holy spirit and dreams


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So I have been reading my bible and a little bit of BOM everyday for quite a while. Anyway, I dreamt a wierd dream last night in which a male voice was telling me to "make sure I look at all of the seven things, Look at all of the seven things." My husband said maybe it was the seven deadly sins? There were no images or anything. Just darkness and confusion. Also does the holy spirit come to you in dreams? I am so lost. Any ideas would be awesome! :confused:
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So I have been reading my bible and a little bit of BOM everyday for quite a while. Anyway, I dreamt a weird dream last night in which a male voice was telling me to "make sure I look at all of the seven things, Look at all of the seven things." My husband said maybe it was the seven deadly sins? There were no images or anything. Just darkness and confusion. Also does the holy spirit come to you in dreams? I am so lost. Any ideas would be awesome! :confused:

Does the Holy Spirit come in dreams? Yes.

Do I know what 7 things are being spoken of? No, I can't think of anything off the top of my head.

By the way, the seven deadly sins are not recounted anywhere in the Bible. I think that whoever came up with them was very insightful, but it's not Biblical.

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Agreed. The Holy Spirit does speak to us in dreams. It was such a dream that prompted Lehi to leave Jerusalem with his family.

I know "7" is symbolic. 7 days (phases or periods) of Creation.

Perhaps looking for places in scripture where 7 is referenced, or where 7 characteristics are listed may prove fruitful.

Good luck with this.


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7 is the number symbolizing completion or perfection, thus the fact that the earth was completed in 7 days may mean that it was completed in 7 actual days or it may represent the symbol of completion or perfection. This is similar to the number 40, this symbolism is tied to the Hebrew language. However, I agree with GingerGolden, pray about it.

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Make sure that this dream is of God. You mentioned that you were in darkness and were confused in the dream. The fact that you were in darkness and were confused makes the source of this dream suspect.

When I have dreams given me by God there is imagery to help me understand the message. The same seems to be the case scripturally. There is also a sense of either understanding, clarity, or I need to do more research. Having questions is not the same as confusion.

Research this out, use the topical guide, pray and ask for the Spirit to be with you and guide you, and maybe even speak to your Bishop.

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Sometimes there is no significants, only reflections or particals of thoughts left over for the day or sometimes dreams are just random - trust me I have some WEIRD dreams. But if you feel a particular DRAW to this then it might be the spirit.

The only other significance I can think of is the 7 Seals....Signs of the second coming. Do what you feel maybe the spirit is trying to prompt you to, or to understand, but don't go fanatic about it you know ? :)

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Dreams are out of body experiences, the worlds we have created for ourselves which are waiting for us after our death.

We are held to the body with an aura and a silver astral cord (often seen by near-death experiences), a pool of ethereal energy, and the 7 wheels or chakras which are spun by that energy:

Ecclesiastes 12:6 Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern.

When we come back to the body passing through this "golden bowl" the memory is wiped, but can be trained to pass back through intact.

Man is a multi-dimensional being, and creates for themselves their afterlife, which is perceived through dreaming: John 14: 2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

Sleep is but an incomplete death.

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Concerning Dreams....You are not alone....Job 7:14 - Then thou scarest me with dreams, and terrifiest me through visions:

Joel 2:28 - And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:

Visions are harder on us physically...J. Smith was left very weak after his visions. So it is better in some cases to receive dreams.

I am sure God can re-send you the dream if it is required.

Peace be unto you


So I have been reading my bible and a little bit of BOM everyday for quite a while. Anyway, I dreamt a wierd dream last night in which a male voice was telling me to "make sure I look at all of the seven things, Look at all of the seven things." My husband said maybe it was the seven deadly sins? There were no images or anything. Just darkness and confusion. Also does the holy spirit come to you in dreams? I am so lost. Any ideas would be awesome! :confused:

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