Our Testimony Of Christ


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There have been numerous 'testimonies' shared here lately. I was wondering what everyone's testimony of Christ is. I am not interested in a proclamation that you have a testimony (that is what I view most of what many here say as a testimony), I am interested in the experiences, themselves, that have changed your lives and lead you to proclaim that you have a testimony.

Any takers?

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You mean like saying that I know of the goodness of Jesus from experiencing and feeling His love for me, giving me a knowledge that He actually does live?

And like how I know that Jesus is the Christ because I know I am forgiven of my sins through Faith in Him as my Savior and Redeemer?

And like how I know the truthfulness contained in the Bible and Book of Mormon by being able to feel the power in the counsel and testimonies of Jesus?

And like how I know that the counsel of Jesus is good and precious and sweet because I can feel the change that occurs in me, and has occurred in me, from following His will?

That kind of thing?

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I cannot describe my testimony of Christ by a one-dimensional occurrence. I can describe elements as parts and even events that have contributed. I think I have always had a feeling there was a Christ from the first stories of my youth that were told to me by my parents. My first life changing experience came at the age of 8. It was my first earnest prayer (prayer with a promise) pleading in behalf of a dear friend that was lost. The spirit told me where to go and find my friend and a life in peril was preserved. At age 13 I was told that the Book of Mormon is a gift of G-d and a light unto the world. At age 17 I was delivered safe from the hands of enemies that sought to take my life. At age 21 I was allowed to serve a two-year mission to give witness of the Christ. At age 23 I was drawn into the wilderness for a month long spiritual quest. At age 26 I married my eternal beloved wife that has help me with our children and the blessing of being a husband and father has been the greatest revelation of the Christ, his love, his grace and his sacrifice.

The Traveler

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I realize that our experiences with God are on-going, and many of us have many stories that we could choose to relate. But it is these stories that tie us together. Once we know each other's stories, we are bound by them.

Traveler, can you tell me about the time you helped preserve your friends life?

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Originally posted by Jenda@Nov 22 2004, 09:53 PM

I realize that our experiences with God are on-going, and many of us have many stories that we could choose to relate. But it is these stories that tie us together. Once we know each other's stories, we are bound by them.

Traveler, can you tell me about the time you helped preserve your friends life?

It was someone that I felt close to and that was younger than me. Many had been looking and calling and night was coming on. The tempeture was droping and I felt that the cold would take my friend it they were not found. I had prayed - several times but it did not seem to work. Finely I offered to give my life in a prayer if my friend would be found. I was then led by the spirit to a place where my friend had gotten under a pile of leaves in an attempt to get warm. They had fallen asleep (tempetures were below freezing). They did not hear the calls because they had fallen asleep and no one had seen them under the leaves though they had stood within a few feet. The manner in which the spirit brought me to the place and had me look under the leaves left me with no question that there was a G-d in heaven helping. Since that time I have been reminded many times by the spirit of my promise.

The Traveler

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Yes, thank you, Traveler. I felt closer to God as I read your story too.

I've also shared a few personal stories about things that have happened in my life, when I felt the occasion called for it, and if anyone is unaware of those posts from me or is interested in reading them again they can search this board to find them. I'm now a little more hesitant to share such stories, seeing that my sharing them didn't and doesn't really seem to bring me any closer to others, and considering moments like that to be sacred. Or in other words, I don't want to share a story that may give an impression that my story is more or less powerful than someone else's story, because all such stories are sacred and should not be taken lightly.

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Ray, I understand what you mean as I have shared testimonies online that have been trashed (literally), which hurt more than I can say, but then I remember Christ's words. Matthew 5:3 Blessed are they who shall believe on me; and again, more blessed are they who shall believe on your words, when ye shall testify that ye have seen me and that I am. I also recall a bumper sticker I saw not too long ago, that puts me to shame. It says "Love like you've never been hurt", because that is exactly how much Christ loves us.

When I have time this evening, I will come back and share my testimony.

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When I was little, my mother converted to the church when I was about 5 or 6, and we started attending. My father had always been a member, but was not a church-goer until my mother converted. We were taught all the things that young RLDS saints were taught and the concept of Zion was confirmed to me at a very young age (I am guessing 8 or 9). I loved church, I loved prayer and testimony meetings, I loved Sunday night services because we had a half-hour hymn sing before the service. I wished that everyone I knew, especially those who I went to church with, loved it as much as I did, but I seemed to be weird that way.

As I got older, especially as a senior in high school (where the only church members were my brother and I) and when I was in my LPN program, I paid less attention to church, and got more involved in worldly activities. Not horribly, but enough that church became less important. After I graduated from my LPN program, I got pregnant, sans marriage, and, because of the pressure of my boyfriend (who told me if I didn't have an abortion he wouldn't marry me), I had an abortion. (That should have been a really big hint, but I was naive at that time.) So, we got married, and shortly after we did, he started beating me. I lasted for about a year and a half in that marriage, the whole time being threatened that if anyone found out what he did to me, that I wouldn't live to walk out of the apartment. But, despite the threats, I left him on my 21st birthday. (That is in early November.)

Later that month, or in early December, my church had a retreat for the Senior High students at our regional campgrounds, and my brother and some of his friends were planning on attending. He told me that they needed some more chaparones and asked me if I wanted to go and help, but I was so depressed after what had been happening that I could not think of going, and said I wasn't interested. And at that point in time, I had no feelings one way or the other for church or God. But a couple of weeks later, my brother again asked if I would consider going because if they couldn't find any more chaparones that they were going to have to cancel the retreat. So I said, Sure. Though, I felt that I was hardly the appropriate role model to be a chaparone.

