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this site rocks! I am a 30 yr old married gal from NH. I was raised Catholic and 2 eyars ago was finally confirmed hoping that in some way it would finally make me feel part of that church. I was disappointed yet again and realized i had a hole in me that the Catholic Church had never filled. I have to be honest in the past I have made fun of mormons and i am so sorry and relize it was out of jelousy. I was jelous that your families seemed so great when my family as a kid was far less than ideal. I was jelous that you were so serious about your beliefs when all i knew were Sunday Catholics.

so the reason I am here is nw that i am all grown up and have a husband and a beautiful 4 yr old foster daughter i want what you all have i want a relationship with Heavenly Father i want to be a good mom and memeber of my community I want to be the best person I can be.

I had the missionaries bring me a Book Of Mormon. My Husband was not pleased. I began to read it and I just know it is true and that Joseph Smith was a prophet the more i read the more i am sure. I have spent all hours looking online for everything and anything about LDS, BOM etc. I have read the good the bad and the ugly and still my heart believes. I had asked my husband if the missionaries could come back and he was all no no no then i began to pray for his heart to soften. and lthough ideally i would like him to take the lessons with me he has finally agreed that they can come over and talk with me. I am excited and nervous.

I am also worried because i am overweight. I am working on it and dieting but i hope this will not cause me any discomfort if i get to attend.

I have already gave up ciggarettes and coffee and tea. it has been two weeks and i just feel so much better. I feel like this is all the right things happening at the right time. \

Sine i started reading the BOM i feel better mentally spiritually and physically. I am being a better wife and mother.

I am rambeling and i have never posted to any message brd before so pardon me. But i am so excited I just wanted to introduce myself it would mean alot to have some online friends to go to with all this excitement and curiosity and questions. I will be calling missionaries tonight to make appt.

so nice to meet ya'll^_^

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Pammy steals friends! She gets them when the first come to this site and doesn't tell them they they are limited to 3 friends max before they decide who they REALLY want to add on their friends list. Wait, how does that work again? Is it two or three? Everyone gets Heather, then Pam in this case then they get to pick one more max or is it two more max? :rainbow: GO ARIZONA BTW!

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UPDATE.....Sat 2:00

ok so the missionaries came and it was great! My husband actually asked the most ?,s and they mostly talked to him. It was cool. he even agreed to take another lesson with me and said we will try church but not for all 3 hours of course. i am beyond excited!!!!!!!! I just feel in my heart this is the best thing for my family. i feel so blessed. I prayed and prayed for guidence and feel i was led to this church and then i prayed and prayed for my husband to open his heart and i think i see a crack in the door. HF is so good to us!

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  • 2 weeks later...

hi all just an update

the missionaries cam back this Sunday. My husaband had just woken from a nap and was a little bit in bear just coming out of hibernation mode. but other than that went great. i am going to go to church this Sunday with at least my little girl husband is back pedaling. I just cannot I just know this is right.

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hi all

the missionaries just left from our 3rd visit. It was awesome. The plan of salvation...I am so excited. My husband asked alot of questions and seemed intrested. bless them those missionaries are so kind and patcient. i know in my heart that the Book Of Mormon is true and i feel so exstatic that HF has made a plan for me. I feel so unlost... i have told the missionaries i will attend services with out little girl tommorow. Husband still on the fence but i am going with or without him. I will pray that he is moved to come with me. thnaks all for all your support....i need it.....i am getting alot of opposition from people i know but noone is going to shake me off this path i just feel so great!:)

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hi all,

so i went to service today with my four year old. husband did not go but that was ok. i was only able to stay for sacrament meeting. 4 year old was a terror. service here is at 1 soo she had no nap and refused to eat before we left. so she was tired and hungry. people were really nice. I felt bad and told the missioanries i had to take her home but that we would def try again next week. they are coming back on saturday. I have to go out and get some skirts too. believe it or not i work for a large corprate company and dont own a single skirt. I wore a pretty blouse and dress pants but felt goofy since everyone all the other women were wearing skirts and dresses. the hyms were beautiful. escpecially one i dont know the name but it was something about shoulder to the stone what an awesome message in that one! i really need some online buddies to help with all my ?s i have my missionaries who i am very fond of but sometimes i have a ? i think i need quicker lol

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