Convert Going On A Mission


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Hey, I am a convert to this wonderful church and I will have been a member a year in a few months. I attented university and prayed about going on a mission. After a month of university I had to drop out because I knew I had to go on a mission. I could not stay in university because my mom is not a member and I can't be in debt for a mission. I am turning twenty right before I go on my mission in a few months. I was s excited to go on a mission....and then I opened my call. I live in Canada and my mission call was to another province not very far from my own. I wouldn't have cared too much if I was atleast learning a foreign langauage. Now I know the Lord sends us where we are meant to go. And that I should be happy to just go anywhere. I feel bad for not being happy about my mission call, in fact I feel terrible. When I opened my mission call everyone who was there could sense my disappointment. The experience was not what I had wanted or expected. Before judging one must take into consideration I gave up school. I am turning 20 before my mission and my mother is not very wealthy and she is not a member. So hearing that your son is serving a mission in a Canadian province fairly close in an area fairly similar it is harder for her to understand. Now I am Canadian and love my people but I wanted to learn another language very much. I Have a few questions; 1. I have to get a surgery in my knee, it is not a serious surgery and I will be fine to walk and run after it is done. However, I am to report to the mtc in April and I may not be able to make it there for 1-4 months after i am supposed to be there. Is it possible my mission call could change. And is it possible for me to ask for a different call? I know it is inspired by God but I have heard that there have been others who have gotten their call changed.

This is also my first post so I would just like to say hi :)

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I don't know how the system works but I wouldn't be too disappointment. Every missionary i have met is from either Utah or Idaho.( i live in the states) From what i have heard (second hand knowleadge here) that most foreign missionaries (non US) serve missions in there country or region. As a canuck it will be easier for your people to connect with you then with a Japanese person eh.(Generally speaking)

No offense meant by the canuck remark. Darren McCarty is my favorite enforcer.

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You should contact your bishop about your medical problem and they will be able to put you in touch with the proper people to talk about delaying your entry date. And yes, it's possible they may send you elsewhere. I understand why some people want to go on missions to exotic places, but it may be a blessing, especially in light of your medical needs, to stay near home in an area where it would be easier for you to deal with things. Not everyone gets to go to the Philippines to eat dog, or to South America to get tapeworms. Some people are called to places where they don't have to learn a whole new lifestyle, and it allows them to more quickly ease into missionary life and preaching the gospel, which is the real reason a person should be going anyway.

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I grew up in Southern California. I moved to Oregon when I was 14. I had (and have) absolutely no desire whatsoever to return to CA. When I opened my mission call, I read California San Jose. My first thought was "California. I'm going back to California." I came to reconcile that that was where I was supposed to go, and I loved serving there. I would love to live there if I could ever afford it. I knew while I was there that it was right.

I have only known two people whose mission calls where changed from the original. Neither of them requested it. They were each informed by their stake presidents of the change, who had been informed by Salt Lake. I neither case were they seeking a change.

The bottom line is that you are sent to where you are needed, not to where you want to go. The bottom line is that it's not up to you. If you're going to serve the Lord, you need to be willing to do it on His terms.

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In my experience, it's true that most non-Americans are called to serve in their own country. It cuts down on cultural barriers, language barriers, visa barriers--it removes a lot of the complications that distract from the work. It frees up the missionaries to work more effectively. My mom says that the goal is to have each country be self-sustaining in its missionary force, so missionaries would only be called to their own country--I don't know if that's true, but it would certainly make sense.

So I think it's likely that a new call would still be to Canada. I would definitely talk to someone about the surgery, though--they need to know if you won't be able to report on the date they expect you.

I think it's wonderful that you've chosen to go on a mission. You can definitely bring something special to the field, since you know what it is to come to the Church as a convert, without your family. Don't let discouragment get between you and your service to the Lord. You aren't the only missionary who's felt disappointed at where they were called, so it's normal--but don't let it stop you.

Godspeed. :)

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I must have missed something. I thought the mission idea was to lose yourself in the service of the Lord, not "what am I going to get out of it".

