High School Years


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hahaha oh yeah! SO FUN! We also got a refrigerator box and went up a hill thinking, "It would be fun to all climb in this (3 maybe 4 of us) and tumble down. Let me just say "NO-THAT WAS NOT FUN!" Basically, after we played with the box some it became flimsy and when the guys were in it and started it rolling the box became like a tread then the guys were on top of each other as the box spun under us and I burned SO much of my skin off from my skin rubbing against the box and someone was on top of me. Oops, now I know.

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I used to throw bark pieces over a house into the following houses backyard and they started yelling "DON'T DO THAT!" to which I responded by getting all the pieces ready and throwing them over one at a time with nice throws! Finally a guy game to our street yelling, "You hit my baby!" I don't know if that was the truth or not and he said, "Where do you live?" We walked across the street where my brother 10 years my elder stood. He said, "Is this your dad?" I said, "Hey, this guy wants to talk to u." Gil talked to him then told me not to do that as I went inside. I thought it was over (felt pleased that I didnt get in trouble but then my dad say some guy talking to Gil and he was all upset. My dad asked what was going on with that guy, Gil told him and I got popped in the face! hahaha well, there u go. Thanks for telling Dad Gil :bearhug:

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dr t wasn't a very nice boy growing up!! ;)

I was SUCH a nice boy and figured, since I'm such a well behaved kid (get good grades, don't destroy things like my friends did, or ever get in trouble) then I'm entitled to do what I wanted. When someone would tell me NOT to do something or drew a line in the sand-then I'd do it "Because I CAN." Keep in mind that you are all just reading about my "bad" behavior. :bighug:

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We had a huge tree in my backyard. My father took it out and there were huge dirt clods back there. Me and two friends picked them up, stood up on a toy box and would huck them at the two story house behind us. It was the BEST thing to see them burst and leave a little dirt packed thing on the wall or on the windows. We did it for a long time and then my two buddies turned around quickly as I was thinking, "What are they doing?" I climbed up to throw some more and as I got up there I saw a guy right in my face yelling something at us. My friends ran out of the back gate and I was quickly behind them. We ran and ran to Steve's house, got to his backyard and the guy came barreling in behind us. Steve's mother was back there working on something and didn't like that he was chasing us and she gave him a word or two then I went home and it was over. :bye:

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We had a huge tree in my backyard. My father took it out and there were huge dirt clods back there. Me and two friends picked them up, stood up on a toy box and would huck them at the two story house behind us. It was the BEST thing to see them burst and leave a little dirt packed thing on the wall or on the windows. We did it for a long time and then my two buddies turned around quickly as I was thinking, "What are they doing?" I climbed up to throw some more and as I got up there I saw a guy right in my face yelling something at us. My friends ran out of the back gate and I was quickly behind them. We ran and ran to Steve's house, got to his backyard and the guy came barreling in behind us. Steve's mother was back there working on something and didn't like that he was chasing us and she gave him a word or two then I went home and it was over. :bye:

man!! You WERE a bad kid!! But these have been great to give me a giggle! Thanks for sharing!

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Once we were at Steve's house and his parents had a slot machine in their living room. I'd put one in every now and then but anyway, one day I put one in and I hit the jackpot! All these coins came pouring out and I was Happy. Steve smiled and said, "MOM, he won!" The mom heard all the noise and came in to see what happened. She picked up on quarter, handed it to me and said "Here's your quarter." I was like, "what?" She said, "Since you're not 21, you can't gamble and win." I kept thinking, "Sure but you kept the quarters that I put in there and didn't win with!" :flowers:

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In highschool my friends would drive down a particular part of town (which I will not say) with a predominantly different cultural group with a bb gun and shot them. I never went with them. They were the same kids I'd make dry ice bombs with but they'd put them in portapotties and mail boxes to mess them up. I didn't destroy things like they did. See what a good boy I was? :mobile:

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Okay, I will join this.

I confess that I never once took a book home from junior high or high school. I graduated with an A- average.

When I was in auto shop we used to set off acetylene bombs in the dumpsters behind the FFA building, it would rattle the windows pretty good. The FFA guys always thought it was the welding shop guys doing it.

I was in released-time seminary. Seminary also happened to be my last period of the day. I could not stand my Sophomore year seminary teacher, biggest jerk I knew. I sluffed the last five weeks of of seminary that year and graduated two years later with no mention of my attendance problem from the seminary people.

When I was growing up we could still get a driver's license in Idaho at age 14. When I was 15 I bought my first pickup and during Sunday School a few of us guys would go into town to the drugstore and have a hot fudge sundae. We called it our Sunday Sundae School meeting, and actually we would meet up with other guys our age from other wards doing the same thing. After a few weeks of this, one day we were at the counter waiting for the sundaes and guess who walked in? My bishop and both his counselors, one of whom owned the drugstore. Seems that the owner's mom, who was inactive and ran the soda counter, ratted us out. The bishop paid for our sundaes and invited us to have our sundaes on a different day of the week. We didn't do the drugstore thing quite so much after that.

Edited by john doe
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And here i thought that the Good Doc was always a good lil boy. Gussin i was way wrong!!!!

the one really bad thing that i did and almost really got in trouble for was the making of an MRE bomb.

MRE heater, a plastic bottle and a Guy whos unit i visited quite often.. Well he showed this little trick to me one day at drill ( not the thing to show a misheivious teenager) Well after I had the needed supplies i decided...Hmmm...lets see what kind of meyhem i can cause. Put the thing in the Gym as the drill team was practicing. didnt think that the loud BOOM that it created would be so loud. scared us to death. ooops. they were trying to figure out what went off in the gym. all they found was a little water that was torn to peices and a bit of water and some ppl that needed to go home and change clothes. It was so loud even i hit the floor.... THAT was the last time i tried something that stupid.

The other thing that I did was while in radio class I dicided to pull an Adrian Cronour. I had a Tape of ronald reagens speech that he made with George bush. I couldnt help my self. I edited it and everthing was going great...till the stupid tape broke..so instead of doing just me i ended up doing all three til i could get the tape going. I actually had ppl calling to talk with the pres and the vice pres. it took about 2 days till the teacher figured out what I had done. She still laughs about the sight of me fixing the tape and getting frustrated and trying to keep the one man show going. Ahhh the joys of radio class.....lol

And Pale...My instrument of destruction in MB was trumpet and Sax.

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