2 Questions-War and Science


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1. Is there really a Holy war going on; one that is beyond than that in the Middle East? I feel as if this is just a sensationalist approach to the world in order to rally people on their side.

2. I've been on different forums, and usually there is a science section, is there a reason why there isn't one here?

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1. Is there really a Holy war going on; one that is beyond than that in the Middle East? I feel as if this is just a sensationalist approach to the world in order to rally people on their side.

Well, one could say that there's a war in heaven between God and Satan for our souls, but that's metaphysical and I'm not sure if that's what you are looking for.

2. I've been on different forums, and usually there is a science section, is there a reason why there isn't one here?

Good question. Maybe there should be one! :)

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1. Yes and no. But I'm talking a Holy war, again probably for our souls, I don't know if that's the truth. I saw Jesus Camp and the woman makes this claim, Christians versus Muslims I persume.

2. Yeah, there's a great theory of our Universe I would like to present as it was mentioned in Astronomy Magazine. Our Universe and the Big Bang might be a cycle.

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1. Is there really a Holy war going on; one that is beyond than that in the Middle East? I feel as if this is just a sensationalist approach to the world in order to rally people on their side.

No not IMO. War is always about the same thing, Money and Power. Religion has become a popular excuse but it is still just an excuse.

It is easy to rally troops by saying " God wants us to have the holy land" then "we want more land to tax"

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1. Is there really a Holy war going on; one that is beyond than that in the Middle East? I feel as if this is just a sensationalist approach to the world in order to rally people on their side.

2. I've been on different forums, and usually there is a science section, is there a reason why there isn't one here?

Yes...but I would give credit to those across the veil. Many on this earth are minions to either camp. In the end, as the world divides its camp, the world will fall to the last Holy War when the Anti-Christ begins his terror.

There is no need for a science forum. We just bring it up and provide our own opinions. Big Bang is not completely accurate and the universe is not infinite in size. Materials are internal and recyclable.

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1. Yes and no. But I'm talking a Holy war, again probably for our souls, I don't know if that's the truth. I saw Jesus Camp and the woman makes this claim, Christians versus Muslims I persume.

As for something physical between religions, I doubt one exists. One would have to think all Muslims are evil to believe that, and I don't agree.

There is no need for a science forum. We just bring it up and provide our own opinions. Big Bang is not completely accurate and the universe is not infinite in size. Materials are internal and recyclable.

It doesn't have to be that constrained. I was thinking we could talk about sciency things that don't fit too well in Current, like guessing how long the LHC is going to run before it breaks again. :P

Edited by LittleWyvern
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There was an unpredicted supernova about 200,000 light years away. They got their LHC up and running just fine.

On a more serious note, our local supercluster of galaxies is at the centre of the known Universe. We can currently see 12 billion years into the past, no farther. Are we to assume then that by some sort of impossibly high odds that we're actually at the centre of the Universe?

Edited by gabelpa
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There was an unpredicted supernova about 200,000 light years away. They got their LHC up and running just fine.

On a more serious note, our local supercluster of galaxies is at the centre of the known Universe. We can currently see 12 billion years into the past, no farther. Are we to assume then that by some sort of impossibly high odds that we're actually at the centre of the Universe?

That makes no sense. Imagine if you are in a field that has heavy fog. And you have a flashlight that can only see 50 feet in front of you, can you assume you are in the middle of the field? As for being in the center, that isn't completely true. We are in the center, relative to everything else.

great site Exploratorium: Hubble: Where is the center of the Universe?

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A few thoughts:

First off our galaxy is not part of a super cluster. By definition a super cluster are clusters of galaxies that form one structure that all revolve around one common center. We are a very typical galaxy.

On the second notion of center of the universe. The most accepted theory of the universe is that the universe is a 4 dimensional sphere. One of the characteristics of a 4 dimensional sphere is that all points are both center points and boundary points. I will attempt to explain a 4 dimensional sphere. If we think of two dimensions the most common example is a plane. But if the dimensions of a plane are not straight lines but include a curve then the two dimensional plane will curve into a 3 dimensional sphere where all existing points are on the surface of the sphere. In a like manner if 3 dimensions are slightly curved (as proven by relativity) then the universe will fold back on itself. This means that whatever direction you travel in space you till eventually return to where you started – just like on a regular sphere.

On the final point – a scientific decision or forum. Most people that discuss religion do not understand scientific principles well enough to discuss them. I do not say this to discredit anyone – just as an observation. As an example most religious orientated individuals think of evolution based on the first suggestions of Darwinism and do not realize that scientific thought has moved on and considered many more factors to be involved and at the same time maintain religious notions that seem to be stuck to a time when it was believed that the earth was flat and that the earth is the center of our solar system and universe.

The Traveler

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