Trolls in the kingdom, Trolls in the kingdom


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There is something that can be done. Simply click the little "report" icon at the top right corner of any questionable post. If someone is breaking a rule, they receive an infraction. It isn't long at all before an infraction becomes a permanent ban. The terms and conditions of this site is linked at the bottom of this page.

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I am getting frustrated by the presence of all the trolls on this site. It's so tiresome to read a post, only to have to read antagonistic comments about our religion over and over again....I'm feeling baited by their mock stories, their vicious lies, their traps, all just to get some "air time" and our attention to belittle our beliefs.....

Is there anything that can be done to stop this from happening so frequently?

I agree with you. There is one way to deal with this -- on some other discussion forums there is a rule that you have to post replies only at least 10, 15 or 20 times before you can actually start a thread. That would discourage what I have suspected over the years (especially in regards to threads dealing with sexual matters) are often actually some bored LDS teenagers or some anti-LDS infultrator who laugh as they make up some horrific stories and post them -- never to be seen again but creating a firestorm that is not only contentious but causes people to feel that our Church is made up of some really strange people pretending to be good LDS people.

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There is a way to solve the problem. Just don't feed the trolls.

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You should put this smilie in the forums main smilies.

Feeding the trolls includes replying to an obvious attempt at causing contention or baiting them in any way. Some people find it fun to do this, but to others it's just annoying. It's downhearting to go to the effort to cause something to happen and it doesn't happen, so you don't bother doing it again. The same applies here.

Another way is to hijack the thread. In future, lets change any troll thread into a discussion about biscuits :)

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There is a way to solve the problem. Just don't feed the trolls.

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You should put this smilie in the forums main smilies.

Another way is to hijack the thread. In future, lets change any troll thread into a discussion about biscuits :)

Back in the old days when USENET was still useful, it was customary to bomb the trolls with posts that quoted their flame-bait, and then say something nonsensical like "banana" or "barney." Another technique would be to bomb their posts with repeated replies simply stating "troll alert." It takes at least two or three people to do it effectively, but it works.

Another technique was to email them privately with nice letters and questions, to find out if their address was valid. If it was, forum members would sign up for five or six throw-away email addresses each, and then bomb the troll's mailbox with floods of nonsense messages from each of those addresses (like yahoo, hotmail, gmail, excite, lycos, etc.)

Truth be told, Anti Mormon trolls aren't worth the waste of effort to do things like that, but when you're bored it makes for quite a bit of fun.

After I finished my mission, I decided I was tired of dealing with all the crafty, slick-tongued sophistry that anti-mormons get trained in, so I made it my life's pursuit to study the subject of sophistry.

I highly suggest reading up on the subject of "logical fallacies." Information on that subject is easily found on the internet. Then you can take Anti arguments and pick them apart. I also suggest studying the subject of Neuro-Linguistic-Programming, and Ericksonian hypnosis. Many Anti's are very skilled in these slight-of-tongue techniques, and it would suit church members well to learn about them. Fore warned is fore armed I always say.

In the grand scheme of things, however, it's far better to completely ignore Anti's because they use dissension to fill their spiritual emptiness and justify their apostasy. They are like those aliens on Star Trek that feed off of human emotion.

When feeling down about the anti's, be sure to read about how wicked people treated Alma and Amulek while they held them in prison. Read about how people treated Paul in prison. Most important, read about how people treated Joseph Smith the many times they threw him in jail, or beat him, or tarred and feathered him.

"For God hath not given us a Spirit of fear, but of POWER; of love, and of a sound mind."


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As Skal says, the the first thing to do when encountering a troll is to report them. To do this, click on the white triangle outlined in red at the top right corner of their post. You will be taken to a page where you can write why you think that post violates site rules. The mods do look at those and once a consensus is reached, will take actions they deem is necessary.

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There is a way to solve the problem. Just don't feed the trolls.

But, I have this overbearing sense of Duty (with a capital D!) that leads me to try to answer everyone's questions if I know the answer. It's also misguided most of the time.

