What do you say to your own mom


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I found out Christmas Day that my daughters have both experienced a problem when they go to my mothers house that she does nothing but talk about her church (she was a LDS member then had her and her husbands names taken off the books and found a new church) but anyway my mother has made off handed comments about my youngest daughters boy friend taking the discussions as well as my oldest daughters bot friend thats also investigating the church he was told by my step dad he needs to think about what hes getting into.

I mean were do they get off talking to my kids about there religion, and yeah there 20-18 but there still my kids , so im letting the rage pass by some then im going to let her know how I feel.

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Perhaps this is a good training ground for your children. There will always be people who disagree and don't approve of the church. How your children learn to deal with such people is key.

Perhaps your children and their friends should be thoughtful and prayerful as to the reasons why they are in the church and looking in to it. This could make them stronger. I know many members who joined and were stronger because of the questions.

Perhaps your mom never fully understood the church herself or left. This could be God's way of opening the door to future help there. Be very wary of how you respond. The mama cub always wants to protect her young. Sometimes sharpness is needed and sometimes gentle as doves is needed. Pray for the wisdom that applies to your circumstance.

"And all these things will be for thy experience"

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Your duty is to your children, not your parents. Your parents *should* be backing you up, but they have removed themselves from the truth.

Those that had the truth and have shunned it are the most bitter --- and the most jealous of those who have found happiness within the truth.

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I agree with the previous posters.. considering their age

When I joined the church I told my mother, who is catholic, that if she said anything negative to the kids about our church she would not be able to speak to them again till they were 18. (they are 10 and under) so she knows upfront.. and my mothers negative comments ( she would insult us in front of - and behind our backs- and to the kids and she had been cut off before) so she knew I was serious..

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A good time to talk with your children about their testimony and if it needs some strengthening how to go about doing that.

Remind them that there is some good in most churches and how to be polite to grandma without taking religious abuse.

Ben Raines

I agree disrespect isnt something I teach, but standing up for your right to have a difference of opinion.

my oldest daughters BF was on shakey ground as it was his mom is trying to convince him he was supposed to follow her religion baptist, I think but yet she never attended but when she was little and went with her grandmother ,....lol

He wont go now and is struggling hes 21 and is emotionally inmature.

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I know that some women prefer to not be hooked up with emotionally immature men. I know that it frustrates my wife :)

Prison Chaplain has often shared that we should not be "Unevenly yoked" If you have two horses or oxen hooked to a wagon and one is pulling one way and the other is pulling the other way they will not get far. True of relationships.

Ben Raines

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Your duty is to your children, not your parents. Your parents *should* be backing you up, but they have removed themselves from the truth.

Those that had the truth and have shunned it are the most bitter --- and the most jealous of those who have found happiness within the truth.

Its surprising how far a person can go and then fall as far as they did they were sealed in the temple held callings, but one day she said she didnt believe in JS and the vision, thats the whole foundation the church is founded.

If you dont believe that, then you cant believe any of it.

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As far as the boyfriends go, they're better off if they convert because THEY believe in the LDS church, and not because their girlfriends want them to. Maybe that's what the stepdad meant by that comment, as if someone converts to any religion to satisfy a significant other, it doesn't work out well in the end. After all, it's a major commitment and lifestyle change in order to become a member of the LDS church, and one that must not be made lightly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Jolee65-

My mom has beliefs other than myself and my children also. I warned the children ahead of time about our differences. I let them work with her, and surprisingly, their patience has gone a lot farther than my impatience. One daughter in particular (now age 27) formed a good relationship with my mom (who frustrates me). I think it benefits them both. My daughter has a strong testimony of the Church, and it gets stronger as she expresses her feelings to my mom. When she first moved near my mom, her testimony was weak.. but it has grown much stronger... just in working with non-member family members (my brothers, cousins, etc.) Of course, my daily prayers on behalf of all my family members makes a difference, I am sure of it.


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I was baptized into the church 3 and 1/2 years ago. At the time my mom was grateful because at one time I told her that Jesus was great man, a great role model, but not the son of God. So for her I finally found some middle ground with her beliefs. She though was not a member of any church nor practice anything more than believing in God and Jesus. Since she has been reborn as a Southern Baptist. Her preacher told her that Mormons did believe Jesus was the Son of God. At that moment my mom tried to save me by inviting to her church every weekend. I try to respect her faith when I decline, but she tried pushing for 3 months straight. I even asked her to come to my ward meeting, she said she would come, but it has not happen yet. The one thing though that made my mom finally stop is I would tell her my testimony everytime she brought church up. I think she got tired of hearing my different testimonies, so she gave up.

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