Who can free a person from unclean spirits?


Who can free (heal) a person from an unclean spirit?  

20 members have voted

  1. 1. Who can free (heal) a person from an unclean spirit?

    • Everyone who has the Melchizedek Priesthood by blessing with oil
    • Only a High Priest
    • Only a High Priest who is especially ordained for doing this
    • Only General Authorities and Apostles
    • Everyone who knows the gospel and believes in Christ
    • Others – please comment

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Inspired by Webster´s poll & thread „A question about Satan's plan”

that can be continued more practically. I´d like to ask:

“Who can free (heal) a person from an unclean spirit?”.

1-Everyone who has the Melchizedek Priesthood and who gives a blessing with oil.

2-Only a High Priest

3-Only a High Priest who is especially ordained for doing this

4-Only General Authorities and Apostles

5-Everyone who knows the gospel and believes in Christ

6-Others – please comment

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Depending on the level of spirit you are planning to exercise. Faith and purity is the first requirement with dealing with such spirits; not forgetting in holding the appropriate priesthood. Do you remember the story in the New Testament when someone tried to exercise a bad spirit? What did that spirit state?

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Depending on the level of spirit you are planning to exercise. Faith and purity is the first requirement with dealing with such spirits; not forgetting in holding the appropriate priesthood. Do you remember the story in the New Testament when someone tried to exercise a bad spirit? What did that spirit state?

Wasn't it something like "I know who you are on about, but you don't have the authority. Hold still while I beat you to a bloody pulp, thanks."

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Here several examples that show that the spirits make the people ill:

1. Matt. 10: 1

1 And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them

power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner

of sickness and all manner of disease.

2. Luke 6: 18

18 And they that were vexed with unclean spirits: and they were healed.

3. Luke 9: 42

42 And as he was yet a coming, the devil threw him down, and tare him.

And Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit, and healed the child, and delivered

him again to his father.

4. Acts 5: 16

16 There came also a multitude out of the cities round about unto Jerusalem,

bringing sick folks, and them which were vexed with unclean spirits: and they

were ahealed every one.

5. Acts 8: 7

7 For unclean spirits, crying with loud voice, came out of many that were

possessed with them: and many taken with palsies, and that were lame,

were healed.

D&C 35: 8+9

Doctrine and Covenants 35

8 For I am God, and mine arm is not shortened; and I will show miracles,

signs, and wonders, unto all those who believe on my name.

9 And whoso shall ask it in my name in faith, they shall cast out devils;

they shall heal the sick; they shall cause the blind to receive their sight,

and the deaf to hear, and the dumb to speak, and the lame to walk.

What should be done? Leave the people with their spirits or help them to

get rid of them? Who can (should) help?

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Wasn't it something like "I know who you are on about, but you don't have the authority. Hold still while I beat you to a bloody pulp, thanks."

I was hoping Roland would answer that one...but I had to laugh out loud. "Hold still while I beat you to a bloody pulp, thanks":lol: Oh man...I need to use that one.

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...I was hoping Roland would answer that one...but I had to laugh out loud.....

As I´m new in this forum - it was my first poll within the forum - and I was too

slowly with creating it. And when I was just finished I saw that there had been

already two comments.

Yes I have several experiences with spirits as mentioned in the other poll of

websters and I know the impact of those spirits is totally underestimated - on

the other side - many of us are to shy or too fearful to talk about these things.

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I was hoping Roland would answer that one...but I had to laugh out loud. "Hold still while I beat you to a bloody pulp, thanks":lol: Oh man...I need to use that one.

Popped in to my head, and just had to use it. Anyhow, back on topic.

I think things have changed,Satan's tactics have certainly changed. People will pretend to be possessed, and someone else will pretend to cast it out... saw that a few times. Not sure if a possessing Spirit can leave it's possessee at it's choice as a tool to deceive many.

I've not cast out from people, but I have from places, not just consecrating a house. I needed to use the Priesthood for that.

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Thank you for your thoughts. You are on the right way.

Surely the kingdom of Lucifer is built similar to each other with a structure

and therefore we have different levels. Jesus answerd to his disciples (after

they failed to cast aout the spirit) that this type requires fasting and prayer.

That´s right.

Also the strategy varies - or in other words - we find any strategy that we

can imagine.

As the ratio between us and the fallen angels is 1:2 most of us are touched

by them (75%) according to my experiences. But the very most of these

spirits are not aggressive - they just enjoy taking part in our lifes - but they

increase our stress level and make us ill.

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....but I have from places, not just consecrating a house.

I needed to use the Priesthood for that.....

