knock-down-dragout with him - but I want to be able to respond to him.

Heres something else he posted:

"So that brings up my next question.

How do Mormon's explain John 1

In the Beginning was the Word. And the Word was with God, and the Word was God"

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We believe the Word is the Savior.

JST, John 1:1, 14—Why Did John Call Jesus “the Word”?

Elder James E. Talmage taught that Jesus was the one “through whom the will, commandment, or word of the Father was put into effect” (Jesus the Christ, 33). He represents Heavenly Father the way a word represents an idea. Just as a word could be considered the messenger of a thing or an idea, Christ was the messenger of the Father and of His gospel, which is a plan of salvation for all mankind.

(2-1) John 1:1. How Is Jesus the Word of God?

“. . . the Father operated in the work of creation through the Son, who thus became the executive through whom the will, commandment, or word of the Father was put into effect. It is with incisive appropriateness therefore, that the Son, Jesus Christ, is designated by the apostle John as the Word; or as declared by the Father ‘the word of my power.’ (Moses 1:32.)”

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"What does the end of the book of Revelation say about additions to the word of God??

Here's another thing -- when the Book of Revelation says that it is speaking specifically about itself, or in other words, the Book of Revelation only.

The Bible as it is did not just come into being as it is. God progressively revealed Himself, and going by LDS scripture still does reveal Himself.

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Guest DeborahC

Honestly, it's senseless and a waste of time, in my opinion, to argue with those people!

They already have their minds made up and all they're trying to do is trip you up.

This is actually how I came to the LDS Church, through a woman who trapped LDS missionaries!

I was so disgusted by her tactics and so impressed by the Missionaries that I decided to investigate for myself.

But to argue with them?

They already have canned answers to everything and aren't interested in a word you say, imo.

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Hey guys - I have been a member all of my life - but live down in South GA in the middle of the "Bible Belt". I am a member of another forum and have gotten into a a little discussion on our religion and how the LDS religion is not Christian.

Here is what another guy posted on there:

"What does the end of the book of Revelation say about additions to the word of God?? It makes a case-closed senario for many 'faiths' I'm afraid.

Reference to anti-Mormon site deleted

So - what is a good scripture to give him -



Hi Mike,

I am an Evangelical who lives in the Bible Belt. I am married to a lovely and endearing LDS wife. So in a sense I understand the challenges you face. In as much, as I see them through her eyes and the eyes of her family.

Others have posted, solid responses to the technical part of it.

I just wanted to put in my two cents and remark that it isn't so much what you know, it is what you do that people learn from. IOW, how you say what you say, is equally important.

Sadly, there is a lot of misinformation towards the LDS that is in the Evangelical community. Likewise, there are LDS who have presuppositioned stereotypes of Evangelicals, though I see this far less than the former. I think educating someone on what you believe is a good thing, but I think arguments over differences in beliefs are not edifying, nor do they make either party open to any truth that may lie therein.

My advice would be that you should be an ambassador for Christ. You'll never go wrong that way.

Just a thought.... for whatever its worth.



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I am sad to read this post, we recently had a family leave the church and take another with it because some from another religion ganged up on them about this very scripture. Alas they did it quietly requesting no contact at all so we are unable to even attempt to counter what was said. We only know because they tried to talk a New Convert into leaving as well.

What was said about it being for revelations is of course accurate. The other things to remember is that the Book of Mormon is not adding to the bible. It is a separate book for a separate people. It compliments and adds to our understanding.

Besides which, the Vatican and other religious organizations have admitted several times that not all scripture that they have is part of the Bible. Men sorted through the different fragments and translations of the Scriptures and decided among themselves what would make up the bible.

Locked away in vaults around the world are fragments and complete books of scripture that never have made it into the bible. Does that mean they would be added to the bible and thus incorrect.

Other Religions have argued about this before the Book of Mormon ever came around. I had once heard the King James Version was considered a violation of this as it altered content and meaning of the various translations.

As for the board you are on. This is the sixth or so I have looked into. I got tired of all the rest arguing constantly no matter what evidence etc you provided. I asked in one if this is a religious site why are so many non believers here. I don't have a huge interest in cars so I don't join car forums, why waste the time.

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Posted (edited) · Hidden

Thanks guys!

FT - I haven't read anything he stuck on there - just wanted to have an answer for him. I dont want to get into a knock-down-dragout with him - but I want to be able to respond to him.

Heres something else he posted:

"So that brings up my next question.

How do Mormon's explain John 1

In the Beginning was the Word. And the Word was with God, and the Word was God"

"How do Mormon's..."

"I've been a member my whole life..."

Be honest are you really Mormon/LDS?

Edited by KristofferUmfrey
original too harsh
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Thanks guys!

"So that brings up my next question.

How do Mormon's explain John 1

In the Beginning was the Word. And the Word was with God, and the Word was God"

I'm guessing that he thinks you are a Jehovah's Witness, and deny the deity of Jesus. Otherwise, can't understand how an evangelical would find John 1:1 to have much relevance to typical doctrinal disputes.

