Praying in public


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Do you mean they go out of the restaurant, pray and then return to the restaurant? I've ever come across that and I live in the UK.

yes the Muslim population here and in Liverpool when I grew up tended to go outside of the restaurant. Not to bless the food but for one of the 5 a day prayers.


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I firmly believe that everyone has the right to choose what is right for them and their family.

That being said I want to share an experience. Before I became a member I distincly remember being in a restaurant and seeing a large family make a big deal out of saying a prayer. They joined hands and bowed their heads and it seemed like they went on forever. It actually kind of upset me, because when they were done, they all looked around to see who had seen them, and I got the feeling that they felt they were better than the rest of us because of what they had just done. Now, of course, I have a slightly different perspective, but whenever I am in a restaurant I am confronted with this question. I don't want to be like that family, but I do want to give thanks and bless my food.

My second problem is that my boyfriend is a non member, so I don't really feel like he want's to be included in it, so what I have become accustomed to doing is as soon as the server puts the food on the table, I bow my head close my eyes, and as I get the napkin out and on my lap I say a quick, silent prayer, and bless both my and my boyfriend's food (and he never even knows!!! hee hee hee!). It works for me.


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I don't know a lot about the Muslim faith, but I must say that I am impressed by their dedication to prayer.

You and me both. I had a couple of Muslim friends in college, we could be walking to class, getting pizza, clothes shopping whatever and the minute their watch went off with the prayer call they were looking for a quiet spot to pray facing Mecca. It was priority number one even amongst fickle college students, and encouraged me to pray more often.

Anywho, we do pray in public so long as it's just my family. I would never go on a couples date with someone and pray in front of them and make them feel uncomfortable. But if it's just me, my husband and son we do say a quiet prayer after food has arrived. Besides the fact that we hold hands, most people would probably never notice.

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We do a quick prayer when we got out to eat. The kids are used to the blessing at home and they are the ones who ask for one. We bow ours heads and I give a quick blessing not much louder than a whisper. It seems like the right thing to do. Certainly when we are out with others, we don't say a blessing.

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