You dont need the priesthood for consecrating your home. Therefore this part

is missing in the booklet for the priesthood but you find it in the handbook that

the wardsleaders have. You say a prayer and say that your home should be a

place to worship God, find protection, grow spiritually, prepare for an eternal

family etc....according to the inspiration.

How often ? once per 10 Years? Probably once per month would be much better

if you consider the constantly attacks. You can ask daily for the protection of your

guardian angels for your family and your properties.

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While I agree you do not need the priesthood, because these are not ordinances, however we are still a people of order, and we should use priesthood channels when possible. If we do not have the priesthood in our home, we are assigned home teachers who can act as proxy when needed.

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People...the answer is Jesus. Its all about Jesus. It is hard to believe that it was not even an option. Jesus is the way. Jesus is the light of men. If your faith does not start and end with Jesus you not in the right place. It is always all about Jesus. I know I am a little over the top here but this one is obvious. God Bless, Jim

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People...the answer is Jesus. Its all about Jesus. It is hard to believe that it was not even an option. Jesus is the way. Jesus is the light of men. If your faith does not start and end with Jesus you not in the right place. It is always all about Jesus. I know I am a little over the top here but this one is obvious. God Bless, Jim

Yes, but since Jesus isn't coming to bless your house personally, he has establised priesthood, given his authority to worthy servants, and they act in his stead.

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Jim's right. The priesthood which we use to perform these kinds of things comes through Jesus. We represent Jesus and do things in His name using His priesthood. Jesus is the key. What Jim fails to recognize is that the priesthood, or the power to act in Jesus' name, must come through proper channels.

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Yes, but since Jesus isn't coming to bless your house personally, he has establised priesthood, given his authority to worthy servants, and they act in his stead.

Jesus lives in all Christians and I include all LDS because you love Jesus so much. Jesus is in you, right now. Jesus is the living God. He protects and guides you. He was, He is and He will be forever. From everlasting to everlasting. ....but for this to happen, you must be born again and to be born again all you need to do is believe in Jesus with all your heart (and for most of you it is already done). ....and thats it, it is so simple that it becomes complicated because man wants to leagalize it and control it through religion and ceremony and other man made things that only empower man and not God. You can trust in Jesus. Jim

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Anyone can avoid the touch of satan by focusing on the light. The worst thing is to blank out your mind, that is the doorway to possession, which is why it is so loved by satanists, and once they are possessed, they start feeling that nothing is true, that everything is permitted, that the world and desires are all that matter, and then the materialism of the devil sets in.

It is common for people to see the light, ain soph aur, directly when the possession wears off.

Whatever you focus on fills your mind, and if material things, one becomes material, if spiritual, then one becomes spiritual.

If the object one is spending all their time focusing on is "dark" enough, possession results. And the only way out of it is to replace it with the good, be it under whatever form the person sees it as good.

I have personally witnessed quite a few obsessions, though about 75% of them were suppression of parts of oneself which had become so strong from the opposition that they overwhelmed the person, but the rest were from dabbling with satanism or media created by people who were into it. One case was a teen who was using an ouija board - in and of themselves they do nothing, but he became so frightened of it, and unable to divert his attention from that fear, that it consumed his mind until he was an embodiment of it.

The common factor of possession is fear. St. Paul said that a perfect love casts out all fear, so when the object of fear is present, an enemy, spirit, or whatever else, the mind must be diverted to love and held there. We all have to face the devil someday, perhaps in the form of an enemy, an evil person, a demon, etc, here on earth or after death, and if fear (the feeling of the vacuum from the sudden withdrawal of love from the spiritual body) is felt it is a sign that love at all times, including of enemies, and trust in God, is not being adhered to.

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Anyone can avoid the touch of satan by focusing on the light. The worst thing is to blank out your mind, that is the doorway to possession, which is why it is so loved by satanists, and once they are possessed, they start feeling that nothing is true, that everything is permitted, that the world and desires are all that matter, and then the materialism of the devil sets in.

It is common for people to see the light, ain soph aur, directly when the possession wears off.

Whatever you focus on fills your mind, and if material things, one becomes material, if spiritual, then one becomes spiritual.

If the object one is spending all their time focusing on is "dark" enough, possession results. And the only way out of it is to replace it with the good, be it under whatever form the person sees it as good.

I have personally witnessed quite a few obsessions, though about 75% of them were suppression of parts of oneself which had become so strong from the opposition that they overwhelmed the person, but the rest were from dabbling with satanism or media created by people who were into it. One case was a teen who was using an ouija board - in and of themselves they do nothing, but he became so frightened of it, and unable to divert his attention from that fear, that it consumed his mind until he was an embodiment of it.