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Thanks again guys!! I am sorry to say - but am terrible with remembering where scriptures are found.

I'll keep ya'll posted on what he says!

The best place to "remember" scriptures, imo, is the Church web site. Go to the Web based scriptures there and you can search for anything.

I don't even use my paper scriptures anymore unless I'm not near a computer.

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I don't even use my paper scriptures anymore unless I'm not near a computer.

That disheartens me!

A computer's search function is great for finding something specific in a pinch, but reading a physical book gives you much more than reading selected verses on a screen. It is much more helpful to learning and remembering by reading the whole rather than in parts. You may find that you won't need to use a search anymore!

I think there's validity to learning what others use against what you believe - it forces you to find out more in order to respond. Granted, I'd rather go somewhere where people are respectful ... (can I say again how great you guys are?)

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"How do Mormon's..."

"I've been a member my whole life..."

Be honest are you really Mormon/LDS?

I know that you won't read this because you have me blocked, but I feel the need to say this anyway.

(1) Who are you to question what someone has posted here in earnestness? The OP stated that they are a member of another forum and isn't sure how to answer questions there. It seems implied that the second question (How do Mormons explain...) is another question from that site. Not everyone has served a mission or had a ton of missionary experiences or been taught how to teach the Gospel. Not everyone knows how to answer these types of questions.

(2) Who are you to question anyone's faith? At a cursory glance, new people to this site would think that you are LDS, as you frequently refer to your mission, as well as to LDS canon. Yet you are not. I recognize that you do not hide the fact that you have left the LDS Church and started your own religion, but your posts are often deceptive to those who don't already know that.

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I know that you won't read this because you have me blocked, but I feel the need to say this anyway.

(1) Who are you to question what someone has posted here in earnestness? The OP stated that they are a member of another forum and isn't sure how to answer questions there. It seems implied that the second question (How do Mormons explain...) is another question from that site. Not everyone has served a mission or had a ton of missionary experiences or been taught how to teach the Gospel. Not everyone knows how to answer these types of questions.

(2) Who are you to question anyone's faith? At a cursory glance, new people to this site would think that you are LDS, as you frequently refer to your mission, as well as to LDS canon. Yet you are not. I recognize that you do not hide the fact that you have left the LDS Church and started your own religion, but your posts are often deceptive to those who don't already know that.

Stand down, soldier.

I deleted that post because I finally realized he was quoting, not talking in first person.

I've made it abundantly clear I am no longer LDS. My posts are in no way deceptive, and I am merely sharing my experiences, plus there is a link in my signature that makes it fairly obvious I'm not LDS.

I understand you hostility towards me and I forgive you, I only hope your can return forgiveness back to me at some point.

(I unblocked you 3 days ago)

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"What does the end of the book of Revelation say about additions to the word of God?? It makes a case-closed senario for many 'faiths' I'm afraid.

Reference to anti-Mormon site deleted

So - what is a good scripture to give him -

I would say "Thank you for your information. You've given me something to think about." And then drop it.

No matter what scripture you provide, s/he will always have another with which to disprove yours.

Why bother?


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I understand you hostility towards me and I forgive you, I only hope your can return forgiveness back to me at some point.

You forgive her? What did she do to you?

You acknowledge you understand why she has been hostile, which means your actions made this so. So why do you forgive her for your bad behavior?

I will give you credit for trying to resolve this, and start over.

But seriously, this reminds me of someone behaving badly toward another person, and then saying, "I'm sorry if you were offended."


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I would say "Thank you for your information. You've given me something to think about." And then drop it.

No matter what scripture you provide, s/he will always have another with which to disprove yours.

Why bother?


While that's true -- I think that it's way more Christ-like if we can try to bear with a person to tell them the Gospel.

There may be a scripture they can always use as "back-up" to refer to their views as correct, but that is often broken down by reading in context.

I remember not too long ago someone tried to throw a scripture to me about being an obedient good boy and behaving to the government's status quo. I read the whole scripture and it meant the exact opposite, instead it was saying that we are to contend against governments, against the schemes of the devil, and so forth! :)

I understand someone is going to jump to the "shake the dust from your feet" as Christ said. But, I think this has a deeper understanding required in it. Christ continually bore with the same sorts of people who did always contend with Him. But they were two doctrines disagreeing, Christ kept challenging their position.

Lead by example and don't forget other people. Each person is precious.

It is when they are like unto Judas, and know the truth of the gospel, yet deny it -- that we shake the dust off our feet. At least, that's my understanding and any discourse is welcome.

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There are people who want to know what you really believe,there are people who don't care what you believe and just want to bully you, and there are people who really think they are doing the right thing by trying to "persuade" you that your beliefs are incorrect.

As a stereotype, (Having served my mission in Texas) a lot of the people who use Revelations don't know the Bible well enough to understand it. In addition, they believe (in essence) that the Bible was lowered down to Earth from Heaven on a string a couple years ago.

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