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My wife and I are in disagreement about how to get our taxes done... I usually use the H&R Block online filing... It's easy, fast, and pretty much walks me right through it. I've been doing it this way since I had my first job about 9 years ago.

My wife, on the other hand, thinks that we should take it to a place and pay a human to calculate and file for us. I don't want to spend the money or have to go when it's convenient for someone other than me and my wife... We don't have a lot of money or assets, no kids or anything... So it seems to me that it's not really that hard to follow a few instructions and write some number down...

In our infinite love for each other and our quest to make the other happy, I've reluctantly said we'll go to someone and pay them and she's reluctantly said that I should just do it the way that's always worked.

How do all of you experienced folks go about filing your taxes? Do it yourself? Use a program? Go to people?

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Our taxes used to be complicated, so I went to a human H&R person. That turned out to be a good thing, as we had a bunch of restating that happened 3 and 4 years ago, and H&R ate all the fees and penalties.

The last few years, our taxes are much less complicated, so I just sit down and do it with TaxCut software. H&R has sent it to me free the last two years - I'm not sure why.

We itemize the heck out of everything.


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I've always done my own. I use Tax Act...doubt it's better than the others mentioned here, but I'm used to it. Also, I noticed this year that the program will recommend values for non-cash donations (i.e. Deseret Industries).

On the other hand, someone told me they took theirs to a preparer one year and the fellow saved them $7000. Seems to me you either dig deep and pay someone who's more expert than HR Block, or just do it with a program...cause you care more than the guy who's going to get a cut of a $65 fee.

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ours got complicated when out Tax Deduction #1 was born and my wife began home based business the same year. decided to have a "pro" do them. he said we owed about 2k. took to another "pro", who said we owed 3k. my wife sat down at the computer and went thru the forms line by line and consulting the tax code directly. sent the IRS a check for about $18. ....a few weeks go by and we get a letter from the IRS saying we had underpaid....but they would forgive the 45 cents.

now we use turbo tax...i bought this years for $60 on pricegrabber

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I love doing my own taxes. This year I've been using a few different programs to make sure they all say the same amount, which they do. Just go the site and follow links. I've never had a problem with them. If I do it by hand or on the site, they turn out the same, plus now that i have a business, they do it all way easier. Just use a site. The will be the same amount, and so much cheaper. Hubby used to have his done for $100. Free-$20 is much nicer.

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My wife and I are in disagreement about how to get our taxes done... I usually use the H&R Block online filing... It's easy, fast, and pretty much walks me right through it. I've been doing it this way since I had my first job about 9 years ago.

My wife, on the other hand, thinks that we should take it to a place and pay a human to calculate and file for us. I don't want to spend the money or have to go when it's convenient for someone other than me and my wife... We don't have a lot of money or assets, no kids or anything... So it seems to me that it's not really that hard to follow a few instructions and write some number down...

In our infinite love for each other and our quest to make the other happy, I've reluctantly said we'll go to someone and pay them and she's reluctantly said that I should just do it the way that's always worked.

How do all of you experienced folks go about filing your taxes? Do it yourself? Use a program? Go to people?

If you don't itemize your deductions, you're probably fine doing them yourself. Either way, what I would recommend is doing them yourself and then take them to H & R block. They say they'll check a return done by someone else for free. That way if they save you money you can pay them. If they don't, you're out nothing.

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I use reccommended by the IRS federal is free and I really like it , mabey you can suggest you and your wife do it together if at the end you both don't feel good about it just cancel the whole thing, otherwize its soooo easy and free federal and only 12.95... not plugging just that site the has alot of reccomendations on free e-filing to look at. Pray about it with your wife..decide together ok enough said good luck :}

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