The common factor of possession is fear. St. Paul said that a perfect love casts out all fear, so when the object of fear is present, an enemy, spirit, or whatever else, the mind must be diverted to love and held there. We all have to face the devil someday, perhaps in the form of an enemy, an evil person, a demon, etc, here on earth or after death, and if fear (the feeling of the vacuum from the sudden withdrawal of love from the spiritual body) is felt it is a sign that love at all times, including of enemies, and trust in God, is not being adhered to.

Pastor Bob, I had to read this one a couple times. Very interesting indeed. I see you have quite a bit of insight. Thank you for sharing this, Jim

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Jesus lives in all Christians and I include all LDS because you love Jesus so much. Jesus is in you, right now. Jesus is the living God. He protects and guides you. He was, He is and He will be forever. From everlasting to everlasting. ....but for this to happen, you must be born again and to be born again all you need to do is believe in Jesus with all your heart (and for most of you it is already done). ....and thats it, it is so simple that it becomes complicated because man wants to leagalize it and control it through religion and ceremony and other man made things that only empower man and not God. You can trust in Jesus. Jim

Why do we have to discuss this doctrine on this LDS website. This has been discussed many times that belief and being born again is not enough. Yes we love Jesus and Our Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever and so being gives us Modern Revelation and A Living Prophet to guide us today Just as He did in the Old and New Testiment times.

Using The Bible only has produced many, many, many different interpretations. We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly. We also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God. Articles of Faith #8.

We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God. Articles of Faith #9

Edited by darrel
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Let's not argue and fight, friends.

We all want to "contend for the faith" at one time or another, but we all need to recognize that what may be right for one person may not be right for another. That includes my own as well as yours, and we should never try and push our views onto others. I haven't the slightest desire to convert a single person here, I only want to learn from others and share what has helped me grow closer to God, and instead of fighting over doctrine, let's all work together.

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I don't know that anyone is being argumentative. But this is the LDS Gospel forum, so I am assuming it is about LDS beliefs. (But then, I am relatively new here).

So, my take is this:

Mormons believe that ordinances must be performed by men, called of God by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands by one having authority from God.

But, is the casting out of evil spirits an ordinance? or is it a spirtual gift, like speaking in tongues? I think there can be overlap in the two. For example, some people are blessed with the gift of healing, regardless of priesthood, as long as they have the spirit of God with them, But all men who hold the proper priesthood can administer to the sick through the ordinance of anointing with oil. They may or may not have the gift of healing, but they have the priesthood authority to administer to the sick.

So, in a sense, we are both right.

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Contention is not of God but of the adversary. I pray the Holy Ghost will witness to those not strong in the LDS faith or investigators seeking truth in this LDS forum will be able discern the views of fundimental Christian doctrine being presented from the Revealed Word of God through His Prophets and ALL His revealed scripture.

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While I agree you do not need the priesthood, because these are not ordinances,

however we are still a people of order, and we should use priesthood channels

when possible. If we do not have the priesthood in our home, we are assigned

home teachers who can act as proxy when needed.

Right - That´s clear. We should always take the best choice. When I was

teaching about the ordinances I missed the blessing of the home and found

the only comment in the bishops instructions manual: "The members of the

church...." That means the blesing of the home can be done by a woman.

Let me emphasize this. The Members usually bless their home when they

move in. Or if it´s often once a year. In the prayer you can ask for protection

against the evil. Consider that visitors may bring bad influences to your home.

Imagine what would be if you bless your home monthly. Your hometeachers

may think you are weirdo after a while.

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Why do we have to discuss this doctrine on this LDS website. This has been discussed many times that belief and being born again is not enough. Yes we love Jesus and Our Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever and so being gives us Modern Revelation and A Living Prophet to guide us today Just as He did in the Old and New Testiment times.

Using The Bible only has produced many, many, many different interpretations. We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly. We also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God. Articles of Faith #8.

We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God. Articles of Faith #9

"Why do we have to discuss this doctrine on this LDS website"

Because the question was asked and not by me. I thank this community for letting my views be shared. Jim

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People...the answer is Jesus. Its all about Jesus. It is hard to believe that it was

not even an option. Jesus is the way. Jesus is the light of men. If your faith

does not start and end with Jesus you not in the right place. It is always all

about Jesus. I know I am a little over the top here but this one is obvious.

God Bless, Jim

Surely Jesus is the key. Therefore his representatives are mentioned. If a

person that is afflicted reads the scriptures or says a prayer then the spirit

will be teached about Jesus, and after a while the spirit converts to Jesus.

That doesn´t means that the spirit receives the same blessing as the angels

that chose the fathers´s plan. But due to their agency they can convert to


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