So we went to the retreat. The weekend was OK. I was only 3 or 4 years older than those kids, but felt as if I was older than many of the other older adults there. I felt that there was no way they, any of them, could understand what I had been through in the previous 2 years. I felt aloof. I sat on the sidelines, watching everything happen around me. On Saturday night, again sitting on the sidelines, my brother came over to talk to me, and I told him many of the things that had happened over the years and how I just felt like I didn't belong there, that I was worlds away from where those kids (and the other adults) were.

On Sunday morning, before the retreat ended, they had a dedication service, and during that service, my brother said he had been made aware that he was going to be able to minister to someone that weekend, but as the weekend went by and there was no opportunity for ministry, he felt he hadn't prepared enough and the opportunity was taken away. Then on Saturday night he found out who that person was. And he turned and looked at me and said that he didn't even have to leave his own house to provide that ministry. Then he spoke to me under the influence of the Spirit. It was really a simple message. He said, My sister, all these people here are willing to love you if you would just open your heart and let them. But the power and love that came from him made me know that it was not my brother talking. There was so much power radiating from him that I couldn't look at him. I knew I was in the presence of the Lord.

Since that day, my life has been different. It is His. :)

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Jenda: I am sorry for your hardship and greatful you have found relief. I once walked into a simular problem. A friend came to chruch and his wife was black and blue about her face. They had been telling everyone that she fell off one of their horses and was trampled. It did not look hard to believe. But I with my sick humor walked up to my friend, put my arm around him and said, "Peter you have got to stop beating your wife" I thought at the time it was a good joke.

He went dead quiet for a while and glared at me and in anger said, "Who told you that, did my wife tell you?"

That you have been able to overcome such a hardship is a wonder to me.

The Traveler

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Originally posted by Jenda@Nov 25 2004, 08:12 AM

Thanks, Traveler and Amillia. But if it hadn't been for the Lord stepping in at that point in time, I would most likely not be where I am, or who I am, today.


Happy Day after Thanksgiving! I got your message....thank you...it made me smile! Funny isnt it...how such a simple act as wishing someone a "Happy anything" can lift their spirits and give them strength in an "hour ye think not". Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dawn, you are a dear friend....and I have so enjoyed our talks and our bantering!

Well, as you know...my wife and I met and went "steady" in 5th grade...and seems like we got married shortly thereafter! Actually...4 and a half years later. Anyway....as the patter of little feet came...and came again....and came yet again....(3 kids by 19)....we were what ya might call....a "wee bit" overwhelmed! I was just trying to figure out just exactly it was I was doing wrong.....so to speak! LOL!

I digress...sorry. My testimony is this....after I got active...and Pam joined the church...it was shortly thereafter that we went to church this one sunday morning. Place was packed (we got there late...again)....but some good folk scrunched over and let us in....cuz I was ready to just keep walking straight on back through the back door.

Well...as the meeting was about to begin.....these 9 very distinguished looking men came to sit on the stand....they were followed by two other very distinguished gentlemen. The nine men turned out to be the nine mission presidents in the region....the other two were Paul H. Dunn...who was a member of the First Council of Seventy..and a general authority....and the other was Elder David B. Haight...who just TWO weeks prior was sustained and set apart as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve. This was his first assignment as an Apostle.

Needless to say...their was a very sweet, calm and yet very powerful spirit that was present. As a 16 yr old....I had never felt this before. The hair was sticking up on the back of my neck...and I did not know why. I was about to find out.

Well, the 9 mission presidents each were asked to bear their testimonies...which were brief..yet very powerful. Elder Dunn spoke next....and he was his usual funny and spontanious self. Then Elder Haight came to the pulpit.

To this day..I do not remember what he spoke about....but, I remember the incredibly powerful testimony which he bore.

He related to us about his recent call to the apostleship....and how after he was ordained and set apart..with Pres. Kimball being voice ...this taking place in the council room of the 12. He told how after the ordination the other members of the 12 were offering their love and support ...and they all were slowly making their way out of the room...Elder Haight began to follow them out.

Pres. Kimball politely told Elder Haight that he may want to stay behind...by himself to ponder and pray about what had just taken place etc. Elder Haight...evidently made the comment to the effect that...."thats ok, I would rather go with the rest of the brethren. Elder Haight then said that Pres. Kimball turned and faced him...took him by the shoulders and told him straight out...."no...Elder Haight...you are to stay here". Elder Haight of course...assured Pres. Kimball that he would stay..ponder....and pray.

Then he bore his testimony that he KNOWS that God lives...and that Jesus is the Christ. He bore his Apostolic witness of the reality of the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ....and bore his witness that he lives!

I tell you Dawn....as I sit here trying to type these thoughts...the feelings come back....and testify to me as strong as they did then...that his testimony was...and still is true.

I think Heavenly Father blessed me on that particular day...and caused those good folk to "scrunch over" to make room....because he knew the testimony that was going to be born....and what kind of impact and lasting impression it was going to have on this new 16yr old father. He knew that that witness I would hear and feel would sink so deep...and take such deep root in my heart and soul....that it would carry me through some very dark days....and indeed many years of despair...poverty..and feelings of hopelessness. It did.

When I received my own witness of the spirit that day...it enabled me to withstand the suicide of my father 3yrs later...the accidental death of my brother....and the sudden death of my mother. But...even more importantly...I realized I didnt have to doubt or question about whether what I heard was true or not. I knew it. I knew it then...I know it now.

That one moment in time....where the spirit..by the ministration of the Holy Ghost...gave me such and incredible foundation of truth to build on.....I am so incredibly thankful for each day!

I have some others....but, this was my first experience.


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