I read that you are a relatively new convert to the church and I admire your desire to serve a mission. I went out after being a member of the LDS church for three years.

The purpose of a mission is not to learn a new language, travel to foreign places, meet interesting people. The purpose of a mission it to share the "good news". God is our loving Heavenly Father, He lives and loves us. His son, Jesus Christ, lived and died for us and resurrected on the third day, He atoned for our sins, it is by Him and through Him that we can be made worthy to return to our Heavenly Father. His church, The Church of Jesus Christ, has been restored to the earth, along with the Priesthood, authority to act in his name.

That is the purpose of a mission. If someone accepts the message and gets baptized that is a bonus. Purpose is to spread the "Good News".

At least that is how I understood and understand it.

Ben Raines

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Thanks to everyone who gave valuable information and did not judge me. It is a common misconception that one is able to judge another and say it is positive criticism. Sometimes it is positive criticism and others it is a scapegoat. BenRaines I am happy you have extra time on your hands to post so diligently on a forums but I do not need your sarcasm.

I must have missed something. I thought the mission idea was to lose yourself in the service of the Lord, not "what am I going to get out of it".

That is the purpose of a mission. If someone accepts the message and gets baptized that is a bonus. Purpose is to spread the "Good News".

At least that is how I understood and understand it.

You must not have understood when I said "I feel bad for not being happy about my mission call, in fact I feel terrible."

I know I should just want to serve the Lord, that is one of the reasons I feel bad. Maybe this is just your personality. But I don't appreciate your sarcasm...I guess you have to fill your time somehow, I just expect more from someone who has most likely been an active member for a very long time. Shouldn't we be helping converts not talking down to them? This is my second and last post.

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please understand some use sarcasm without realizing its affect on others... I have been on ths site for awhile and the one thing I have learned is that its their problem when they act that way... I do not think Ben ment to hurt you , he is a good person as far as I can tell and mabey just didn't think how it would come across.

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If you're getting your surgery because you really need it before your mission, then yes you should talk to someone about it. If, however, you're too excited about possibly being called somewhere else afterwards, Heavenly Father usually has a funny way of teaching us that we should obey his will the first time around. I know that you might not be able to think of a place that could sound worse than the call you already have, but don't go ASK to find out if there is. Please know that I'm not making fun or judging you. Things like this have happened in my life too many times. Answering the Lord's directions the first time around is ALWAYS the best choice.

I don't think Ben meant to sound terribly sarcastic. He was answering your question honestly. It could have been a life long member or one of his own children - he'd give the same answer regardless of who was asking the question.

I wish you the best with your situation. Yes talk to your bishop about your knee surgery, listen to and follow whatever his counsel is. You might not see the reasons for your call until you're able to look back with a future perspective.

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I most certainly did serve with him. Great guy, from San Fransisco if I'm not mistaken.

About an hour north of it YEP! We grew up in the same ward and I'm great friends with his family. I used to babysit him! Wow I guess I'm only 4 years older than he is, but it felt like more then. Small world!

Sorry for taking this OT, back to the issue at hand...

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Ok this is officially my last post. I talked to some people from my ward. I am much more excited to serve now and am embarrassed that I even let my mission call disappoint me so much. I had to get the surgery before my call as I tore cartilage in my knee. I need to be humble and I think serving where I will be serving will humble me in many ways. Thank you brothers and sisters for your time. I wish the best for each of you :)

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No sarcasm intended. Just trying to help. Forget what I said. It is about you in your case and I say that only because you have. I do not know you but would love to be able to share the experience that I have gained in all my years. I have been in a position, several, to work with prospective missionaries and in the field missionaries and that is the same advice I give them and have given then.

If you are looking for sarcasm you will find it. If you are looking for advice you can find that too. It all depends on what you are looking for.

That post was my 4,000 post. I had been saving it for days looking for something worthwhile to post about. I am sorry I knocked the chip off your shoulder with it.

Ben Raines

Edited by BenRaines
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