Feeding the trolls includes replying to an obvious attempt at causing contention or baiting them in any way. Some people find it fun to do this, but to others it's just annoying. It's downhearting to go to the effort to cause something to happen and it doesn't happen, so you don't bother doing it again. The same applies here.

Good point...

Another way is to hijack the thread. In future, lets change any troll thread into a discussion about biscuits :)

I'ma try that next time.
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Back in the old days when USENET was still useful, it was customary to bomb the trolls with posts that quoted their flame-bait, and then say something nonsensical like "banana" or "barney." Another technique would be to bomb their posts with repeated replies simply stating "troll alert." It takes at least two or three people to do it effectively, but it works.

Another technique was to email them privately with nice letters and questions, to find out if their address was valid. If it was, forum members would sign up for five or six throw-away email addresses each, and then bomb the troll's mailbox with floods of nonsense messages from each of those addresses (like yahoo, hotmail, gmail, excite, lycos, etc.)

Truth be told, Anti Mormon trolls aren't worth the waste of effort to do things like that, but when you're bored it makes for quite a bit of fun.

After I finished my mission, I decided I was tired of dealing with all the crafty, slick-tongued sophistry that anti-mormons get trained in, so I made it my life's pursuit to study the subject of sophistry.

I highly suggest reading up on the subject of "logical fallacies." Information on that subject is easily found on the internet. Then you can take Anti arguments and pick them apart. I also suggest studying the subject of Neuro-Linguistic-Programming, and Ericksonian hypnosis. Many Anti's are very skilled in these slight-of-tongue techniques, and it would suit church members well to learn about them. Fore warned is fore armed I always say.

In the grand scheme of things, however, it's far better to completely ignore Anti's because they use dissension to fill their spiritual emptiness and justify their apostasy. They are like those aliens on Star Trek that feed off of human emotion.

When feeling down about the anti's, be sure to read about how wicked people treated Alma and Amulek while they held them in prison. Read about how people treated Paul in prison. Most important, read about how people treated Joseph Smith the many times they threw him in jail, or beat him, or tarred and feathered him.

"For God hath not given us a Spirit of fear, but of POWER; of love, and of a sound mind."


FAIRLDS has a really good part in their wiki devoted to Fallacies. I've been actually reading up on it a lot. I remember taking a Logic class in school, we had to study a few fallacies. Although in all truth I struggled really hard with that class because my logic didn't fit the professor's logic. Dang it all. I managed to pass, barely.

I've run into Ex-Mormons lately hence the statement I gave earlier. One of the them rants and raves so much against the church, I just stated that I felt sorry for her and that to me she appeared just to be an angry ranting woman and I hoped that God would remove the sword that she had against Mormons. Never underestimate feeling a bit of sadness and showing a bit of remorse as well. Frankly I believe the power of love against hateful doctrine confounds many of them as they were expecting a fight not a bunch of people saying God Bless you and we love you anyway. Totally catches them off gaurd.

Although I haven't tried the loveing approach for all Trolls, I am going to give it a bit more a chance as the Lord did state Love our Enemies. Besides all the anti-s doctrines are just words, nothing more nothing less. Words can only hurt us if we let them hurt us.

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Being it needs to be said three times for people to get the point I'm hoping this will be the last. You don't need to argue, or be clever, or come up with some way of doing back to them or anything like that. I'll be honest and say i find it all childish on both sides. You report the post, you don't go back. Why do you think these people keep coming back? They know they get to you and that they can keep having fun. I'll be honest, I came here a non-member and it was quite telling watching some member interact with the "antis". It's funny to me how the "anti posts" that have no merit can turn in to the longest threads because people like to keep these guys going. Don't feed them, don"t engage, just report and move on. Though in saying this i know that everyone knows better and it will fall on deaf ears.

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But, I have this overbearing sense of Duty (with a capital D!) that leads me to try to answer everyone's questions if I know the answer. It's also misguided most of the time.

Hi Maxel,

Please never stop answering questions.

