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Welcome, X. So, were you raised LDS? Are your parents new converts?

My parents are from Utah, and have always been members, but we lived in Texas the first 14 years of my life. When I was 8, they decided to go again, and I went too because I had to. When I was 14 we moved to Utah. When I was 16, I told them I didn't really like going and would like to stop. In my adult life I have tried it, but always thought there where two many question left unanswered.

Any way my daughter had a friend that was always inviting her to stuff at the church, and I would let her go, because it's a good place. Then the missionaries came and gave us the discussions, and there where some differences than what I was taught year before. So my husband (he is what is called a "jack Mormon") and I talked and decided to look into Joseph Smith and the church from all different avenues, and found out all kinds of stuff. I guess I still looking...

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Hi x girl... so making xfiles of LDS materials... I hope you find some good stuff too! You are welcome to ask and study. I study all the time there has come out soo much fantastic stuff lately it is hard to keep up with it. Welcome and enjoy!

Edited by Maya
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So I started a thread, to ask one of the many questions about the things I have learned from non-members and from the internet. It turned into something very weird, and childish. Is that how most of the questions are going to go? There are big differences between the church that the missionaries teach to day, and the church Joseph Smith started. Heck, there are many difference in the church I went to when I was twelve, and the one that my daughter took the discussions for. I thought asking these questions on a Mormon friendly board, I might get different answers then what I have found from ex-Mormons, internet, church history, etc... I have hard questions, but will they all end with the thread getting closed? Which everyone ignored the basic of my question, which was "what do you believe is true on ______ subject? Or maybe this type of question is not wanted here?

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X_Girl. I'm sorry your question was hijacked and taken on a police chase. The unique thing about this board is that anyone can join as long as they obey the rules of the board. This means non LDS and some contriversial LDS posters tend to submit commentary which gets off the topic of discussion.

You will also note that there are some fantastic members who have a wealth of knowledge and helpful information (I am not one of the latter)

I was like you when I first joined and was frustrated with the feeding frenzy that seems to takes place.

Don't get discouraged but as you read the posts, sincerely seek to understand and know what is correct doctrine. I know you will know by the spirit which is right.

If you find something that still is not clear you can pm someone who you can get help from.

Thank you again for Joining and may the Lord bless you in your righteous quest.

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The dilemma of "knowkedge" and understanding. You have obviosly an other kind of knowledge, than most lifelong LDS about their own religion.

Often there comes people who are frusterated or even people who come in order to decieve into these discusitions. Those people are not interested in really hearing the LDS view of things, as they know it so well from before, but to try to tell LDS they are wrong. Pointing a finger at people you are talking to is not perhaps the right way to question. (I have not red your inputs or threads you started).

Many here has heard the accusitions against our dear profet JS or BY ect... so many times and explained it so many times... and we know the ONLY way to know the truth is to forget what you think you know and start the study from 0 and from LDS materials. Then along the way IF you feel that there stil are questions.. and ofcourse there are questions, then ask them politely.

A person who jumps from 0 to level 10 question can not comprihend it no matter how it is explained, as that person is missing the staes 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9... you cant sart doing quatratroots (what ever in english) if you never learned calculation.:eek:

In order to obtain real knowledge, meekness is required! Be patient and calm, dont let your quick temper and awoid quick judgements and most of all be forgiving.

"We all came from somewhere, we are going somewhere and we are here to learn" by Maria Montessori

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Guest missingsomething

X -

I would say a lot of "friendly lds" have gotten burned by people who are really anti-mormon posing to be "interested". Once we get to know you - and trust you - I dont think that will be a problem.

I didnt see your thread... Perhaps you can read through some of the other threads. Just know that when you post questions here 1) There are non-members too that will answer 2)You will get diff. answers even from mormons. People interpret things differently. The church has offical positions on some topics, but not all. So when you state that the things you learned are diff - it could just be that it depends on the level of understanding the person has that is offering you their opinion.

We, the serious members of this site both LDS and non lds, will welcome any serious questions you have that are indeed sincere. Maybe you will find some people that you like by way of previous things posted and you can ask them questions directly.

But most important X - no matter what anyone else says or does - its what YOU do that matters. You will find answers in scriptures and in prayer. The Lord does not misguide people... we just have to be willing to be quiet for the answer and then accept His answers.

Also - just so you know - most anti-mormons goals are not to bring people to Christ, but rather to take people away from the lds views and church. Keep that in mind... would you go to a pro-life person to ask about the options of adoption?

Good luck on your quest! Hope you find what you are looking for!! WELCOME!!!

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