These people may post, purely for the purpose of pulling down the church, But i read all your replies and always find them uplifting and faith building. I myself sometimes have really difficult questions and i ask them here. Ive asked about things like garments and sexual practices. Although the later was moved to a part of the site i cant access, so dont know if it ever got answered.

The point im making is, not everyone who asks what may appear to be anti-mormon questions, is anti-mormon. I am an ex-communicated member who still loves the church. I come here to be uplifted and to help build my faith again. I cant get to church for this until April, so this is my only means of fellowship.

If i was banned from this site because of my strange questions, i would have no where to find this fellowship. Yes i may upset people sometimes, who take my questions to be trolling, but if truth be told, i need this site and its members. At least till April.

I know im repeating myself, But its members like you Maxel, that do so much to bring the spirit of truth to myself and these misguided ones. I thank you for that.


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There is a difference in the way people approach this site with questions. Yes there are many whose questions seem pretty far out there. But the difference is in the way they interact when answers are being given. Are they willing to listen? Are they willing to read the links that are provided to assist them with their answers? Are they willing to say...hmmmm...I see your point but what about? There is a way to ask questions without immediately putting us in the defense mode. But then you have to become wary if they are a wolf in sheeps clothing.

Or are they just so set in their mind already that they are right and we are wrong and no matter what we say..will not make a difference? Those are the ones I have no tolerance with.

There are certain questions, when asked, immediately send "red flags" to all.

It's a difficult call to make sometimes.

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Guest Godless

When I was wrestling with my faith, years ago, I visited a lot of anti-mormon sites. One was kind of a mixture of a forum and extensive blogging atmosphere for ex-mormons ('recovering', they would say).

I clearly remember one person laughing at the statement that 'they can't leave the church alone'.

'I haven't been to church in 20 years, and haven't thought once about it since then!' One user proudly proclaimed, much to the satisfaction of his friends ('Exactly, that's how I am!'). Yet.... they were active members of a site devoted to the insulting and deriding the church.

I seriously believe that the logical faculties of one who rejects truth is affected until they repent.

I used to visit that site occasionally, then I realized that I had no "recovering" do do, nor did I harbor any ill feelings towards the church. So that site definitely wasn't for me. I can understand the whole "recovery" thing that they try to promote, but it seems there's a lot more hatred in there than anything else. Doesn't seem like a good recovery environment to me.

The funny thing about the bitter ex-mos (as opposed to the friendly ones, like me :P) is that they go on and on about how controlling the Church is, yet they're still letting it control them through their hatred and bitterness. They aren't free from the Church, nor have they "recovered" from their time in it. Those who have truly moved on don't need a website like that. And I certainly wouldn't recommend it to anyone whose apostasy has caused emotional or personal problems (family and such) for them. It would be counter-productive.

Sorry, that kinda turned into an off-topic rant. But I seriously can't stand a lot of those RfM folks.

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See that's the difference with you godless. I just adore you. Though your say you no longer don't come here spouting all this anti stuff either. Your posts have been very respectful..humorous and you fit in with the group.

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FunkyTown tried that this weekend. He just starting posting funny animal pictures. Like this one:

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I like that actually. I remember belong to a forum, not LDS related btw, but someone started complaining about the mods and the way the forum was run. Suddenly the troll found themselves bombared by the dinosaur game. Which is an easy game to play you just put up random pics of Dinosaurs from off the web and try comparing it, for example if you have a yellow T-Rex you find another T-Rex or a dinosaur that's yellow. Anyway the point is that the forum had so much fun ignoreing the troll, the troll started to go ballstic and started pitching a fit and then the mod stepped in and stated something to the point that if there post had been posted in more of a kind attitude and not so disrespectful they would have respected their post and would not have made their post into a game.

Not saying that this would work, but I just found it a very intresting way to deal with trolls.

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as long as you have been on earth....I figured you still owned one...:)


Pale read the fine print in the site rules:

It says: No one, in any shape or form, shall make age jokes towards anyone with the name of Pam.

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